
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT S.sales_id, I.item_name, ST.stock_code,
  S.date, S.unit_price, SUM(S.qty), (SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price),
  ((SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price)-(SUM(S.qty)*P.unit_cost)) FROM sales S
  INNER JOIN items I ON S.item_id=I.item_id
  INNER JOIN stock ST ON S.stock_id=ST.stock_id
  INNER JOIN purchase_items P ON S.purchase_id=P.purchase_id
  WHERE S.date BETWEEN '$date 00:00:00' AND '$date 23:59:59' GROUP BY S.item_id");

$qty = $row['SUM(S.qty)'];
$unit_price = $row['unit_price'];
$amount = $row['(SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price)'];
$profit = $row['((SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price)-(SUM(S.qty)*P.unit_cost))'];
$dailyProfit = $row['(SUM(SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price)-(SUM(S.qty)*P.unit_cost)))'];

php - 计算FPDF中的利润总和-LMLPHP
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT S.sales_id, I.item_name, ST.stock_code, S.date,
  S.unit_price, SUM(S.qty) AS line_qty, (SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price) AS line_total,
  ((SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price)-(SUM(S.qty)*P.unit_cost)) AS line_profit
  FROM sales S
  INNER JOIN items I ON S.item_id=I.item_id
  INNER JOIN stock ST ON S.stock_id=ST.stock_id
  INNER JOIN purchase_items P ON S.purchase_id=P.purchase_id
  WHERE S.date BETWEEN '$date 00:00:00' AND '$date 23:59:59' GROUP BY S.item_id");

$qty = $row['line_qty'];
$unit_price = $row['unit_price'];
$amount = $row['line_total'];
$profit = $row['line_profit'];

$aRows = array();
while ($oRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) $aRows[] = $oRow;

$dTotalProfit = 0;
if (count($aRows) > 0) foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
  $dTotalProfit += $aRow['line_profit'];
  //$pdf->Cell(25, 10, $aRow['line_qty'], 'B', 0, 'J', 1);
$totalProfit = number_format($dTotalProfit, 2);

$pdf->Cell(220, 10, 'Daily Total Profit:', 'B', 0, 'R', 1);
$pdf->Cell(25, 10, $totalProfit, 'B', 0, 'J', 1);

php - 计算FPDF中的利润总和-LMLPHP



$sSQL = "SELECT S.sales_id, I.item_name, ST.stock_code, S.date, S.unit_price,
  SUM(S.qty) AS line_qty, (SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price) AS line_total,
  ((SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price)-(SUM(S.qty)*P.unit_cost)) AS line_profit
  FROM sales S
  INNER JOIN items I ON S.item_id=I.item_id
  INNER JOIN stock ST ON S.stock_id=ST.stock_id
  INNER JOIN purchase_items P ON S.purchase_id=P.purchase_id
  WHERE S.date BETWEEN '$date 00:00:00' AND '$date 23:59:59' GROUP BY S.item_id";

$qty = $row['line_qty'];
$unit_price = $row['unit_price'];
$amount = $row['line_total'];
$profit = $row['line_profit'];

$oConnection = mysqli_connect($sHostname, $sUsername, $sPassword);
mysqli_select_db($oConnection, $sDatabaseName);
$oResult = mysqli_query($oConnection, $sSQL);
$aRows = array();
while ($oRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($oResult)) $aRows[] = $oRow;

$dTotalProfit = 0;
if (count($aRows) > 0) foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
  $dTotalProfit += $aRow['line_profit'];
  $pdf->Cell(25, 10, $aRow['line_qty'], 'B', 0, 'J', 1);

然后在PDF的底部,您可以使用number_format($dTotalProfit, 2)输出您的每日利润总额。
$oQuery = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT S.sales_id, I.item_name, ST.stock_code, S.date,
  S.unit_price, SUM(S.qty) AS line_qty, (SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price) AS line_total,
  ((SUM(S.qty)*S.unit_price)-(SUM(S.qty)*P.unit_cost)) AS line_profit
  FROM sales S
  INNER JOIN items I ON S.item_id=I.item_id
  INNER JOIN stock ST ON S.stock_id=ST.stock_id
  INNER JOIN purchase_items P ON S.purchase_id=P.purchase_id
  WHERE S.date BETWEEN '$date 00:00:00' AND '$date 23:59:59' GROUP BY S.item_id");

$aRows = array();
while ($oRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($oQuery)) $aRows[] = $oRow;

$aColumnWidths = array(25, 20, 20, 100, 20, 20, 20, 20);
$dTotalProfit = 0;
if (count($aRows) > 0) foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
  $dTotalProfit += $aRow['line_profit'];
  $pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[0], 10, $aRow['date'], 'B', 0, 'J', 1);
  $pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[1], 10, $aRow['sales_id'], 'B', 0, 'J', 1);
  $pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[2], 10, $aRow['stock_code'], 'B', 0, 'J', 1);
  $pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[3], 10, $aRow['item_name'], 'B', 0, 'L', 1);
  $pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[4], 10, $aRow['line_qty'], 'B', 0, 'R', 1);
  $pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[5], 10, $aRow['unit_price'], 'B', 0, 'R', 1);
  $pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[6], 10, $aRow['line_total'], 'B', 0, 'R', 1);
  $pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[7], 10, $aRow['line_profit'], 'B', 0, 'R', 1);
$pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[0] + $aColumnWidths[1] + $aColumnWidths[2] + $aColumnWidths[3] +
  $aColumnWidths[4] + $aColumnWidths[5] + $aColumnWidths[6], 10,
  'Daily Total Profit:', 'B', 0, 'R', 1);
$pdf->Cell($aColumnWidths[7], 10, number_format($dTotalProfit, 2), 'B', 0, 'R', 1);


关于php - 计算FPDF中的利润总和,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41059761/

10-10 11:18