


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title>vivus.js - test</title><style type="text/css">  svg * {fill: none;stroke: currentColor;stroke-width:4;}  .sunrise {color: #f037a5; background-color: #f8c72c;}  .matrix  {color: #86e0c4; background-color: #181f21;}  .electric {color: #78C9DB; background-color: #E4175B;}  .night  {color: #D3D679; background-color: #316BD2;}  i{ font-style:normal; color:#f00;}  span{ color:#316BD2;}</style></head><body>  <div>    <p>    <span>var synthD</span> = new Vivus('<i>synth-dynamic</i>', {<br>      <i>file: </i>'vivus-git/synth.svg',<br>      <i>type: </i>'oneByOne',<br>      duration: 200,<br>      <i>start: </i>'manual',<br>      <i>animTimingFunction:</i> Vivus.EASE_OUT_BOUNCE<br>    });    </p>    <p>    <span>synth-dynamic:</span>SVG的ID 或 加载外部SVG文件的父标签    </p>    <p>    <span>file:</span><i>vivus-git/synth.svg</i>,如果是SVG的ID则可省略此设置,如果是加载外部SVG文件的父标签,对应的值则是SVG文件的路径    </p>    <p>    <span>type:</span><br>      对就值:<i>delayed</i> 每条路径元素绘制在同一时间用小延迟开始。这是目前默认动画。<br>      对就值:<i>scenario-sync</i> 每一行都是同步的。他们都在同一时间开始和结束,因此得名“同步”。<br>      对就值:<i>oneByOne</i> 每个路径元素是一个接一个。这个动画给人最好的印象的绘画。    </p>    <p>    <span>start:</span>是否自动播放,可省略此设置,不设置则默认自动播放<br>      对就值:<i>autostart</i> 默认值,自动播放<br>      对就值:<i>manual</i> 不自动播放,需要事件触发播放    </p>    <p>    <span>animTimingFunction:</span>动画效果<br>      对就值:<i>LINEAR</i> 动画从头到尾的速度是相同的<br>      对就值:<i>EASE</i> 动画以低速开始,然后加快,在结束前变慢。<br>      对就值:<i>EASE_IN</i> 动画以低速开始。<br>      对就值:<i>EASE_OUT</i> 动画以低速结束。<br>      对就值:<i>EASE_OUT_BOUNCE</i> 动画弹性结束    </p>  </div>  <div>    <p>      <span>synthD</span><i>.play();</i> 播放动画<br>      <span>synthD</span><i>.reset().play();</i> 重新播放动画<br>      <span>synthD</span><i>.play(-3);</i> 倒带,反向收回之前完成的动画    </p>  </div>  <div class="matrix">    <div>     <p>每条路径元素绘制在同一时间用小延迟开始。这是目前默认动画。<br>vivus-git/obturateur.svg</p>     <button onclick="obt1.reset().play();">重新播放动画</button>     <button onclick=";">倒带</button>    </div>    <!--    <div id="obt"></div>    -->    <div>     <object id="obt" data="vivus-git/obturateur.svg" type="image/svg+xml" style="width: 100%; max-height: 250px;"></object>    </div>  </div>  <div class="sunrise">    <div>     <p>每一行都是同步的。他们都在同一时间开始和结束,因此得名“同步”。<br>vivus-git/polaroid.svg</p>     <button onclick="polaroidD.reset().play();">重新播放动画</button>     <button onclick=";">倒带</button>    </div>    <div id="polaroid-dynamic"></div>  </div>  <div class="electric">    <div>     <p>每一行都是同步的。他们都在同一时间开始和结束,因此得名“同步”。<br>vivus-git/hi-there.svg</p>     <button onclick=";">播放动画</button>     <button onclick=";">倒带</button>    </div>    <!--<div id="hi-dynamic" style="max-width: 300px; margin: auto;"></div>-->    <svg height="300" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 404.7 354" enable-background="new 0 0 404.7 354" id="hi-dynamic" onclick="hiD.reset().play();">      <!-- HI -->      <path data-duration="10" d="M324.6,61.2c16.6,0,29.5-12.9,29.5-29.5c0-16.6-12.9-29.5-29.5-29.5c-16.6,0-29.5,12.9-29.5,29.5C295.1,48.4,308,61.2,324.6,61.2z" style="stroke-dasharray: 186px, 226px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-duration="130" d="M366.2,204.2c-9.8,0-15-5.6-15-15.1V77.2h-85v28h19.5c9.8,0,8.5,2.1,8.5,11.6v72.4c0,9.5,0.5,15.1-9.3,15.1H277h-20.7c-8.5,0-14.2-4.1-14.2-12.9V52.4c0-8.5,5.7-12.3,14.2-12.3h18.8v-28h-127v28h18.1c8.5,0,9.9,2.1,9.9,8.9v56.1h-75V53.4c0-11.5,8.6-13.3,17-13.3h11v-28H2.2v28h26c8.5,0,12,2.1,12,7.9v142.2c0,8.5-3.6,13.9-12,13.9h-21v33h122v-33h-11c-8.5,0-17-4.1-17-12.2v-57.8h75v58.4c0,9.1-1.4,11.6-9.9,11.6h-18.1v33h122.9h5.9h102.2v-33H366.2z" style="stroke-dasharray: 