# class Student:
# school='oldboy'
# def __init__(self,name,age,gender):
# self.Name=name
# self.Age = age
# self.Gender=gender
# def learn(self):
# print('%s is learning'%self.Name)
# def choose_course(self):
# print('choose course')
# stu1=Student('李三炮','18','男')
# stu2=Student('张美丽','18','女')
# stu3=Student('二狗子','18','男')
# print(Student.school,id(Student.school))
# print(stu1.school,id(stu1.school))
# print(stu2.school,id(stu2.school))
# print(stu3.school,id(stu3.school))
oldboy 2426462576880
oldboy 2426462576880
oldboy 2426462576880
oldboy 2426462576880
# print(Student.school,id(Student.school))
# stu1.school='love'
# print(stu1.school,id(stu1.school))
# print(stu2.school,id(stu2.school))
# print(stu3.school,id(stu3.school))
oldboy 2662001647856
love 2662001881008
oldboy 2662001647856
oldboy 2662001647856
# Student.school='love'
# print(Student.school,id(Student.school))
# print(stu1.school,id(stu1.school))
# print(stu2.school,id(stu2.school))
# print(stu3.school,id(stu3.school))
love 2173913608112
love 2173913608112
love 2173913608112
love 2173913608112
# print(Student.learn)
# print(stu1.learn)
# print(stu2.learn)
# print(stu3.learn)
<function Student.learn at 0x000002554E9B4EE8>
<bound method Student.learn of <__main__.Student object at 0x000002554E9C2648>>
<bound method Student.learn of <__main__.Student object at 0x000002554E9C2688>>
<bound method Student.learn of <__main__.Student object at 0x000002554E9C26C8>>
# stu1.learn()
# stu2.learn()
# stu3.learn()
李三炮 is learning
张美丽 is learning
二狗子 is learning
# class Student:
# school='oldboy'
# def __init__(self,name,age,gender):
# self.Name=name
# self.Age = age
# self.Gender=gender
# def learn(self,x,y):
# print('%s is learning'%self.Name)
# print(x,y)
# def choose_course(self):
# print('choose course')
# stu1=Student('李三炮','18','男')
# stu2=Student('张美丽','18','女')
# stu3=Student('二狗子','18','男')

# stu1.learn()
# stu2.learn()
# stu3.learn() # 报错

# stu1.learn(1,2)
# stu2.learn(5,2)
# stu3.learn(2,0)
李三炮 is learning
1 2
张美丽 is learning
5 2
二狗子 is learning
2 0
# print(Student.learn)
<function Student.learn at 0x000002A827A64EE8>
# Student.learn(stu1,1,2)
李三炮 is learning
1 2
# class Student:
# school='oldboy'
# def __init__(self,name,age,gender):
# self.Name=name
# self.Age = age
# self.Gender=gender
# def learn(self,x,y):
# print('%s is learning'%self.Name)
# print(x,y)
# def choose_course(self):
# print('choose course')
# def commit_hw():
# print('commit homework')
# stu1=Student('李三炮','18','男')
# stu2=Student('张美丽','18','女')
# stu3=Student('二狗子','18','男')
# stu1.commit_hw()
TypeError: commit_hw() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
# class Student:
# school='oldboy'
# count=0
# def __init__(self,name,age,gender):
# self.Name=name
# self.Age = age
# self.Gender=gender
# Student.count+=1
# def learn(self):
# print('%s is learning'%self.Name)
# def choose_course(self):
# print('choose course')
# stu1=Student('李三炮','18','男')
# stu2=Student('张美丽','18','女')
# print(stu1.count)
# print(stu2.count)
12-17 04:14