
-- Instead of this
data Tree = Number Int | Word String | Operation Tree (Tree -> Tree -> Tree) Tree

-- I'd like something along the lines of this
data Tree a = Leaf a | Operation Tree (Tree -> Tree -> Tree) Tree



data Tree l where
  Leaf :: l -> Tree l
  Operation :: Tree a -> (a -> b -> c) -> Tree b -> Tree c

let fivePlus2 = Operation (Leaf 5) (+) (Leaf 2)

eval (Leaf l) = l
eval (Operation left op right) = op (eval left) (eval right)

我可以运行eval fivePlus2并得到7的想法。但是,为Operation(最后一行)定义eval会导致以下非常模糊的错误:
<interactive>:187:38: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘p’
      ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        a pattern with constructor:
          Operation :: forall a b c.
                       Tree a -> (a -> b -> c) -> Tree b -> Tree c,
        in an equation for ‘eval’
        at <interactive>:187:7-29
      ‘p’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the inferred type of eval :: Tree p -> p
        at <interactive>:187:1-60
      Expected type: Tree a -> a
        Actual type: Tree p -> p
    • In the first argument of ‘op’, namely ‘(eval left)’
      In the expression: op (eval left) (eval right)
      In an equation for ‘eval’:
          eval (Operation left op right) = op (eval left) (eval right)
    • Relevant bindings include
        op :: a -> b -> p (bound at <interactive>:187:22)
        left :: Tree a (bound at <interactive>:187:17)
        eval :: Tree p -> p (bound at <interactive>:187:1)

<interactive>:187:50: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘b’ with ‘p’
      ‘b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        a pattern with constructor:
          Operation :: forall a b c.
                       Tree a -> (a -> b -> c) -> Tree b -> Tree c,
        in an equation for ‘eval’
        at <interactive>:187:7-29
      ‘p’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the inferred type of eval :: Tree p -> p
        at <interactive>:187:1-60
      Expected type: Tree b -> b
        Actual type: Tree p -> p
    • In the second argument of ‘op’, namely ‘(eval right)’
      In the expression: op (eval left) (eval right)
      In an equation for ‘eval’:
          eval (Operation left op right) = op (eval left) (eval right)
    • Relevant bindings include
        right :: Tree b (bound at <interactive>:187:25)
        op :: a -> b -> p (bound at <interactive>:187:22)
        eval :: Tree p -> p (bound at <interactive>:187:1)





eval :: Tree l -> l


07-24 20:31