我使用的是magento 1.8.1,我有一个严重的问题:手续费是按总运费的百分比计算的。相反,我需要将此费用计算为购物车小计的百分比(不包括运费)。现在,对于一辆100美元的购物车,运费为10美元,手续费为10%,费用计算为1美元(运费的10%),总计111美元。相反,我们需要手续费是购物车的10%,总共120美元。

 * Calculate price considering free shipping and handling fee
 * @param string $cost
 * @param string $method
 * @return float|string
public function getMethodPrice($cost, $method = '')
    return $method == $this->getConfigData($this->_freeMethod)
        && $this->getConfigFlag('free_shipping_enable')
        && $this->getConfigData('free_shipping_subtotal') <= $this->_rawRequest->getBaseSubtotalInclTax()
        ? '0.00'
        : $this->getFinalPriceWithHandlingFee($cost);

 * Get the handling fee for the shipping + cost
 * @param float $cost
 * @return float final price for shipping method
public function getFinalPriceWithHandlingFee($cost)
    $handlingFee = $this->getConfigData('handling_fee');
    $handlingType = $this->getConfigData('handling_type');
    if (!$handlingType) {
        $handlingType = self::HANDLING_TYPE_FIXED;
    $handlingAction = $this->getConfigData('handling_action');
    if (!$handlingAction) {
        $handlingAction = self::HANDLING_ACTION_PERORDER;

    return $handlingAction == self::HANDLING_ACTION_PERPACKAGE
        ? $this->_getPerpackagePrice($cost, $handlingType, $handlingFee)
        : $this->_getPerorderPrice($cost, $handlingType, $handlingFee);

 * Get final price for shipping method with handling fee per package
 * @param float $cost
 * @param string $handlingType
 * @param float $handlingFee
 * @return float
protected function _getPerpackagePrice($cost, $handlingType, $handlingFee)
    if ($handlingType == self::HANDLING_TYPE_PERCENT) {
        return ($cost + ($cost * $handlingFee/100)) * $this->_numBoxes;

    return ($cost + $handlingFee) * $this->_numBoxes;

 * Get final price for shipping method with handling fee per order
 * @param float $cost
 * @param string $handlingType
 * @param float $handlingFee
 * @return float
protected function _getPerorderPrice($cost, $handlingType, $handlingFee)
    if ($handlingType == self::HANDLING_TYPE_PERCENT) {
        return ($cost * $this->_numBoxes) + ($cost * $this->_numBoxes * $handlingFee / 100);

    return ($cost * $this->_numBoxes) + $handlingFee;



protected function _getPerorderPrice($cost, $handlingType, $handlingFee)
    if ($handlingType == self::HANDLING_TYPE_PERCENT) {
        if($cost) { //if shipping is not free
            $cartTotal = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getTotals();
            return ($cost * $this->_numBoxes) + ($cartTotal["subtotal"]->getValue() * $handlingFee / 100);
        } else {  //if shipping is free
              return ($cost * $this->_numBoxes) + ($cost * $this->_numBoxes * $handlingFee / 100);

  return ($cost * $this->_numBoxes) + $handlingFee;

10-07 20:44