嗨,我对javascript很陌生。我希望能够在用户单击 Canvas 上的点(短按)时触发一个事件,如果按住该点并保持1500毫秒,我应该具有其他功能。我应该认识到在完成mouseup之前的长按。


el.addEventListener("mousedown", doMouseDown, false); el.addEventListener("mouseup", update, false);

function doMouseDown()
if (short press)
functionality of shortpress

if (longpress)
functionality of long press

function update()
//do some update of coordinates



  • 元素只能在鼠标悬停在其上方时才能为其自身检测到鼠标事件。为了使mouseup正常工作,必须“全局”(在窗口或文档上)对其进行监视,并跟踪按钮状态。
  • 必须在所有阶段跟踪并遵守长按类型的状态。例如:如果长按,请确保mouseup最终尊重新状态并且本身被覆盖(否则您将在长按顶部获得mouseup)。如果您确实希望在任何情况下都使用mouseup,请忽略此点。
  • 多个元素的功能(请参见下面的评论)

  • 您可以通过在处理程序代码中引用this来使处理程序通用。这样,您可以将其附加到任何元素。 mouseup的全局处理程序仅添加一次,它将使用跟踪的目标来区分是哪个元素导致了mousedown。计时器调用的代码将具有元素上下文绑定(bind)(bind()),因此我们也可以使用通用的longpress处理程序来处理源元素(请参见下面的演示)。


    var d = document.querySelectorAll("div"),
        isDown = false,
        isLong = false,
        target,                                         // which element was clicked
        longTID;                                        // so we can cancel timer
    // add listener for elements
    d[0].addEventListener("mousedown", handleMouseDown);
    d[1].addEventListener("mousedown", handleMouseDown);
    d[2].addEventListener("mousedown", handleMouseDown);
    // mouseup need to be monitored on a "global" element or we might miss it if
    // we move outside the original element.
    window.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp);
    function handleMouseDown() {
      this.innerHTML = "Mouse down...";
      isDown = true;                                    // button status (any button here)
      isLong = false;                                   // longpress status reset
      target = this;                                    // store this as target element
      clearTimeout(longTID);                            // clear any running timers
      longTID = setTimeout(longPress.bind(this), 1500); // create a new timer for this click
    function handleMouseUp(e) {
      if (isDown && isLong) {                           // if a long press, cancel
        isDown = false;                                 // clear in any case
        e.preventDefault();                             // and ignore this event
      if (isDown) {                                     // if we came from down status:
          clearTimeout(longTID);                        // clear timer to avoid false longpress
          isDown = false;
          target.innerHTML = "Normal up";               // for clicked element
          target = null;
    function longPress() {
      isLong = true;
      this.innerHTML = "Long press";
      // throw custom event or call code for long press
    div {background:#ffe;border:2px solid #000; width:200px;height:180px;
         font:bold 16px sans-serif;display:inline-block}
    <div>Click and hold me...</div>
    <div>Click and hold me...</div>
    <div>Click and hold me...</div>

    关于javascript - 单击后如何检测鼠标按钮是否被按下一定时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30247497/

    10-11 23:38