当我试图在postgreSQL(pgAdmin)中执行这个查询select justify_interval('2000000 second');时,它工作得很好,我得到的结果是:23天03:33:20,但是当我将它用于Pentaho报表设计器或Pentaho CDE时,我得到的结果是:00年00个月23天。。。。。,我的问题是:有任何方法可以得到相同的结果,比如Pentaho中的pgAdmin,我不想有0Screenshot from PEntaho Report Designer



select justify_interval('2000000 second')::text as justify_interval;

select cast(justify_interval('2000000 second') AS text) as justify_interval

输出:23 days 03:33:20
-- common table expression just to avoid writing justify_interval('2000000 second')
-- in every date_part entry:
WITH interval_cte(interval_column) AS (
    VALUES(justify_interval('2000000 second'))
    -- trim to remove trailing space, if seconds are null
    -- nullif(*, 0) will make it null if the date part is 0
    -- in this case the subsequent concatenation with ' *(s)' will result in null too
    -- finally(*,''), coalesce will replace null with empty string, so that
    -- subsequent concatenations will not dissappear:
    COALESCE(NULLIF(date_part('year', interval_column), 0) || ' year(s) ', '')
    || COALESCE(NULLIF(date_part('month', interval_column), 0) || ' month(s) ', '')
    || COALESCE(NULLIF(date_part('day', interval_column), 0) || ' day(s) ', '')
    -- FM prefix will suppress leading whitespace,
    -- 00 will output leading zeros if number has less then two digits
    || to_char(date_part('hour', interval_column), 'FM00') || ':'
    || to_char(date_part('minute', interval_column), 'FM00') || ':'
    || to_char(date_part('second', interval_column), 'FM00') AS justofy_interval
FROM interval_cte

输出:23 day(s) 03:33:20

关于postgresql - pentaho CDE,来自PostgreSQL的报表设计器justify_interval查询,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38849167/

10-16 01:31