js 进制转换
js 进制转换支持 2-36 , 即 0-9a-z .
// 取值 2-36
(1234).toString(36) // 把 10 进制数转为 36 进制
parseInt('ya', 36) // 把转 36 进制 ya 为 10 进制
function enStr(strLong = '你好'){
const num2 = 36;
let aryLong = '';
let result = '';
for (const item of strLong) {
if (aryLong.length > 0) aryLong += '|';
aryLong += item.charCodeAt().toString(num2);
return aryLong
function deStr(aryLong = 'fog|hod') {
const num2 = 36
let result = ''
for (const item of aryLong.split('|')) {
result += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(item, num2));
return result
console.log('enStr()', enStr('测试'))
console.log('deStr()', deStr(enStr('测试')))
function enServer(ip = '') { // 返回 ip:prot 的 36进制+位置 例: => oit6cnyo3312
const arr = [...ip.matchAll(/\.|:/g)].map(item => item. index)
const addr = arr.map((item, index, arr) => index === 0 ? item : arr[index] - arr[index-1] - 1).join('')
const ip36 = (Number(ip.replace(/\.|:/g, ''))).toString(36) // 转 ip 端口为 36 进制并位置
const res = ip36+addr
return res
function deServer(str = 'oit6cnyo3312') { // 转 36进制+位置为 ip:prot 例: oit6cnyo3312 =>
const [, ip36, addr] = str.match(/(.*)(.{4})/)
const ip = String(parseInt(ip36, 36))
const re = new RegExp(addr.replace(/(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)/, '(\\d{$1})(\\d{$2})(\\d{$3})(\\d{$4})(\\d+)'))
const res = ip.replace(re, '$1.$2.$3.$4:$5')
return res
console.log('enServer', enServer(''))
console.log('deServer', deServer(enServer('')))