
y(x) = p[0]* x^7 + p[1]*x^6 + p[2]*x^5 + p[3]*x^4 + p[4]*x^3 + p[5]*x^2 + p[6]*x^1 + p[7]



x(y) = p[0]*y^n + p[1]*y^n-1 + .... + p[n]*y^0


不,一般没有简单的方法。七阶多项式的任意多项式are not available的封闭形式解。


import numpy as np

# generate a random coefficient vector a
degree = 1
a = 2 * np.random.random(degree+1) - 1

# an assumed true polynomial y(x)
def y_of_x(x, coeff_vector):
    Evaluate a polynomial with coeff_vector and degree len(coeff_vector)-1 using Horner's method.
    Coefficients are ordered by increasing degree, from the constant term at coeff_vector[0],
        to the linear term at coeff_vector[1], to the n-th degree term at coeff_vector[n]
    coeff_rev = coeff_vector[::-1]
    b = 0
    for a in coeff_rev:
        b = b * x + a
    return b

# generate some data
my_x = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.01)
my_y = y_of_x(my_x, a)

# verify that polyfit in the "traditional" direction gives the correct result
#     [::-1] b/c polyfit returns coeffs in backwards order rel. to y_of_x()
p_test = np.polyfit(my_x, my_y, deg=degree)[::-1]

print p_test, a

# fit the data using polyfit but with y as the independent var, x as the dependent var
p = np.polyfit(my_y, my_x, deg=degree)[::-1]

# define x as a function of y
def x_of_y(yy, a):
    return y_of_x(yy, a)

# compare results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

plt.plot(my_x, my_y, '-b', x_of_y(my_y, p), my_y, '-r')


通过使用degree的值,您应该看到,当a时,该代码仅适用于degree=1的所有随机值。偶尔对于其他学位也可以,但是当有很多最小值/最大值时则不行。对于degree > 1,它永远无法完美地完成,因为用平方根函数近似抛物线并不总是有效,等等。

关于python - 反向输出polyfit numpy,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32847605/

10-10 21:51