2216px, 2256px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" data-delay="20" d="M358.8,82.8c11.1-4.2,18.8-14.7,18.8-27.5c0-8.5-3.4-16-8.9-21.3" style="stroke-dasharray: 60px, 100px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M124.2,105.7V77c0-11.5,9.1-13.8,17.5-13.8h10.5V44.7" style="stroke-dasharray: 84px, 124px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M147.9,40.2L171.2,63.2L175.7,63.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 38px, 78px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M295.1,32.1L275.2,12.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 29px, 69px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M266.2,204.7V75.9c0-8.5,5.2-12.8,13.7-12.8h18.3V44.7" style="stroke-dasharray: 187px, 227px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M265.9,105.2L289.2,129.2L293.7,129.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 38px, 78px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M374.2,204.7L374.2,94.2L358.8,82.8L351.2,77.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 140px, 180px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M148.2,237.2L171.2,261.2L294.6,261.2L300.5,261.2L402.2,261.2L402.2,228.2L379.2,204.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 331px, 371px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M124.2,204.7L124.2,157.2L175.7,157.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 99px, 139px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M147.7,228.2L129.2,204.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 31px, 71px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M7.2,237.3L30.2,261.2L152.2,261.2L152.2,241.7" style="stroke-dasharray: 175px, 215px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M1.9,40.2L26,63.2L39.7,63.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 48px, 88px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M129.2,12.2L148.2,33.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 29px, 69px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path data-async="" d="M303.9,53L328.1,77.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 35px, 75px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path d="M345.1,10.5L368.7,34" style="stroke-dasharray: 34px, 74px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <!-- there -->      <path data-delay="30" data-duration="60" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M76.8,337.3c0,0,1.9,12.2,13.1,12.2c22.1,0,23.8-1.8,59-66.4c-19.7,35.7-36.4,66.2-19.3,66.2c15.2,0,22.9-14.2,28.3-23.7c3.3-0.5,24-3.2,35-25.5c4-8.1,4.1-17.8-8.1-15.2c-5.6,1.2-13.1,14.8-15.7,19.2c-7.6,12.7-22.4,45.2-22.4,45.2s10.3-22.4,21.5-22.4c15.5,0-9.4,22.4,4.7,22.4c4.9,0,11.7-11.4,16.6-20.9c7.5,4.7,19.7,1.7,24.5-8.1c10.1-20.4-14.4-12.8-24.5,8.1c-5.5,11.3-2.2,21.1,11.2,21.1c16.4,0,26.1-28.3,30.5-37.5c9.9,2.5,14,2.5,22.7-1.1c-3.5,5.1-24,38.1-8.3,38.1c6.7,0,11.7-11.4,16.6-20.9c7.5,4.7,19.7,1.7,24.5-8.1c10.1-20.4-14.4-12.8-24.5,8.1c-5.5,11.3-2.2,21.1,11.2,21.1c16.4,0,20.6-4,24.7-10.5" style="stroke-dasharray: 851px, 891px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>      <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M157.3,300.8c3.8-2.3-29,0.8-35.6,3.2" style="stroke-dasharray: 37px, 77px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>    </svg>  </div>  <div class="night">    <div>     <p>每个路径元素是一个接一个。