

This is the initial code below:
function destroyer(arr) {
  // Remove all the values
  return arr;

destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3);


如果我应该将所有参数与第一个参数进行比较,那么在这段代码中我在哪里指出呢?我一直认为我需要拼接第一个参数以将所有其他参数与此参数进行比较,或者为arguments [0]创建一个变量。您可以提供的任何指导都将不胜感激!

function destroyer(arr) {
      var args = Array.from(arguments); //this also converts them to an array
       var iterateThroughArr = function (val) {
         if (args.indexOf(val) ===-1){
            return args;
       return arr.filter(iterateThroughArr);



function destroyer(arr) {
      var args = Array.from(arguments); //Here arr is converted to [Array(6),2,3]
    /*   var iterateThroughArr = function (val) {
         if (args.indexOf(val) ===-1){
            return args;

     return arr.filter(iterateThroughArr);

     // to make more clear the above code can be rewritten as below
     var arr = arr.filter(function (val) {
          console.log("args = "+ args + " val = " + val + " indexOf(val) "  + args.indexOf(val) )
         // here you are itterating through each arr val which in this case is[1,2,3,1,2,3]
         // if you dont believe me uncomment the next console.log() and see the output
        // console.log(val)
         if (args.indexOf(val) ===-1){
          // here is where the magic happens
          // Now you are checking if val exisists by using a builtin method called .indexOf()
          // In general, .indexOf() returns -1 if a value does not exist within an array
          //Below is working example
          /* var array = [1,2,3,4,5]
            console.log(array.indexOf(1)) // 0 since it is located at index 0
            console.log(array.indexOf(5)) // 4 since it is located at index 4
            console.log(array.indexOf(10))  // -1 since it does not exisit
           // Therefore, if value passes the above if statement
          //then that means it doesnot exisit on args([Array(6),2,3])
           //which as a result will be included on the filtered array

            return args;

       return arr;


 var val =    destroyer([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2, 3);


关于javascript - 寻找并销毁Freecode营地挑战的争论,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45497108/

10-13 21:51