
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var request = require('request');

function SiteParser() {
  const SITE = 'http://www.anywebsite.com';

  // variable for caching html
  var $ = getBody();

  function getBody(SITE){
    // request html
    request(SITE, function(error, response, html) {
      if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
        return cheerio.load(html);
      else {
        throw new Error('Could not parse web site\nError text: ' + error);

  //declaration of class methods using cached html
  this.getCategories = function() {};
  this.getNews = function() {};



请注意,var $ = getBody();不能按您期望的方式工作,因为getBody不会返回任何内容。内部回调返回了一些东西,但是返回值永远丢失了。此外,该回调是异步调用的,因此您无法通过var $ = getBody();来获取它,因为getBody在执行回调之前已完成。


function SiteParser(onready) {
  const SITE = 'http://www.anywebsite.com';

  // variable for caching html
  var $;
  var that = this; // maintain reference to this instance of SiteParser

  function getBody(SITE){
    // request html
    request(SITE, function(error, response, html) {
      if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
        $ = cheerio.load(html); // store the result
        that.ready() // notify client that html has been retrieved
      else {
        throw new Error('Could not parse web site\nError text: ' + error);

  //declaration of class methods using cached html
  this.getCategories = function() {
      if ($ === undefined) throw new Error('Not ready yet');
      // extract categories from $ and return them
  this.getNews = function() {
      if ($ === undefined) throw new Error('Not ready yet');
      // extract news from $ and return it
  this.ready = onready || function() {}; // callback for being notified


parser = new SiteParser;
parser.ready = function () {
    var cats = parser.getCategories();
    // ...etc


parser = new SiteParser(function () {
    var cats = parser.getCategories();
    // ...etc



使用promise概念,您可以通过仅在所有准备就绪时提供SiteParser实例来对此进行改进。这是一些可以与promise for nodejs一起使用的(未经测试的)代码:

var Promise = require('promise');

// SiteParser now needs to be given the HTML in the constructor:
function SiteParser(html) {
    var $ = $cheerio.load(html)

    //declaration of class methods using cached html
    this.getCategories = function() {
        // extract categories from $ and return them
    this.getNews = function() {
        // extract news from $ and return it

// a separate Promise object takes care of the retrieval:
function promiseSiteParser() {
  const SITE = 'http://www.anywebsite.com';

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    // request html
    request(SITE, function(error, response, html) {
      if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
        resolve(new SiteParser(html));
      else {

promiseSiteParser().then(function (parser) {
    var cats = parser.getCategories();
    // ...etc
}, function (error) {
    throw new Error('Could not parse web site\nError text: ' + error);

08-18 21:19