
 1; Reset handler
 2Reset_Handler    PROC
 3                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]
 4        IMPORT  SystemInit
 5        IMPORT  __main
 6 7                  LDR     R0, =SystemInit
 8                 BLX     R0
 9                  LDR     R0, =__main
10                 BX      R0
11                  ENDP


 1void SystemInit(void)
 3/* FPU settings ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 4#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)
 5     SCB->CPACR |= ((3UL << 10*2)|(3UL << 11*2));  /* set CP10 and CP11 Full Access */ 6#endif 7/* Reset the RCC clock configuration to the default reset state ------------*/ 8/* Set HSION bit */ 9   RCC->CR |= (uint32_t)0x00000001;
1011/* Reset CFGR register */12   RCC->CFGR = 0x00000000;
1314/* Reset HSEON, CSSON and PLLON bits */15   RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFEF6FFFF;
1617/* Reset PLLCFGR register */18   RCC->PLLCFGR = 0x24003010;
1920/* Reset HSEBYP bit */21   RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFBFFFF;
2223/* Disable all interrupts */24   RCC->CIR = 0x00000000;
2526/* Configure the Vector Table location add offset address ------------------*/27#ifdef VECT_TAB_SRAM
28   SCB->VTOR = SRAM_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal SRAM */29#else30   SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal FLASH */31#endif32 }

1. FPU设置

1/* FPU settings ------------------------------------------------------------*/2#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)
3     SCB->CPACR |= ((3UL << 10*2)|(3UL << 11*2));  /* set CP10 and CP11 Full Access */4#endif

__FPU_PRESENT 用来确定处理器是否带 FPU 功能
__FPU_USED 用来确定是否开启 FPU 功能

如果处理器带有FPU功能且确定开启FPU功能,则设置“SCB->CPACR”(协处理器访问控制)寄存器20~23 位为 1 。




 2. RCC时钟配置复位

 1/* Reset the RCC clock configuration to the default reset state ------------*/ 2/* Set HSION bit */ 3   RCC->CR |= (uint32_t)0x00000001;
 4 5/* Reset CFGR register */ 6   RCC->CFGR = 0x00000000;
 7 8/* Reset HSEON, CSSON and PLLON bits */ 9   RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFEF6FFFF;
1011/* Reset PLLCFGR register */12   RCC->PLLCFGR = 0x24003010;
1314/* Reset HSEBYP bit */15   RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFBFFFF;
1617/* Disable all interrupts */18   RCC->CIR = 0x00000000;

2.1 将RCC->CR(RCC 时钟控制寄存器)的HSION置位,使能内部高速时钟

2.2 将RCC->CFGR(RCC 时钟配置寄存器 )清零

2.3 复位RCC->CR(RCC 时钟控制寄存器)的HSEON, CSSON 和 PLLON位

2.4 复位RCC->PLLCFGR(RCC PLL 配置寄存器 

2.5 将RCC->CR(RCC 时钟控制寄存器)的HSEBYP复位

2.6 禁用所有中断

3. 配置中断向量表地址

1/* Configure the Vector Table location add offset address ------------------*/2#ifdef VECT_TAB_SRAM
3   SCB->VTOR = SRAM_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal SRAM */4#else5   SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal FLASH */6#endif

01-18 18:32