这个动画给人最好的印象的绘画。<br>vivus-git/synth.svg</p>     <button onclick=";">播放动画</button>     <button onclick=";">倒带</button>    </div>    <div id="synth-dynamic" style="max-width: 400px; margin: auto;"></div>  </div>  <!--<script src="vivus.js"></script>-->  <script src=""></script>  <script>   if (window.location.protocol === 'file:') {     alert('请使用HTTP服务器服务(http://localhost/)访问此页面。');   }   var obt1 = new Vivus('obt', {    /*    加载SVG外部文件的方法:    1、有object标签则 不用 加载SVG外部文件的代码:file: 'vivus-git/obturateur.svg'    以上HTML中有此代码:<object id="obt" data="vivus-git/obturateur.svg" type="image/svg+xml" style="width: 100%; max-height: 250px;"></object>    2、没有object标签则 要 加载SVG外部文件的代码:file: 'vivus-git/obturateur.svg'    以上HTML中有此代码 已注释:<div id="obt"></div>    */    //file: 'vivus-git/obturateur.svg',    type: 'delayed',//每条路径元素绘制在同一时间用小延迟开始。这是目前默认动画。    duration: 150,    //start: 'autostart'   });   var polaroidD = new Vivus('polaroid-dynamic', {    file: 'vivus-git/polaroid.svg',    //file: 'vivus-git/111.svg',    type: 'scenario-sync',//每一行都是同步的。他们都在同一时间开始和结束,因此得名“同步”。    duration: 20,    start: 'autostart'   });   var hiD = new Vivus('hi-dynamic', {    /*    1、SVG内部标签, 不用 加载SVG外部文件的代码:file: 'vivus-git/hi-there.svg'    以上HTML中有此代码:<svg height="300" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 404.7 354" enable-background="new 0 0 404.7 354" id="hi-dynamic" onclick="hiD.reset().play();">    2、加载SVG外部文件的方法:file: 'vivus-git/hi-there.svg'    以上HTML中有此代码 已注释:<div id="hi-dynamic" style="max-width: 300px; margin: auto;"></div>    */    //file: 'vivus-git/hi-there.svg',    type: 'scenario-sync',    duration: 20,    start: 'manual'   });   var synthD = new Vivus('synth-dynamic', {    file: 'vivus-git/synth.svg',    type: 'oneByOne',//每个路径元素是一个接一个。这个动画给人最好的印象的绘画。    duration: 200,    start: 'manual',    animTimingFunction: Vivus.EASE_OUT   });//   function easeOutBounce (x) {//    var base = -Math.cos(x * (0.5 * Math.PI)) + 1;//    var rate = Math.pow(base,1.5);//    var rateR = Math.pow(1 - x, 2);//    var progress = -Math.abs(Math.cos(rate * (2.5 * Math.PI) )) + 1;//    return (1- rateR) + (progress * rateR);//   }  </script> </body></html>hi-there.svg代码:[html] view plain copy<svg height="300" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 404.7 354" enable-background="new 0 0 404.7 354"> <g stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10">  <!-- HI -->  <path data-duration="10" d="M324.6,61.2c16.6,0,29.5-12.9,29.5-29.5c0-16.6-12.9-29.5-29.5-29.5c-16.6,0-29.5,12.9-29.5,29.5C295.1,48.4,308,61.2,324.6,61.2z"/>  <path data-duration="130" d="M366.2,204.2c-9.8,0-15-5.6-15-15.1V77.2h-85v28h19.5c9.8,0,8.5,2.1,8.5,11.6v72.4c0,9.5,0.5,15.1-9.3,15.1H277h-20.7c-8.5,0-14.2-4.1-14.2-12.9V52.4c0-8.5,5.7-12.3,14.2-12.3h18.8v-28h-127v28h18.1c8.5,0,9.9,2.1,9.9,8.9v56.1h-75V53.4c0-11.5,8.6-13.3,17-13.3h11v-28H2.2v28h26c8.5,0,12,2.1,12,7.9v142.2c0,8.5-3.6,13.9-12,13.9h-21v33h122v-33h-11c-8.5,0-17-4.1-17-12.2v-57.8h75v58.4c0,9.1-1.4,11.6-9.9,11.6h-18.1v33h122.9h5.9h102.2v-33H366.2z"/>  <path data-async="" data-delay="20" d="M358.8,82.8c11.1-4.2,18.8-14.7,18.8-27.5c0-8.5-3.4-16-8.9-21.3"/>  <path data-async="" d="M124.2,105.7V77c0-11.5,9.1-13.8,17.5-13.8h10.5V44.7"/>  <polyline data-async="" points="147.9,40.2 171.2,63.2 175.7,63.2"/>  <line data-async="" x1="295.1" y1="32.1" x2="275.2" y2="12.2"/>  <path data-async="" d="M266.2,204.7V75.9c0-8.5,5.2-12.8,13.7-12.8h18.3V44.7"/>  <polyline data-async="" points="265.9,105.2 