我有一个类名Rocket,它有2个方法名launch and land(用于存储发射和着陆时发生撞机的可能性)和另外2个child class of Rocket U1 and U2分别覆盖launch and land。因此在Main中我编写了2种方法Simulation U1和模拟U2分别接受U1和U2的对象并计算任务是否成功(还计算成本等其他因素,但完全相同)。我的两种方法Simulation U1和Simulation U2都做完全相同的事情,但唯一的区别是第一个接受U1对象,第二个接受U2对象。因此,有没有一种方法可以通过我编写一个接受Rocket对象的方法,并且根据传递的对象可以访问该类的相应方法。

void runSimulationU1(ArrayList<U1> rocketList) {
    U1 rocketU1;
    for (int i = 0; i < rocketList.size(); i++) {
        rocketU1 = rocketList.get(i);
        boolean x = true;
        while (x) {
            if ((rocketU1.launch() && (rocketU1.land()))) {
                totalCost += rocketU1.cost;
                x = false;
            } else {
                totalCost += rocketU1.cost;

    System.out.println("Total cost:"+totalCost+" Million");
void runSimulationU2(ArrayList<U2> rocketList) {
    U2 rocketU2;
    for (int i = 0; i < rocketList.size(); i++) {
        rocketU2 = rocketList.get(i);
        boolean x = true;
        while (x) {
            if ((rocketU2.launch() && (rocketU2.land()))) {
                totalCost += rocketU2.cost;
                x = false;
            } else {
                totalCost += rocketU2.cost;


    System.out.println("Total cost:"+totalCost+" Million");




public abstract class Rocket implements SpaceShip {
    int cost=0;
    public abstract boolean launch();

    public  abstract boolean land() ;
    public boolean canCarry(Item item,int totalCargo,int maxLimit) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    public int carry(Item item,int currentWeight) {
        currentWeight = currentWeight+item.weight;
        return currentWeight;


public class U2 extends Rocket {
 final int cost = 120;
 final int maxLimit =29_000;
 public int totalCargo=18_000;
 U2(int totalCargo){
public boolean land(){
    double probability = (8/100)*(totalCargo/maxLimit);
    double randomValue =Math.random();
    return randomValue>=probability;
public boolean launch(){
    double probability = (4/100)*(totalCargo/maxLimit);
    double randomValue =Math.random();
    return randomValue>=probability;


public class U1 extends Rocket {
final int cost = 100;
final int maxLimit =18_000;
public  int totalCargo=10_000;
U1(int totalCargo){
public boolean land(){
    double probability = (1/100)*(totalCargo/maxLimit);
    double randomValue =Math.random();
    return randomValue>=probability;
public boolean launch(){
    double probability = (5/100)*(totalCargo/maxLimit);
    double randomValue =Math.random();
    return randomValue>=probability;


 interface SpaceShip {
boolean launch();
boolean land();
boolean canCarry(Item item,int totalCargo,int maxLimit);
int carry(Item item ,int currentWeight);


您可以将rocketList的类型减弱为Iterable<? extends >。它将使runSimulation接受任何类型的对象,这些对象是Iterable<? extends Rocket>的子类型(例如ArrayList<U1>ArrayList<U2>HashSet<Rocket>Collection<U1>Collection<? extends U2>)。

void runSimulation(Iterable<? extends Rocket> rockets) {
    int totalCost = 0;
    for (Rocket rocket : rockets)
        do {
            totalCost += rocket.getCost();
        } while (!(rocket.launch() && rocket.land()));
    System.out.println("Total cost:" + totalCost + " Million");

10-07 12:29