我正在使用Spring MVC和Hibernate在Spring上进行项目




<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated 5 ao?t 2015 11:05:44 by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.CR1 -->
    <class name="com.my.dao.Departement" table="DEPARTEMENT">
        <id name="id" type="int">
            <column name="ID" />
            <generator class="native" />
        <property name="nomDepartement" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="NOMDEPARTEMENT" />
        <set name="Employe" inverse="true">
            <key column="ID" not-null="true"/>
            <one-to-many class="com.my.dao.Employe" />


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated 5 ao?t 2015 11:05:44 by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.CR1 -->
    <class name="com.my.dao.Employe" table="EMPLOYE">
        <id name="id" type="int">
            <column name="ID" />
            <generator class="native" />
        <property name="nomEmploye" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="NOMEMPLOYE" />
        <property name="prenomEmploye" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="PRENOMEMPLOYE" />
        <property name="matriculeMY" type="int">
            <column name="MATRICULEMY" />
        <property name="adresse" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="ADRESSE" />
        <property name="sexe" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="SEXE" />
        <property name="cin" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="CIN" />
        <property name="dateNaissance" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="DATENAISSANCE" />
        <property name="situationFamiliale" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="SITUATIONFAMILIALE" />
        <property name="dateEntree" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="DATEENTREE" />
        <property name="dateSortie" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="DATESORTIE" />
        <property name="numCIMR" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="NUMCIMR" />
        <property name="numCNSS" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="NUMCNSS" />
        <property name="numMUT" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="NUMMUT" />
        <property name="profile" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="PROFILE" />
        <property name="resteConge" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="RESTECONGE" />
        <property name="banque" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="BANQUE" />
        <property name="numCpteBanc" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="NUMCPTEBANC" />
        <!-- <property name="fonction" type="java.lang.String">
            <column name="FONCTION" />
        </property> -->
        <property name="salaire" type="float">
            <column name="SALAIRE" />
        <property name="indTransport" type="float">
            <column name="INDTRANSPORT" />
        <property name="indRepresent" type="float">
            <column name="INDREPRESENT" />
        <property name="indPanier" type="float">
            <column name="INDPANIER" />
        <many-to-one name="eDepartement" class="com.my.dao.Departement" access="field" fetch="join">
            <column name="EDEPARTEMENT" />
        <many-to-one name="eFonction" class="com.my.dao.Fonction" access="field" fetch="join">
            <column name="EFONCTION" />
        <many-to-one name="eService" class="com.my.dao.Service" access="field" fetch="join">
            <column name="ESERVICE" />
        <many-to-one name="eTypePaiement" class="com.my.dao.TypePaiement" access="field" fetch="join">
            <column name="ETYPEPAIEMENT" />
        <many-to-one name="eModePaiement" class="com.my.dao.ModePaiement" access="field" fetch="join">
            <column name="EMODEPAIEMENT" />


package com.my.dao;

import java.util.Date;

import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;

import org.hibernate.annotations.ManyToAny;

