



这是jsfiddle链接,您可以在其中更改代码中的旋转角度以自己查看JSiddle link。 (只需单击并拖动黑色控制点即可调整对象的大小)

//convert value of range amin to amax to the range bmin to bmax;
function imap(value, amin, amax, bmin, bmax)
	if ((amax - amin))
		return (value - amin) * (bmax - bmin) / (amax - amin) + bmin;
	return (0);

//get mouse coordinates from the SVG element
function getMouse(el, e)
  var pt = el.createSVGPoint();
	pt.x = e.clientX;
	pt.y = e.clientY;
	var cursorpt =  pt.matrixTransform(el.getScreenCTM().inverse());
	return({x: cursorpt.x, y: cursorpt.y})

var controlPoint = document.getElementById("c"); //My control point element

var mouseX;
var mouseXClicked = 0;
var scaleX = 1;
var scaleY = 1;
var scaleXClicked = 1;
var control = false; // sets if resizeRightMiddle() should be executed
var rectWidth = 100; //is normally tooken with a getBBox() function
var scale = document.getElementById("scale");

function resizeRightMiddle()
  //convert difference between original mouse X postion on click and actual X mouse position into a scale factor
	plusX = imap(mouseX - mouseXClicked, 0, rectWidth, 0, 1);
  //add converted scale factor to the original x scale value
	resX = scaleXClicked + plusX;
	scale.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(' + resX + ',' + scaleY + ')');
	scaleX = resX;

var svg = document.getElementById("main");
// save Scale and X mouse coordinate on click
svg.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){
	var coord = getMouse(svg, e);
	mouseXClicked = coord.x;
	scaleXClicked = scaleX;

svg.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){
//get mouse coordinates
	var coord = getMouse(svg, e);
	mouseX = coord.x;
// resize if control element has been clicked
	if (control)

// desactivate resize
svg.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e){
	control = false;

//activate resize
controlPoint.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){
	control = true;

svg {
  -webkit-touch-callout: none;
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  -khtml-user-select: none;
  -moz-user-select: none;
  -ms-user-select: none;
  user-select: none;

<svg id="main" width="1000" height="300">
	<g transform="translate(66, 56)">
		<g id="rotate" transform-origin="center" transform="rotate(30)">
			<g id="scale">
  			<path fill="red" stroke="red" d="M 0 0 L 0 100 L 100 100 L 100 0Z" />
				<rect id="c" fill="black" stroke="black" x=95 y=45 width=10 height=10 />



var controlPoint = document.getElementById("c");
var control = false;
var origRectWidth = 100;
var scale = document.getElementById("scale");
var relevantMouseMoveDist = 0;
var updatedRectWidth = origRectWidth;
var mouseDownPt = {};
var rotateDiv = document.getElementById("rotate");
var rotateString = rotateDiv.getAttribute('transform');
var rectangleAngle = parseInt(rotateString.slice(rotateString.indexOf("(") + 1)) * Math.PI / 180; // retrieve the angle from the DOM
var relevantMouseMoveDist;
var newMousePosn;
var oldMousePosn;

function resizeRightMiddle()
  updatedRectWidth += relevantMouseMoveDist;
  xScale = updatedRectWidth/origRectWidth;
  scale.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(' + xScale + ',1)');

var svg = document.getElementById("main");

svg.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){

  if (newMousePosn) {

    // the former mouse pos'n
    oldMousePosn = {x: newMousePosn.x, y: newMousePosn.y};

    // the new mouse pos'n
    newMousePosn = {x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY};

    // the change in the mouse pos'n coordinates since the last move event
    var deltaMouseMove = {
      x: newMousePosn.x - oldMousePosn.x,
      y: newMousePosn.y - oldMousePosn.y

    // the dir'n of this movement
    var angleOfMouseMovement = Math.atan2(deltaMouseMove.y, deltaMouseMove.x);

    // the absolute distance the mouse has moved
    var mouseMoveDist = Math.sqrt(
      deltaMouseMove.x * deltaMouseMove.x +
      deltaMouseMove.y * deltaMouseMove.y

    // the difference in direction between the mouse movement and orientation of the rectangle
    var angleDifference = angleOfMouseMovement - rectangleAngle;

    // the portion of the mouse movement that is in the direction of the rectangle's orientation
    relevantMouseMoveDist = mouseMoveDist * Math.cos(angleDifference);

    // resize the rectangle if necessary
    if (control) resizeRightMiddle();

  } else {

    // establish the mouse pos'n during the first mousemove event
    newMousePosn = {x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY};


svg         .addEventListener("mouseup"  , function(e){control = false;});
controlPoint.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){control = true ;});

<svg id="main" width="1000" height="300">
	<g transform="translate(66, 56)">
		<g id="rotate" transform-origin="center" transform="rotate(40)">
			<g id="scale">
  			<path fill="red" stroke="red" d="M 0 0 L 0 100 L 100 100 L 100 0Z" />
				<rect id="c" fill="black" stroke="black" x=95 y=45 width=10 height=10 />

关于javascript - 调整大小时如何使光标与控制点同步?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44709931/

10-12 03:35