我知道这是一个非常新手的问题,但是我在程序中的if和for()循环遇到了麻烦。我试图指定问题的出处,但基本上是在main()中询问用户是否要解雇一名雇员,然后询问该雇员ID。然后在dismissWorker函数中,应该扫描工作者ID的数组,找到与要解雇的雇员匹配的ID(badID),然后更改该数组。在我的dismissWorker函数中,我打印了“ HI”,只是为了查看我是否在main中正确调用了它(确实如此),但它没有通过for()循环运行。我确定我做错了很简单,但这到底是什么呢?另外,我不知道在dismissWorker结束时应该返回什么内容,因此一些建议会有所帮助。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX_ROSTER 10 //roster of employees

typedef struct workerT_struct {
    char name[81]; //employee name
    char title[81]; //employee title
    int empID; //unique ID for employee
    int empStatus; //
    int year100_salary; //before-tax salary, in cents
    int year100_401k; //annual contribution to retirement, in cents
    double taxRate; //fraction used to determine payroll taxes
    int month100_paycheck; //monthly paycheck, in cents
} workerT;

typedef struct companyT_struct {
    char dbaName[81]; //company name
    int EmpActiveTot; //number of active employees
    int EmpOnLeaveTot; //number of employees on unpaid leave
    int year100_salaryTot; //total annual before-tax salaries, in cents
    int year100_401kTot;
    double year100_taxTot; //total annual payroll tax, in cents
    int month100_paycheckTot; //total of all monthly paychecks for employees
} companyT;

    void initWorkerArray(workerT list[], int siz);
    void prntWorker(workerT list[], int siz, int indx);
    void payWorker (workerT list[], int siz, int indx);
    int dismissWorker (workerT list[], int siz, int badID);

    void initCo(companyT hubCo[], workerT roll [], int sizRoll);
    void doCoBooks(companyT hubCo[], workerT roll[], int sizRoll);
    void printCoBooks(companyT hubCo[]);

int main()
    workerT roster[MAX_ROSTER];
    initWorkerArray(roster, MAX_ROSTER);
    payWorker(roster, MAX_ROSTER, 0);

    companyT myCo[1];
    initCo(myCo, roster, 0);
    doCoBooks(myCo, roster, MAX_ROSTER);
    printf("Would you like to dismiss an existing employee? (yes/no)\n\n");

    char defaultAnswer[4] = "yes";
    char answer[4];
    int badID = 0;
    scanf(" %s", answer);
    while (strcmp(answer,defaultAnswer) == 0) {
        printf("Please give the employee ID:\n");
        scanf(" %d", &badID);
        printf("The employee ID you chose was %d.\n", badID);
        dismissWorker(roster, MAX_ROSTER, 10); //FIXME

        printf("Do you want to dismiss another employee?\n\n");
        scanf(" %s", answer);
    return 0;

void initWorkerArray(workerT list[], int siz) {
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        strcpy(list[0].name, "Buggy, Orson");
        strcpy(list[0].title, "Director/President");
        list[0].empID = 1;
        list[0].empStatus = 1;
        list[0].year100_salary = 12015000;
        list[0].year100_401k = 950000;
        list[0].month100_paycheck = 0;
        list[0].taxRate = 0.45;

        strcpy(list[1].name, "Czechs, Imelda");
        strcpy(list[1].title, "Chief Financial Officer");
        list[1].empID = 2;
        list[1].empStatus = 1;
        list[1].year100_salary = 8020000;
        list[1].year100_401k = 960000;
        list[1].month100_paycheck = 0;
        list[1].taxRate = 0.39;

        strcpy(list[2].name, "Hold, Levon");
        strcpy(list[2].title, "Customer Service");
        list[2].empID = 6;
        list[2].empStatus = -1;
        list[2].year100_salary = 8575000;
        list[2].year100_401k = 1133000;
        list[2].month100_paycheck = 0;
        list[2].taxRate = 0.39;

