
x10 = data.frame(id = c(1,2,3),vars =c('top','down','top'),
     text1=c('this is text','so is this','and this is too.'),
     text2=c('we have more text here','and here too','and look at this, more text.'))

我想使用以下方法在Quanteda中创建一个dfm /语料库:

x1 = corpus(x10,docid_field='id',text_field=c(3:4),tolower=T)




x10 = data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), vars = c('top','down','top'),
                 text1 = c('this is text', 'so is this', 'and this is too.'),
                 text2 = c('we have more text here', 'and here too', 'and look at this, more text.'),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)



首先“融合”数据,以便只有一个列,然后作为语料库导入。 (另一种方法是tidy::gather()。)

x10b <- reshape2::melt(x10, id.vars = c("id", "vars"),
                       measure.vars = c("text1", "text2"),
                       variable.name = "doc_id", value.name = "text")

# because corpus() takes document names from row names, by default
row.names(x10b) <- paste(x10b$doc_id, x10b$id, sep = "_")

#         id vars doc_id                         text
# text1_1  1  top  text1                 this is text
# text1_2  2 down  text1                   so is this
# text1_3  3  top  text1             and this is too.
# text2_1  1  top  text2       we have more text here
# text2_2  2 down  text2                 and here too
# text2_3  3  top  text2 and look at this, more text.

x10_corpus <- corpus(x10b)
# Corpus consisting of 6 documents:
#    Text Types Tokens Sentences id vars doc_id
# text1_1     3      3         1  1  top  text1
# text1_2     3      3         1  2 down  text1
# text1_3     5      5         1  3  top  text1
# text2_1     5      5         1  1  top  text2
# text2_2     3      3         1  2 down  text2
# text2_3     8      8         1  3  top  text2
# Source:  /Users/kbenoit/Dropbox (Personal)/GitHub/lse-my459/assignment-2/* on x86_64 by kbenoit
# Created: Tue Feb  6 19:06:07 2018
# Notes:



x10_corpus2 <-
    corpus(x10[, -which(names(x10)=="text2")], text_field = "text1") +
    corpus(x10[, -which(names(x10)=="text1")], text_field = "text2")
# Corpus consisting of 6 documents:
#   Text Types Tokens Sentences id vars
#  text1     3      3         1  1  top
#  text2     3      3         1  2 down
#  text3     5      5         1  3  top
# text11     5      5         1  1  top
# text21     3      3         1  2 down
# text31     8      8         1  3  top
# Source:  Combination of corpuses corpus(x10[, -which(names(x10) == "text2")], text_field = "text1") and corpus(x10[, -which(names(x10) == "text1")], text_field = "text2")
# Created: Tue Feb  6 19:14:14 2018
# Notes:

您也可以在此阶段使用docnames(x10_corpus2) <-重新分配文档名,使其更像第一种方法。

关于r - 如何从具有多列文本的data.frame创建Quanteda语料库?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48649343/

10-12 17:40