 * @author Ilias
 * @version 1.0
public class Employe {

private int id;
private String nomEmploye;
private String prenomEmploye;
private int matriculeMY;
private String adresse;
private String sexe;
private String cin;
private Date dateNaissance;
private String situationFamiliale;
private int nombreEnfant;
private Date dateEntree;
private Date dateSortie;
private String numCIMR;
private String numCNSS;
private String numMUT;
private String profile;
private String resteConge;
private String banque;
private String numCpteBanc;
private String fonction;
private float salaire;
private float indTransport;
private float indRepresent;
private float indPanier;
private Departement eDepartement;
private Fonction eFonction;
private Service eService;
private TypePaiement eTypePaiement;
private ModePaiement eModePaiement;
 * @return the id
public int getId() {
    return id;
 * @param id the id to set
public void setId(int id) {
    this.id = id;
 * @return the nomEmploye
public String getNomEmploye() {
    return nomEmploye;
 * @param nomEmploye the nomEmploye to set
public void setNomEmploye(String nomEmploye) {
    this.nomEmploye = nomEmploye;
 * @return the prenomEmploye
public String getPrenomEmploye() {
    return prenomEmploye;
 * @param prenomEmploye the prenomEmploye to set
public void setPrenomEmploye(String prenomEmploye) {
    this.prenomEmploye = prenomEmploye;
 * @return the matriculeMY
public int getMatriculeMY() {
    return matriculeMY;
 * @param matriculeMY the matriculeMY to set
public void setMatriculeMY(int matriculeMY) {
    this.matriculeMY = matriculeMY;
 * @return the adresse
public String getAdresse() {
    return adresse;
 * @param adresse the adresse to set
public void setAdresse(String adresse) {
    this.adresse = adresse;
 * @return the sexe
public String getSexe() {
    return sexe;
 * @param sexe the sexe to set
public void setSexe(String sexe) {
    this.sexe = sexe;
 * @return the cin
public String getCin() {
    return cin;
 * @param cin the cin to set
public void setCin(String cin) {
    this.cin = cin;
 * @return the dateNaissance
public Date getDateNaissance() {
    return dateNaissance;
 * @param dateNaissance the dateNaissance to set
public void setDateNaissance(Date dateNaissance) {
    this.dateNaissance = dateNaissance;
 * @return the situationFamiliale
public String getSituationFamiliale() {
    return situationFamiliale;
 * @param situationFamiliale the situationFamiliale to set
public void setSituationFamiliale(String situationFamiliale) {
    this.situationFamiliale = situationFamiliale;
 * @return the nombreEnfant
public int getNombreEnfant() {
    return nombreEnfant;
 * @param nombreEnfant the nombreEnfant to set
public void setNombreEnfant(int nombreEnfant) {
    this.nombreEnfant = nombreEnfant;
 * @return the dateEntree
public Date getDateEntree() {
    return dateEntree;
 * @param dateEntree the dateEntree to set
public void setDateEntree(Date dateEntree) {
    this.dateEntree = dateEntree;
 * @return the dateSortie
public Date getDateSortie() {
    return dateSortie;
 * @param dateSortie the dateSortie to set
public void setDateSortie(Date dateSortie) {
    this.dateSortie = dateSortie;
 * @return the numCIMR
public String getNumCIMR() {
    return numCIMR;
 * @param numCIMR the numCIMR to set
public void setNumCIMR(String numCIMR) {
    this.numCIMR = numCIMR;
 * @return the numCNSS
public String getNumCNSS() {
    return numCNSS;
 * @param numCNSS the numCNSS to set
public void setNumCNSS(String numCNSS) {
    this.numCNSS = numCNSS;
 * @return the numMUT
public String getNumMUT() {
    return numMUT;
 * @param numMUT the numMUT to set
public void setNumMUT(String numMUT) {
    this.numMUT = numMUT;
 * @return the profile
public String getProfile() {
    return profile;
 * @param profile the profile to set
public void setProfile(String profile) {
    this.profile = profile;
 * @return the resteConge
public String getResteConge() {
    return resteConge;
 * @param resteConge the resteConge to set
public void setResteConge(String resteConge) {
    this.resteConge = resteConge;
 * @return the banque
public String getBanque() {
    return banque;
 * @param banque the banque to set
public void setBanque(String banque) {
    this.banque = banque;
 * @return the numCpteBanc
public String getNumCpteBanc() {
    return numCpteBanc;
 * @param numCpteBanc the numCpteBanc to set
public void setNumCpteBanc(String numCpteBanc) {
    this.numCpteBanc = numCpteBanc;
 * @return the fonction
public String getFonction() {
    return fonction;
 * @param fonction the fonction to set
public void setFonction(String fonction) {
    this.fonction = fonction;
 * @return the salaire
public float getSalaire() {
    return salaire;
 * @param salaire the salaire to set
public void setSalaire(float salaire) {
    this.salaire = salaire;
 * @return the indTransport
public float getIndTransport() {
    return indTransport;
 * @param indTransport the indTransport to set
public void setIndTransport(float indTransport) {
    this.indTransport = indTransport;
 * @return the indRepresent
public float getIndRepresent() {
    return indRepresent;
 * @param indRepresent the indRepresent to set
public void setIndRepresent(float indRepresent) {
    this.indRepresent = indRepresent;
 * @return the indPanier
public float getIndPanier() {
    return indPanier;
 * @param indPanier the indPanier to set
public void setIndPanier(float indPanier) {
    this.indPanier = indPanier;
 * @return the eDepartement
public Departement geteDepartement() {
    return eDepartement;
 * @param eDepartement the eDepartement to set
public void seteDepartement(Departement eDepartement) {
    this.eDepartement = eDepartement;
 * @return the eFonction
public Fonction geteFonction() {
    return eFonction;
 * @param eFonction the eFonction to set
public void seteFonction(Fonction eFonction) {
    this.eFonction = eFonction;
 * @return the eService
public Service geteService() {
    return eService;
 * @param eService the eService to set
public void seteService(Service eService) {
    this.eService = eService;
 * @return the eTypePaiement
public TypePaiement geteTypePaiement() {
    return eTypePaiement;
 * @param eTypePaiement the eTypePaiement to set
public void seteTypePaiement(TypePaiement eTypePaiement) {
    this.eTypePaiement = eTypePaiement;
 * @return the eModePaiement
public ModePaiement geteModePaiement() {
    return eModePaiement;
 * @param eModePaiement the eModePaiement to set
public void seteModePaiement(ModePaiement eModePaiement) {
    this.eModePaiement = eModePaiement;

