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import java. util. * ;
    public class sortMountains {
     class Mountain {
               String name;
               int height;
               Mountain(String n, int h) {
                 name      = n;

                 height = h;
               public String toString( ) {
                 return name +  + height;
    List<Mountain> mtn  = new ArrayList<Mountain> ();
      class NameCompare implements Comparator <Mountain> {
        public int compare(Mountain one, Mountain two) {
          return compareTo(two. name);
      class HeightCompare implements Comparator <Mountain> {
        public int compare(Mountain one, Mountain two) {
    return (two. height - one. height) ;

      public void go() {
            mtn.add(new Mountain("Longs ", 14255));
            mtn.add(new Mountain("Elbert ", 14433));
            mtn.add(new Mountain("Maroon " , 14156));
            mtn.add(new Mountain("Castle ", 14265));

            System.out.println("as entered:\n" + mtn);
            NameCompare nc = new NameCompare();
            Collections.sort(mtn, nc);
            System.out.println("by name:\n'" + mtn);
            HeightCompare hc = new HeightCompare();
            Collections.sort(mtn, hc);
            System.out.println("by height:\n " + mtn);
    public static void main(String args[]){

        sortMountains   sorting=new sortMountains();
         //error line   Mountain a=new Mountain("Everest",12121);





static class Mountain {



Java: Static vs non static inner class
Java inner class and static nested class

关于java - 不允许在main方法中声明,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-11 05:12