
module Thing :
    type +'a t
    val make : 'a -> 'a t
    val watch : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
    val notify : 'a t -> unit
  end = struct
    type 'a t = {
      obj : 'a;
      watchers : (unit -> unit) Queue.t

    let make x = {
      obj = x;
      watchers = Queue.create ()

    let watch fn x =
      x.watchers |> Queue.add (fun () -> fn x.obj)

    let notify x =
      x.watchers |> Queue.iter (fun fn -> fn ())

let () =
  let x = Thing.make (`Int 4) in
  Thing.watch (fun (`Int d) -> Printf.printf "Observed %d\n" d) x;
  let x = (x :> [`Int of int | `None] Thing.t) in
  Thing.notify x

  ... = struct
    type 'a t = {
      obj : 'a;
      watchers : ('a -> unit) Queue.t

    let make x = {
      obj = x;
      watchers = Queue.create ()

    let watch fn x =
      x.watchers |> Queue.add fn

    let notify x =
      x.watchers |> Queue.iter (fun fn -> fn x.obj)

但是将'a作为队列类型的一部分意味着'a t不再是协变的。我知道为什么会发生这种情况,但是有人能解决吗?即如何在这种情况下向OCaml证明它是安全的?



module Thing :
    type +'a t
    val make : 'a -> 'a t
    val watch : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
    val notify : 'a t -> unit
  end = struct
    type 'a t = {
      obj : 'a;
      watch : ('a -> unit) -> unit;
      notify : unit -> unit;

    let make x =
      let queue = Queue.create () in
      let obj = x in
      let watch f = Queue.add f queue in
      let notify () = Queue.iter (fun f -> f x) queue in
      { obj; watch; notify; }

    let watch fn x = x.watch fn
    let notify x = x.notify ()

    let make x =
      let queue = Queue.create () in
      let obj = x in
      let rec watch f = Queue.add f queue
      and notify () = Queue.iter (fun f -> f x) queue in
      { obj; watch; notify; }

关于types - 如何在OCaml中使协变量可观察,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21377727/

10-11 17:37