我通读了问题和解答或What exactly is the point of memoryview in Python。我仍然看不到重点。


import time

# Scan through a bytes object by slicing
for n in (100000, 200000, 300000, 400000):
    data = b'x' * n
    start = time.time()
    b = data
    while b:
        b = b[1:]
    print('bytes sliced  ', n, time.time() - start)

# Scan through a bytes object with memoryview
for n in (100000, 200000, 300000, 400000):
    data = b'x' * n
    start = time.time()
    b = memoryview(data)
    while b:
        b = b[1:]
    print('memoryview    ', n, time.time() - start)

# Scan through a bytes object by index
for n in (100000, 200000, 300000, 400000):
    data = b'x' * n
    start = time.time()
    b = data
    for i in range(n):
        b = b[i+1:]
    print('bytes indexed ', n, time.time() - start)


bytes sliced   100000 0.16396498680114746
bytes sliced   200000 0.6180000305175781
bytes sliced   300000 1.541727066040039
bytes sliced   400000 2.8526365756988525
memoryview     100000 0.02300119400024414
memoryview     200000 0.04699897766113281
memoryview     300000 0.0709981918334961
memoryview     400000 0.0950019359588623
bytes indexed  100000 0.027998924255371094
bytes indexed  200000 0.05700063705444336
bytes indexed  300000 0.08800172805786133
bytes indexed  400000 0.1179966926574707






您的最后一个示例根本不相似,您没有减少一个字节,而是逐渐增加了字节数(b[1:] b[2:] b[3:])-最终,该字符串已用尽,并且进行了切片一个空字符串(更准确地说是i * (i + 1) / 2 > n时)。例如,对于100,000个字节的序列,您要在446次迭代后执行noop。

10-08 00:30