涉及知识点:random.randint() , print() , input() ( raw_input() )
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 #使用print("",end=...)标准 from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import time import random #输入检测 while 1: os.system('cls') print ("Hello , Welcome to Guess_Number Games...The Number is between 1 - 10...") print ("Please input the level you want(1~10): ",end = '') level = raw_input("") diff = 11-int(level) if diff > 10 or diff <1: print ("Invalid Input...") time.sleep(0.3) else: break #猜数字流程 count_num = 0 ran = random.randint(1,10) while count_num < diff: count_num += 1 print (str(count_num)+": "+"Please input the number you guess: ",end = '') number = raw_input() number = int(number) if number < ran: print ("Too Little...") continue elif number > ran: print ("Too Big...") continue else: print ("Congraduation! You Win...") break if count_num == diff: print ("You Lose...")