package com.sunyard.etp.ag.util; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Arrays; public class DateEngUtil { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String dd="19870401"; String res=formatDateEng(dd); System.out.println(dd+",英文==="+res); String dd2="19000823"; String res2=formatDateEng(dd2); System.out.println(dd2+",英文==="+res2); String dd3="20001231"; String res3=formatDateEng(dd3); System.out.println(dd3+",英文==="+res3); String dd4="20121116"; String res4=formatDateEng(dd4); System.out.println(dd4+",英文==="+res4); String dd5="20150901"; String res5=formatDateEng(dd5); System.out.println(dd5+",英文==="+res5); /* 19870401,英文===nineteen eighty seven, April, first 19000823,英文===nineteen hundred, August, twenty third 20001231,英文===two thousand, December, thirty first 20121116,英文===two thousand and twelve, November, sixteenth 20150901,英文===two thousand and fifteen, September, first */ //支持最多4位数字的翻译 String nn1="12"; String r1=translateNum9999NoZero(nn1); System.out.println(nn1+",英文==="+r1); String nn2="561"; String r2=translateNum9999NoZero(nn2); System.out.println(nn2+",英文==="+r2); String nn3="5589"; String r3=translateNum9999NoZero(nn3); System.out.println(nn3+",英文==="+r3); /* 12,英文===twelve 561,英文===five hundred and sixty one 5589,英文===five thousand five hundred and eighty nine */ String cardNum="6210910002000718183"; String cardn=translateCardNumber(cardNum); System.out.println(cardNum+",英文==="+cardn); /* 6210910002000718183,英文=== six two one zero nine one zero zero zero two zero zero zero seven one eight one eight three */ String fff="3394.56"; System.out.println("钱"+fff+"==="+translateMoney(fff)); String fff2="123456789123456.45"; System.out.println("钱"+fff2+"==="+translateMoney(fff2)); String fff3="78.00"; System.out.println("钱"+fff3+"==="+translateMoney(fff3)); String fff4="12000089103456.45"; System.out.println("钱"+fff4+"==="+translateMoney(fff4)); String fff5="123456789.12"; System.out.println("钱"+fff5+"==="+translateMoney(fff5)); /* 钱3394.56===three thousand, three hundred and ninety four point five six 钱123456789123456.45===one hundred and twenty three trillion, four hundred and fifty six billion, seven hundred and eighty nine million, one hundred and twenty three thousand, four hundred and fifty six point four five 钱78.00===seventy eight point zero zero 钱12000089103456.45===twelve trillion, eighty nine million, one hundred and three thousand, four hundred and fifty six point four five 钱123456789.12===one hundred and twenty three million, four hundred and fifty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine point one two */ String p1="0%"; System.out.println("百分比"+p1+"==="+translatePercent(p1)); String p2="0.0%"; System.out.println("百分比"+p2+"==="+translatePercent(p2)); String p3="0.00%"; System.out.println("百分比"+p3+"==="+translatePercent(p3)); String p4="0.23%"; System.out.println("百分比"+p4+"==="+translatePercent(p4)); String p5="0.05%"; System.out.println("百分比"+p5+"==="+translatePercent(p5)); String p6="56.00%"; System.out.println("百分比"+p6+"==="+translatePercent(p6)); String p7="56.67%"; System.out.println("百分比"+p7+"==="+translatePercent(p7)); String p8="237.90%"; System.out.println("百分比"+p8+"==="+translatePercent(p8)); /* 百分比0%===zero point zero zero percent 百分比0.0%===zero point zero zero percent 百分比0.00%===zero point zero zero percent 百分比0.23%=== zero point two three percent 百分比0.05%=== zero point zero five percent 百分比56.00%===fifty six point zero zero percent 百分比56.67%===fifty six point six seven percent 百分比237.90%===two hundred and thirty seven point nine zero percent */ } /** * 格式化日期 * * @return * */ public static String formatDate(String Date){ try{ return Date.substring(0,4)+"年"+Date.substring(4,6)+"月"+Date.substring(6,8)+"日"; }catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } /** * 格式化日期转化成能播报的英文 * * @return * */ public static String formatDateEng(String Date){ if(Date==null||Date.trim().equals("")){ return ""; } if(Date.trim().length()<8){ return ""; } String DateStr=Date.trim(); String year=DateStr.substring(0,4); String month=DateStr.substring(4,6); String date2=DateStr.substring(6,8); String res=""; res=translateYear(year)+", "+translateMonth(month)+", "+translateDate(date2); return res; } /** * 年转化成英文单词 * @param month * @return */ public static String translateYear(String year) { if (year == null || year.trim().equals("")) { return ""; } String res = ""; int yearNum = Integer.valueOf(year); if(year.endsWith("00")){//xx00 switch (yearNum) { case 2000: res = "two thousand";// break; case 1900: res = "nineteen hundred";// break; case 1800: res = "eighteen hundred";// break; case 1700: res = "seventeenth hundred";// break; case 1600: res = "sixteenth hundred";// break; case 1500: res = "fifteenth hundred";// break; default: res = ""; } }else{//19xx,20xx,21xx String qian2=year.substring(0, 2); String hou2=year.substring(2, 4); int qian2Num = Integer.valueOf(qian2); int hou2Num = Integer.valueOf(hou2); if(year.startsWith("20")){//20xx res = "two thousand and "+translateNum20wei(hou2Num); }else{//19xx,21xx res = translateNum20wei(qian2Num)+" "+translateNum20wei(hou2Num); } } return res; } /** * 月份转化成英文单词 * @param month * @return */ public static String translateMonth(String month) { if (month == null || month.trim().equals("")) { return ""; } String res = ""; int mon = Integer.valueOf(month); switch (mon) { case 1: res = "January";// Jan break; case 2: res = "February";// Feb break; case 3: res = "March";// Mar break; case 4: res = "April";// Apr break; case 5: res = "May";// May break; case 6: res = "June";// Jun break; case 7: res = "July";// Jul break; case 8: res = "August";// Aug break; case 9: res = "September";// Sep break; case 10: res = "October";// Oct break; case 11: res = "November";// Nov break; case 12: res = "December";// Dec break; default: res = ""; } return res; } /** * 几号转化成英文单词 * @param date * @return */ public static String translateDate(String date) { if (date == null || date.trim().equals("")) { return ""; } String res = ""; int dateNum = Integer.valueOf(date); switch (dateNum) { case 1: res = "first";// break; case 2: res = "second";// break; case 3: res = "third";// break; case 4: res = "fourth";// break; case 5: res = "fifth";// break; case 6: res = "sixth";// break; case 7: res = "seventh";// break; case 8: res = "eigth";// break; case 9: res = "ninth";// break; case 10: res = "tenth";// break; case 11: res = "eleventh";// break; case 12: res = "twelfth";// break; case 13: res = "thirteenth";// break; case 14: res = "fourteenth";// break; case 15: res = "fifteenth";// break; case 16: res = "sixteenth";// break; case 17: res = "seventeenth";// break; case 18: res = "eighteenth";// break; case 19: res = "nineteenth";// break; case 20: res = "twentieth";// break; case 21: res = "twenty first";// break; case 22: res = "twenty second";// break; case 23: res = "twenty third";// break; case 24: res = "twenty fourth";// break; case 25: res = "twenty fifth";// break; case 26: res = "twenty sixth";// break; case 27: res = "twenty seventh";// break; case 28: res = "twenty eigth";// break; case 29: res = "twenty ninth";// break; case 30: res = "thirtieth";// break; case 31: res = "thirty first";// break; default: res = ""; } return res; } ///////////////// /** * 翻译1-19 * @param num * @return */ public static String translateNum19(int num){ String res = ""; switch (num) { case 0:res = " ";break; case 1:res = "one";break; case 2:res = "two";break; case 3:res = "three";break; case 4:res = "four";break; case 5:res = "five";break; case 6:res = "six";break; case 7:res = "seven";break; case 8:res = "eight";break; case 9:res = "nine";break; case 10:res = "ten";break; case 11:res = "eleven";break; case 12:res = "twelve";break; case 13:res = "thirteen";break; case 14:res = "fourteen";break; case 15:res = "fifteen";break; case 16:res = "sixteen";break; case 17:res = "seventeen";break; case 18:res = "eighteen";break; case 19:res = "nineteen";break; default: res = ""; } return res; } /** * 翻译十几,二十几的读法 * @param num * @return */ public static String translateNum2090(int num){ String res = ""; switch (num) { case 20:res = "twenty";break; case 30:res = "thirty";break; case 40:res = "forty";break; case 50:res = "fifty";break; case 60:res = "sixty";break; case 70:res = "seventy";break; case 80:res = "eighty";break; case 90:res = "ninety";break; default: res = ""; } return res; } /** * 翻译2位数字的读法 * @param num * @return */ public static String translateNum20wei(int num){ String res = ""; int zheng=num/10;//十位 int yu=num%10;//个位 if(num<20){ if(num<10){ res="zero"+translateNum19(num); }else{ res=translateNum19(num); } }else{ res=translateNum2090(zheng*10)+" "+translateNum19(yu); } return res; } /** * 翻译2位数字的读法 * @param num * @return */ public static String translateNum20weiNoZero(int num){ String res = ""; int zheng=num/10;//十位 int yu=num%10;//个位 if(num<20){ res=translateNum19(num); }else{ res=translateNum2090(zheng*10)+" "+translateNum19(yu); } return res; } /** * 翻译数字的读法,最多支持到9999,即4位 * @param num * @return */ public static String translateNum9999NoZero(int num){ String res = ""; int qian=num/1000;//千位 int last3=num%1000; int bai=last3/100;//百位 int last2=num%100; int shi=last2/10;//十位 int ge=num%10;//个位 if(qian!=0){ res+=translateNum19(qian)+" thousand "; } if(bai!=0){ res+=translateNum19(bai)+" hundred "; } String last2eng=translateNum20weiNoZero(last2); if(!res.equals("")&&!(last2eng.trim().equals(""))){ res+=" and "; } res+=last2eng+" "; return res; } public static String translateNum9999NoZero(String num){ if(num==null||num.trim().equals("")){ return ""; } int nn=Integer.valueOf(num); return translateNum9999NoZero(nn); } ////////////////////////////////////////下面是英文数字的直白读法,应用场景:卡号///////////////////////////// /** * 翻译0123456789 * @param num * @return */ public static String translateNum09(int num){ String res = ""; switch (num) { case 0:res = "zero";break; case 1:res = "one";break; case 2:res = "two";break; case 3:res = "three";break; case 4:res = "four";break; case 5:res = "five";break; case 6:res = "six";break; case 7:res = "seven";break; case 8:res = "eight";break; case 9:res = "nine";break; default: res = ""; } return res; } /** * 把卡号翻译成英文单词。 * 参数是已传数字,不能有任何其他字符 * @param number * @return */ public static String translateCardNumber(String number){ if(number==null||number.trim().equals("")){ return ""; } String res = ""; String numstr=number.trim(); char[] numArr=numstr.toCharArray(); for(int i=0;i<numArr.length;i++){ char ai=numArr[i]; String ain=Character.toString(ai); int bi=Integer.valueOf(ain); // System.out.println(translateNum09(bi)); res+=" "+translateNum09(bi); } return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////下面是英文数字的读法,应用场景:钱///////////////////////////// /** * 参数是数字,可以带最多2位小数,最大支持到亿亿,即15位数字(小数点前面15位)。 * 例如:123456789123456.78 * * 英文数字按3位读,单位都是3位一个单位,所以按3位先分好组,再翻译成单词。 * 例如:123,456,789,123,456.78 * 读作: * one hundred and twenty three trillion, * four hundred and fifty six billion, * seven hundred and sixty nine million, * one hundred and twenty three thousand, * four hundred and fifty six * point seven eight * */ public static String translateMoney(String money){ if(money==null||money.trim().equals("")){ return ""; } String res = ""; String moneyStr=money.trim(); String moneyStr1=""; String moneyStr2=""; if(moneyStr.indexOf(".")!=-1){//有小数点 moneyStr1=moneyStr.substring(0, (moneyStr.indexOf("."))); moneyStr2=moneyStr.substring(moneyStr.indexOf(".")+1); }else{ moneyStr1=moneyStr; moneyStr2=""; } String trans1=translateMoney1(moneyStr1); String trans2=translateMoney2(moneyStr2); if(trans1.trim().equals("")){ res="zero point "+trans2; }else{ res=trans1+" point "+trans2; } return res; } /** * //这个是翻译数字的整数部分,这才是关键 * * 参数是数字,可以带最多2位小数,最大支持到亿亿,即15位数字(小数点前面15位)。 * 例如:123456789123456.78 * * 英文数字按3位读,单位都是3位一个单位,所以按3位先分好组,再翻译成单词。 * 例如:123,456,789,123,456.78 * 读作: * one hundred and twenty three trillion, * four hundred and fifty six billion, * seven hundred and sixty nine million, * one hundred and twenty three thousand, * four hundred and fifty six * point seven eight * */ public static String translateMoney1(String moneyStr1){ if(moneyStr1==null||moneyStr1.trim().equals("")||moneyStr1.length()>15){ return ""; } String res = ""; String moneyStr=moneyStr1.trim(); String[] moneyArr=getThreeArr(moneyStr); if(moneyArr[0]!=null&&!moneyArr[0].trim().equals("")){ res+=translateNum9999NoZero(moneyArr[0].trim())+" trillion, "; } if(moneyArr[1]!=null&&!moneyArr[1].trim().equals("")){ res+=translateNum9999NoZero(moneyArr[1].trim())+" billion, "; } if(moneyArr[2]!=null&&!moneyArr[2].trim().equals("")){ res+=translateNum9999NoZero(moneyArr[2].trim())+" million, "; } if(moneyArr[3]!=null&&!moneyArr[3].trim().equals("")){ res+=translateNum9999NoZero(moneyArr[3].trim())+" thousand, "; } if(moneyArr[4]!=null&&!moneyArr[4].trim().equals("")){ res+=translateNum9999NoZero(moneyArr[4].trim())+" "; } return res; } //翻译小数点后面的数字,其实就是按位直接翻译单个数字即可。 public static String translateMoney2(String moneyStr2){ return translateCardNumber(moneyStr2); } /** * 例如 12345678 要得到 12 345 678 ============= 算法如下: 先反序 87654321 从前往后3位截取 876 543 21 每个再反序 678 345 12 这个数组要反序,这就是要的结果 12 345 678 * @param number * @return */ public static String[] getThreeArr(String number){ if(number==null||number.trim().equals("")){ return null; } String[] res= new String [5]; BigDecimal dd=new BigDecimal("0"); BigDecimal bd1000=new BigDecimal("1000"); // dd.divideAndRemainder(divisor) try{ dd=new BigDecimal(number.trim());//123,456,789,222,555 BigDecimal dd30=dd.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[1];//3wei,555(0是整数,1是余数) BigDecimal dd2=dd.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[0];//123,456,789,222 BigDecimal dd64=dd2.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[1];//thousand,222 BigDecimal dd3=dd2.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[0];//123,456,789(0是整数,1是余数) BigDecimal dd97=dd3.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[1];//million,789 BigDecimal dd4=dd3.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[0];////123,456 BigDecimal dd1210=dd4.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[1];//billion,456 BigDecimal dd5=dd4.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[0];////123 BigDecimal dd1513=dd5.divideAndRemainder(bd1000)[1];//trillion,123 res[0]=dd1513.toString(); res[1]=dd1210.toString(); res[2]=dd97.toString(); res[3]=dd64.toString(); res[4]=dd30.toString(); for(int i=0;i<res.length;i++){ String nn=res[i]; if(nn.trim().equals("0")){ res[i]=""; } } }catch(Exception e){ return null; } // System.out.println("getThreeArr=="+Arrays.toString(res)); return res; } //讲一个字符串反序 public static String reverseStr(String str){ if(str==null||str.trim().equals("")){ return ""; } String strre=""; String str2=str.trim(); for(int i=str2.length()-1;i>=0;i--){ strre+=String.valueOf(str2.charAt(i));//反序后 } return strre; } /////////////////////////////翻译百分比,例如12.12%/////////////////////////////////////// /** * 翻译百分比,后面必须带有% * */ public static String translatePercent(String percentNum){ if(percentNum==null||percentNum.trim().equals("")||!(percentNum.trim().endsWith("%"))){ return ""; } String res = ""; String percent=percentNum.trim().substring(0, percentNum.indexOf("%")); String percent1=""; String percent2=""; if(percent.indexOf(".")!=-1){//有小数点 percent1=percent.trim().substring(0, percent.indexOf(".")); percent2=percent.trim().substring(percent.indexOf(".")+1); }else{ percent1=percent; percent2=""; } double nu=Double.valueOf(percent); if(nu==0){ res="zero point zero zero percent"; }else{ double nu2=Double.valueOf(percent1); if(nu2==0){ res+=" zero "; } res+=translateNum9999NoZero(percent1)+" point "+translateCardNumber(percent2)+" percent "; } return res; } }