我正在遵循JS教程,并且刚刚制作了抵押贷款计算器,其在Chrome中的作用类似于魅力,但在Firefox中却不起作用。请帮我解决这个问题吗? Here's the whole thing

// Formula: c = ((p * r) *  math.pow((1 + r), n)) / (math.pow((1 + r), n) - 1)

//@param p float Amount borrowed
//@param r interest as percentage
//@param n term in years

function percentToDecimal(percent) {
return (percent / 12) / 100;

function yearsToMonths(years) {
return years * 12;

function calculateMortgage(p, r, n) {
// convert this percentage to decimal:
r = percentToDecimal(r);
n = yearsToMonths(n);

var pmt = ((p * r) * Math.pow((1 + r), n)) / (Math.pow((1 + r), n) - 1);

return parseFloat(pmt.toFixed(2));


function postpayments(payment) {
var payments = document.getElementById("outMonthly");
payments.innerText = "$" + payment;

var btn = document.getElementById("btnCalculate");
btn.onclick = function () {
var cost = document.getElementById("inCost").value;
var downpayment = document.getElementById("inDown").value;
var interest = document.getElementById("inAPR").value;
var term = document.getElementById("inPeriod").value;

var amountBorrowed = cost - downpayment;

var pmt = calculateMortgage(amountBorrowed, interest, term);




关于javascript - 脚本可以在Chrome中运行,但不能在Firefox中运行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27792958/

10-08 22:42