



dt <- data.table(id = rep(c(59328, 61241), each = 36), fyear = c(rep(2001,
    each = 12), rep(2002, each = 12), rep(2003, each = 12), rep(2001,
    each = 12), rep(2002, each = 12), rep(2003, each = 12)),
    fyear_start = as.Date(c(rep("2001-01-01", each = 12), rep("2002-01-01",
        each = 12), rep("2003-01-01", each = 12), rep("2000-07-01",
        each = 12), rep("2001-07-01", each = 12), rep("2002-07-01",
        each = 12))), fyear_end = as.Date(c(rep("2001-12-31",
        each = 12), rep("2002-12-31", each = 12), rep("2003-12-31",
        each = 12), rep("2001-06-30", each = 12), rep("2002-06-30",
        each = 12), rep("2003-06-30", each = 12))), prc_month_end = as.Date(c("2001-01-31",
        "2001-02-28", "2001-03-30", "2001-04-30", "2001-05-31",
        "2001-06-29", "2001-07-31", "2001-08-31", "2001-09-28",
        "2001-10-31", "2001-11-30", "2001-12-31", "2002-01-31",
        "2002-02-28", "2002-03-28", "2002-04-30", "2002-05-31",
        "2002-06-28", "2002-07-31", "2002-08-30", "2002-09-30",
        "2002-10-31", "2002-11-29", "2002-12-31", "2003-01-31",
        "2003-02-28", "2003-03-31", "2003-04-30", "2003-05-30",
        "2003-06-30", "2003-07-31", "2003-08-29", "2003-09-30",
        "2003-10-31", "2003-11-28", "2003-12-31", "2000-07-31",
        "2000-08-31", "2000-09-29", "2000-10-31", "2000-11-30",
        "2000-12-29", "2001-01-31", "2001-02-28", "2001-03-30",
        "2001-04-30", "2001-05-31", "2001-06-29", "2001-07-31",
        "2001-08-31", "2001-09-28", "2001-10-31", "2001-11-30",
        "2001-12-31", "2002-01-31", "2002-02-28", "2002-03-28",
        "2002-04-30", "2002-05-31", "2002-06-28", "2002-07-31",
        "2002-08-30", "2002-09-30", "2002-10-31", "2002-11-29",
        "2002-12-31", "2003-01-31", "2003-02-28", "2003-03-31",
        "2003-04-30", "2003-05-30", "2003-06-30")), prc = c(37,
        28.56, 26.31, 30.91, 27.01, 29.25, 29.81, 27.96, 20.44,
        24.42, 32.66, 31.45, 35.04, 28.55, 30.41, 28.61, 27.62,
        18.27, 18.79, 16.67, 13.89, 17.3, 20.88, 15.57, 15.7,
        17.26, 16.28, 18.37, 20.82, 20.81, 24.89, 28.59, 27.52,
        32.95, 33.54, 32.05, 24.6, 21.5, 26.54, 31, 28.25, 28.9,
        18.26, 13.55, 8.15, 9.84, 13.56, 15.86, 16.05, 13.5,
        14.71, 11.18, 11.43, 9.72, 8.03, 8.85, 5.34, 6.14, 9,
        6.46, 5.24, 5.49, 6.18, 7.44, 7.28, 6.41, 7.3, 11.29,
        11.11, 15.2, 17.97, 14.9))


       id fyear fyear_start  fyear_end prc_month_end   prc
 1: 59328  2001  2001-01-01 2001-12-31    2001-01-31 37.00
 2: 59328  2001  2001-01-01 2001-12-31    2001-02-28 28.56
 3: 59328  2001  2001-01-01 2001-12-31    2001-03-30 26.31


How to loop lapply to create LAG terms over multiple variables in R


vars <- c("prc")
rpv <- rep(1:2, each=length(vars))
dt_test <- dt[, paste(vars, "lag", rpv, sep="_") := Map(shift, .SD, rpv), by=id, .SDcols=vars]

How to create lag variables


Create lead and lag variables in R


无法使用data.table的.SD [1] /。N语句,因为它返回会计年度的第一个月/最后一个月,而不是上一个会计年度的最后一个月。



output <- data.table(id = rep(c(59328, 61241), each = 3), fyear = c(2001,
    2002, 2003, 2001, 2002, 2003), fyear_start = as.Date(c("2001-01-01",
    "2002-01-01", "2003-01-01", "2000-07-01", "2001-07-01", "2002-07-01")),
    fyear_end = as.Date(c("2001-12-31", "2002-12-31", "2003-12-31",
        "2001-06-30", "2002-06-30", "2003-06-30")), begin_prc = c(NA,
        31.45, 15.57, NA, 15.86, 6.46))

      id fyear fyear_start  fyear_end begin_prc
1: 59328  2001  2001-01-01 2001-12-31        NA
2: 59328  2002  2002-01-01 2002-12-31     31.45
3: 59328  2003  2003-01-01 2003-12-31     15.57
4: 61241  2001  2000-07-01 2001-06-30        NA
5: 61241  2002  2001-07-01 2002-06-30     15.86
6: 61241  2003  2002-07-01 2003-06-30      6.46




out = unique(dt[, .(id, fyear, fyear_start, fyear_end)])

out[, prc_end := {
  dt[.(id = .SD$id, prc_month_end = .SD$fyear_start - 1L), on=.(id, prc_month_end), roll=TRUE, x.prc]

      id fyear fyear_start  fyear_end prc_end
1: 59328  2001  2001-01-01 2001-12-31      NA
2: 59328  2002  2002-01-01 2002-12-31   31.45
3: 59328  2003  2003-01-01 2003-12-31   15.57
4: 61241  2001  2000-07-01 2001-06-30      NA
5: 61241  2002  2001-07-01 2002-06-30   15.86
6: 61241  2003  2002-07-01 2003-06-30    6.46


使用.(id, fyear_start - 1)(数据子集)构造查找向量.SD = out
查找dt的行,将最后一个矢量fyear_start - 1“滚动”到最近的较早日期


关于r - 使用条件创建滞后变量并按ID分组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57012555/

10-13 07:08