



 headerline 1 to skip
 headerline 2 to skip
 headerline 3 to skip
 TIMESTEP =    0.00000000
0,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
1,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
2,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
2,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
 TIMESTEP =   0.119999997
0,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
1,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
2,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
3,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
 TIMESTEP =    3.00000000
0,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
1,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
1,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0
2,    1.0,   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,      1.0,   1.0


import numpy as np

with open('myfile.txt') as f_in:
  data = np.genfromtxt(f_in, skip_header=3, comments=" ")




从numpy import genfromtxt

class Iter(object):
    ' a custom iterator which returns a timestep and corresponding data '

    def __init__(self, fd):
        self.__fd = fd
        self.__timestep = None
        self.__next_timestep = None
        self.__finish = False
        for _ in self.to_next_timestep(): pass # skip header

    def to_next_timestep(self):
        ' iterate until next timestep '
        for line in self.__fd:
            if 'TIMESTEP' in line:
                self.__timestep = self.__next_timestep
                self.__next_timestep = float(line.split('=')[1])
            yield line
        self.__timestep = self.__next_timestep
        self.__finish = True

    def __iter__(self): return self

    def next(self):
        if self.__finish:
            raise StopIteration
        data = genfromtxt(self.to_next_timestep(), delimiter=',')
        return self.__timestep, data

with open('myfile.txt') as fd:
    iter = Iter(fd)
    for timestep, data in iter:
        print timestep, data # data can be selected upon highest timestep

07-26 09:40