我想将数据添加到ArrayList对象。在我的代码中,addBook()方法将显示“输入对话框”,并将此字符串传递给isbn变量。现在需要将isbn变量数据添加到驻留在BookInfoNew()构造函数中但在addBook()方法中找不到的列表对象的ArrayList中。 (list.add(isbn))


import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class BookInfoNew {
    private static String isbn;
    private static String bookName;
    private static String authorName;
    public static int totalBooks = 0;

    //default constructor
    public BookInfoNew() {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); //create ArrayList

    //Parameterized constructor
    public void BookInfoNew(String x, String y, String z) {
        isbn = x;
        bookName = y;
        authorName = z;

    //add book method
    public void addBook() {
        String isbn = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter ISBN");

        //add books data to ArrayList




import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class BookInfoNew {
    private String isbn;
    private String bookName;
    private String authorName;
    public int totalBooks = 0;

    // global list variable here which you can use in your methods
    private List<String> list;

    //default constructor
    public BookInfoNew() {
        list = new ArrayList<String>(); //create ArrayList

    //Parameterized constructor - constructor has no return type
    public BookInfoNew(String x, String y, String z) {
        isbn = x;
        bookName = y;
        authorName = z;

    //add book method
    public void addBook() {
        String isbn = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter ISBN");

        //add books data to ArrayList

07-24 21:06