


model.fireTableChanged(new TableModelEvent(model, 0, lastRow, columnIndex,


 * Depending on the parameters used in the constructors, the TableModelevent
 * can be used to specify the following types of changes: <p>
 * <pre>
 * TableModelEvent(source);              //  The data, ie. all rows changed
 * TableModelEvent(source, HEADER_ROW);  //  Structure change, reallocate TableColumns
 * TableModelEvent(source, 1);           //  Row 1 changed
 * TableModelEvent(source, 3, 6);        //  Rows 3 to 6 inclusive changed
 * TableModelEvent(source, 2, 2, 6);     //  Cell at (2, 6) changed
 * TableModelEvent(source, 3, 6, ALL_COLUMNS, INSERT); // Rows (3, 6) were inserted
 * TableModelEvent(source, 3, 6, ALL_COLUMNS, DELETE); // Rows (3, 6) were deleted
 * </pre>
 * It is possible to use other combinations of the parameters, not all of them
 * are meaningful. (...)

07-24 20:40