 * @param nomEmploye
 * @param prenomEmploye
 * @param matriculeMY
 * @param adresse
 * @param sexe
 * @param cin
 * @param dateNaissance
 * @param situationFamiliale
 * @param nombreEnfant
 * @param dateEntree
 * @param dateSortie
 * @param numCIMR
 * @param numCNSS
 * @param numMUT
 * @param profile
 * @param resteConge
 * @param banque
 * @param numCpteBanc
 * @param fonction
 * @param salaire
 * @param indTransport
 * @param indRepresent
 * @param indPanier
 * @param eDepartement
 * @param eFonction
 * @param eService
 * @param eTypePaiement
 * @param eModePaiement
public Employe(String nomEmploye, String prenomEmploye, int matriculeMY, String adresse, String sexe, String cin,
        Date dateNaissance, String situationFamiliale, int nombreEnfant, Date dateEntree, Date dateSortie,
        String numCIMR, String numCNSS, String numMUT, String profile, String resteConge, String banque,
        String numCpteBanc, String fonction, float salaire, float indTransport, float indRepresent, float indPanier,
        Departement eDepartement, Fonction eFonction, Service eService, TypePaiement eTypePaiement,
        ModePaiement eModePaiement) {
    this.nomEmploye = nomEmploye;
    this.prenomEmploye = prenomEmploye;
    this.matriculeMY = matriculeMY;
    this.adresse = adresse;
    this.sexe = sexe;
    this.cin = cin;
    this.dateNaissance = dateNaissance;
    this.situationFamiliale = situationFamiliale;
    this.nombreEnfant = nombreEnfant;
    this.dateEntree = dateEntree;
    this.dateSortie = dateSortie;
    this.numCIMR = numCIMR;
    this.numCNSS = numCNSS;
    this.numMUT = numMUT;
    this.profile = profile;
    this.resteConge = resteConge;
    this.banque = banque;
    this.numCpteBanc = numCpteBanc;
    this.fonction = fonction;
    this.salaire = salaire;
    this.indTransport = indTransport;
    this.indRepresent = indRepresent;
    this.indPanier = indPanier;
    this.eDepartement = eDepartement;
    this.eFonction = eFonction;
    this.eService = eService;
    this.eTypePaiement = eTypePaiement;
    this.eModePaiement = eModePaiement;

public Employe(Employe e){



public Employe() {
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
 * {@exception} Throwable

public void finalize() throws Throwable{






 <many-to-one name="eDepartement" class="com.my.dao.Departement"   access="field" fetch="join" column="EDEPARTEMENT" unique="true" cascade="all" />

09-30 11:00