我已经在这些页面上阅读了许多其他有关类强制转换异常的问题,并且我想确保我的问题本质上是同一件事(即与在运行时和编译时不知道类的绑定类型有关) )。


public class testCastReturn{
    public test(){

       HashSet<String> StringHash; //a simple hash set

       HashMap(<String, ComplexObject> ObjectInfo; //the String value is the name of the complexObject, and complexObject has multiple members (in this instance it is a java model for a database field so it has info pertaining to Key, size etc)

       //create a ComplexObject here
       addToObjectInfo(aComplexObject); // add it into the HashMap

       //repeat above a number of times....
       //now collect the 'names' of those objects
       StringHash = getObjectKeys();

    public void addToObjectInfo(complexObject c){
        //put a complex object into the HashMap

        ObjectInfo.put(c.getNameID, c); //create a set of key value pairs where the name of the object is the key to get the actual object

    public HashSet<String> getObjectKeys(){
       //retrieve the keys only
       return HashSet<String> this.ObjectInfo.keySet(); //fails with classCastException
       //this however works
       HashSet<String> temp = new HashSet<String>(this.ObjectInfo.keySet());
       return temp;
 }//end class

如果我的理解是正确的,这就是为什么我可以以任何一种形式编译代码的原因,但是我只能在明确创建临时位置来保存键集的地方运行代码,因为在运行时,JVM无法保证绑定的类型。键将在ComplexObject中。请记住,这是人为设计的版本,因此可能过于简化了,在我的实际代码中,我使用的是“ builder”,然后将信息传递给“ finished”类,然后将其中的一些类保存在第三个类中。具有ComplexObjects的HashMap的对象。




keySet()返回一个Set,而不是HashSet。所以return this.ObjectInfo.keySet();应该做。


10-05 23:18