

#将项目的正确名称命名为“ YYMM_ProjectName” =“ 1908_Sample_Project”

projectnames = ['190511_Waldfee', 'Mountain_Shooting_Test', '1806_Coffe_Prime_Now', '180410_Fotos', '191110', '1901_Rollercoaster_Vision_Ride', 'Musicvideo_LA', '1_Project_Win', '19_Wrong_Project', '1903_di_2', '1907_DL_2', '3401_CAR_Wagon']


for projectname in projectnames:
    if int(str(projectname[0])) < 3 and int(projectname[1]) > 5 and ((int(projectname[2]) * 10) + int(projectname[3])) <= 12 and str(projectname[4]) == "_" and projectname[5].isupper():
        print('Real Project')
        print('%s is a real Project' % projectname)
        # print("Skipped Folders")

ValueError:int()以10为底的无效文字:“ E”




import re

projectnames = ['1911_Waldfee', "1908_Project_Test", "1912_WinterProject", "1702_Stockfootage", "1805_Branded_Content"]

p = ''.join(["^", # Start of string being matched
             "[0-2]", # First character a number 0 through 2 (less than 3)
             "[6-9]", # Second character a number 6 through 9 (single digit greater than 5)
             "(0(?=[0-9])|1(?=[0-2]))", # (lookahead) A 0 followed only by any number 0 through 9 **OR** A 1 followed only by any number 0 through 2
             "((?<=0)[1-9]|(?<=1)[0-2])", # (lookbehind) Match 1-9 if the preceding character was a 0, match 0-2 if the preceding was a 1
             "_", # Next char is a "_"
             "[A-Z]", #Next char (only) is an upper A through Z
              ".*$" # Match anything until end of string

for projectname in projectnames:
    if re.match(p, projectname):
        #print('Real Project')
        print('%s is a real Project' % projectname)
        # print("Skipped Folders")



projectname = "2612_UPPER"
p = "^[0-2].*$" # The first character is between 0 through 2, and anything else afterwards
if re.match(p, projectname): print(projectname)
# If you get a print, the first character match is right.
# Now do the next
p = "^[0-2][6-9].*$" # The first character is between 0 through 2, the second between 6 and 9, and anything else afterwards
if re.match(p, projectname): print(projectname)
# If you get a print, the first and second character match is right.
# continue with the third, fourth, etc.

关于python - 使用多个if条件时如何克服ValueError?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58382568/

10-09 16:43