
    <pro NAME="J1">
        <sta ID="A">Junk1</sta>
        <sta ID="B">Junk2</sta>
    <pro NAME="J2">
        <sta ID="A">Junk3</sta>
        <sta ID="B">Junk4</sta>

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file);
foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants("pro"))
    string pro_attribute = element.Attribute("NAME").Value;
    //I can get pro_attribute J2
    if ( pro_attribute =="J2")
        //how to get getJunk 3 and 4 without having to
        //read/loop through Junk1 and 2
        foreach (XElement element1 in doc.Descendants("sta"))
            //I could do this, but it will start with Junk 1.
            //I want to start with Junk3 instead



var result = doc.Descendants("pro")
                .Select(p => new
                    Name = p.Attribute("NAME").Value,
                    Type = (string)p.Element("type"),
                    ID = (string)p.Element("ID"),
                    Stas = p.Descendants("sta")
                            .Select(sta => new
                                ID = sta.Attribute("ID").Value,
                                Value = (string)sta


var result = doc.XPathSelectElements("//pro[@NAME='J2']")

关于c# - 如何读取后代的成员/子节点?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20429507/

10-12 16:28