
Sub mySend()

Dim myNum As Integer

myNum = InputBox("Enter number")

myReturn (myNum)

msgbox myReturn 'would like to display result in messagebox here but no joy

End Sub
Function myReturn(ByRef myNum As Integer)

Dim myCalc As Integer

myCalc = myNum + 10

myReturn = myCalc

End Function



Sub mySend()

Dim myNum As Integer

myNum = InputBox("Enter number")

myNum = myReturn(myNum) '// You need to assign (=) the value to the variable

msgbox myNum

End Sub
Function myReturn(number As Integer) As Integer '// Note the return type after the ()

Dim myCalc As Integer

myCalc = number + 10

myReturn = myCalc

End Function


Sub mySend()

Dim myNum As Integer

myNum = InputBox("Enter number")

myReturn myNum '// No need for parentheses here

msgbox myNum

End Sub
Function myReturn(ByRef myNum As Integer)

myNum = myNum + 10

End Function

10-05 21:29