        strcpy(list[3].name, "Andropov, Picov");
        strcpy(list[3].title, "Shipping Coordinator");
        list[3].empID = 7;
        list[3].empStatus = 1;
        list[3].year100_salary = 4450000;
        list[3].year100_401k = 375000;
        list[3].month100_paycheck = 0;
        list[3].taxRate = 0.31;

    for (i = 4; i < siz; ++i) {
        strcpy(list[i].name, "none");
        strcpy(list[i].title, "none");
        list[i].empID = -1;
        list[i].empStatus = -1;
        list[i].year100_salary = 0;
        list[i].year100_401k = 0;
        list[i].month100_paycheck = 0;
        list[i].taxRate = 0.0;

void prntWorker(workerT list[], int siz, int indx) {
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < siz; ++i) {
        printf("%s, ", list[i].name);
        printf("%s, ", list[i].title);
        printf("%d, ", list[i].empID);
        printf("%d, ", list[i].empStatus);
        printf("%d, ", list[i].year100_salary);
        printf("%d, ", list[i].year100_401k);
        printf("%lf, ", list[i].taxRate);
        printf("%d ", list[i].month100_paycheck);
void payWorker(workerT list[], int siz, int indx) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < siz; ++i) {
        list[i].month100_paycheck = (list[i].year100_salary / 12);
    prntWorker(list, MAX_ROSTER,0);
int dismissWorker (workerT list[], int siz, int badID) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < siz; ++i) { //FIXME
        if (list[i].empID == badID) {
            list[i].empStatus = -1;
            list[i].month100_paycheck = 0;
            list[i].year100_salary = 0;
    return 1;
        else {
        printf("\nWARNING! empID not found! Cannot dismiss "
               "a non-employee!\n\n");
        return 1;
return siz;
    void initCo(companyT hubCo[], workerT roll [], int sizRoll) {
        initWorkerArray(roll, sizRoll);
        strcpy(hubCo[0].dbaName, "Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe, Consultants");
        hubCo[0].EmpActiveTot = 3;
        hubCo[0].EmpOnLeaveTot = 0;
        hubCo[0].year100_salaryTot = 0;
        hubCo[0].year100_401kTot = 0;
        hubCo[0].year100_taxTot = 0.0;
        hubCo[0].month100_paycheckTot = 0;
void doCoBooks(companyT hubCo[], workerT roll[], int sizRoll) {
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < sizRoll; ++i) {
            if (roll[i].empStatus == 1) {
                payWorker(roll, MAX_ROSTER, i);
                hubCo[0].year100_salaryTot += roll[i].year100_salary;
                hubCo[0].year100_401kTot += roll[i].year100_401k;
                hubCo[0].year100_taxTot += roll[i].taxRate;
                hubCo[0].month100_paycheckTot += roll[i].month100_paycheck;
void printCoBooks(companyT hubCo[]) {
        printf("Name: %s\n", hubCo[0].dbaName);
        printf("Active: %d\n", hubCo[0].EmpActiveTot);
        printf("Leave: %d\n", hubCo[0].EmpOnLeaveTot);
        printf("Salary: %d\n", hubCo[0].year100_salaryTot);
        printf("401k: %d\n", hubCo[0].year100_401kTot);
        printf("Monthly: %d\n", hubCo[0].month100_paycheckTot);
        printf("Tax: %lf\n", hubCo[0].year100_taxTot);


在函数initWorkerArray(workerT list[], int siz)中,启动四个workerT对象,这些对象的empID值为1、2、6、7。

现在,在main函数中,用dismissWorker调用dismissWorker(roster, MAX_ROSTER, 10)


for (i = 0; i < siz; ++i) { //FIXME
    if (list[i].empID == badID) {
        list[i].empStatus = -1;
        list[i].month100_paycheck = 0;
        list[i].year100_salary = 0;
    return 1;


尝试dismissWorker(roster, MAX_ROSTER, 7)进行测试。它应该可以工作,并使用错误/警告消息来捕获代码中无法预料的情况,例如在这种情况下不存在的empID。俗称Defensive Programming

07-24 18:44