


首选语言:C / C ++


这是一个小程序,它将导致僵尸在您的“ ps aux”输出中显示几分钟。注意注释掉的waitpid()调用;如果取消注释该调用,则僵尸将不会显示,因为waitpid()调用会导致父进程声明其死子。

(免责声明:我只在MacOS / X上进行了测试,因为那是我使用的计算机,但在Linux下应该可以正常使用)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main()
   printf("Starting Program!\n");

   int pid = fork();
   if (pid == 0)
      printf("Child process %i is running!\n", getpid());
      sleep(300);  // wait 5 minutes
      printf("Child process %i is exiting!\n", getpid());
      return 0;
   else if (pid > 0)
      printf("Parent process is continuing child's pid is %i...\n", pid);
      sleep(5);  // just for clarity
      printf("Parent process is sending SIGKILL to child process...\n");
      if (kill(pid, SIGKILL) != 0) perror("kill");
      // waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);  // uncomment this to avoid zombie child process

      printf("Parent process is sleeping... ps aux should show process #%i is a zombie now\n", pid);
      sleep(500);  // just for clarity
      printf("Parent process is exiting!\n");
   else perror("fork()");

关于c++ - 如何创建无法在几分钟内收获的僵尸进程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26705907/

10-11 18:12