#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct fushu { int xubu; int shibu; struct fushu *next; }fushu_node,*fushu; int MUL(fushu *A,fushu B,fushu C) { fushu D; D.shibu=B.shibu*C.shibu-B.xubu*C.xubu; D.xubu=B.shibu*C.xubu+B.xubu*C.shibu return D; } int ADD(fushu *A,fushu B,fushu C) { fushu D; D.shibu=B.shibu+C.shibu; D.xubu=B.xubu+C.xubu; return D; } int SUB(fushu *A,fushu B,fushu C) { fushu D; D.shibu=B.shibu-C.shibu; D.xubu=B.xubu-C.xubu; return D; } int DIV(fushu *A,fushu B,fushu C) { fushu D; D.shibu=B.shibu*C.shibu+B.xubu*C.xubu; D.xubu=B.xubu*C.shibu-B.shibu*C.xubu; return D; } int main() { int i,j=1,k,LEN; fushu L,p,q; L=(fushu)malloc(sizeof(fushu_node)); L->next=NULL; q=L; printf("enter the number of complexnumber:") scanf("%d",&LEN); for(i=0;i<LEN;i++) { p=(fushu)malloc(sizeof(fushu_node)); printf("enter the realpart of number%d ",j) scanf("%d",&(p->shibu)); printf("enter the imagepart of number%d ",j) scanf("%d",&(p->xubu)); p->next=NULL; q->next=p; q=p; j++; } return 0; }