289.2,129.2 293.7,129.2"/>  <polyline data-async="" points="374.2,204.7 374.2,94.2 358.8,82.8 351.2,77.2"/>  <polyline data-async="" points="148.2,237.2 171.2,261.2 294.6,261.2 300.5,261.2 402.2,261.2 402.2,228.2 379.2,204.2"/>  <polyline data-async="" points="124.2,204.7 124.2,157.2 175.7,157.2"/>  <line data-async="" x1="147.7" y1="228.2" x2="129.2" y2="204.2"/>  <polyline data-async="" points="7.2,237.3 30.2,261.2 152.2,261.2 152.2,241.7"/>  <polyline data-async="" points="1.9,40.2 26,63.2 39.7,63.2"/>  <line data-async="" x1="129.2" y1="12.2" x2="148.2" y2="33.2"/>  <line data-async="" x1="303.9" y1="53" x2="328.1" y2="77.2"/>  <line x1="345.1" y1="10.5" x2="368.7" y2="34"/>  <!-- there -->  <path data-delay="30" data-duration="60" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M76.8,337.3c0,0,1.9,12.2,13.1,12.2c22.1,0,23.8-1.8,59-66.4c-19.7,35.7-36.4,66.2-19.3,66.2c15.2,0,22.9-14.2,28.3-23.7c3.3-0.5,24-3.2,35-25.5c4-8.1,4.1-17.8-8.1-15.2c-5.6,1.2-13.1,14.8-15.7,19.2c-7.6,12.7-22.4,45.2-22.4,45.2s10.3-22.4,21.5-22.4c15.5,0-9.4,22.4,4.7,22.4c4.9,0,11.7-11.4,16.6-20.9c7.5,4.7,19.7,1.7,24.5-8.1c10.1-20.4-14.4-12.8-24.5,8.1c-5.5,11.3-2.2,21.1,11.2,21.1c16.4,0,26.1-28.3,30.5-37.5c9.9,2.5,14,2.5,22.7-1.1c-3.5,5.1-24,38.1-8.3,38.1c6.7,0,11.7-11.4,16.6-20.9c7.5,4.7,19.7,1.7,24.5-8.1c10.1-20.4-14.4-12.8-24.5,8.1c-5.5,11.3-2.2,21.1,11.2,21.1c16.4,0,20.6-4,24.7-10.5"/>  <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M157.3,300.8c3.8-2.3-29,0.8-35.6,3.2"/> </g></svg>obturateur.svg代码:[html] view plain copy<svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="100%" height="200px" style="height:200px;" viewBox="0 0 200 200" enable-background="new 0 0 200 200"> <g stroke="#f60" fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" >  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="90"/>  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="85.74"/>  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="72.947"/>  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="39.74"/>  <line x1="34.042" y1="131.189" x2="67.047" y2="77.781"/>  <line x1="31.306" y1="75.416" x2="92.41" y2="60.987"/>  <line x1="68.81" y1="34.042" x2="122.219" y2="67.046"/>  <line x1="124.584" y1="31.305" x2="139.013" y2="92.409"/>  <line x1="165.957" y1="68.809" x2="132.953" y2="122.219"/>  <line x1="168.693" y1="124.584" x2="107.59" y2="139.012"/>  <line x1="131.19" y1="165.957" x2="77.781" y2="132.953"/>  <line x1="75.417" y1="168.693" x2="60.987" y2="107.59"/> </g></svg>polaroid.svg代码:[html] view plain copy<svg id="polaroid" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" style="height:200px;" viewBox="0 0 200 160" enable-background="new 0 0 200 160"> <g stroke="#f9f9f9" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10">  <!-- Case -->  <!-- The case items will be drawn at the same time (attribute `data-async` on each tag) with a custom duration of 40 frames (attribute `data-duration`). WARNING: When you want to draw a bloc asynchronously (like here), the last item need to be `data-async` free. Otherwise the following tags will also start at the same time. I know it's a bit confusing, play a bit with it and you'll see. -->  <path data-async="" data-duration="40" d="   M106.725,104.742c-0.773,2.498-3.586,4.229-6.285,3.867L12.473,96.802c-2.699-0.363-4.262-2.682-3.49-5.18l25.164-81.436   c0.771-2.496,3.584-4.229,6.283-3.866l87.966,11.808c2.699,0.362,4.264,2.68,3.49,5.179L106.725,104.742z"/>  <path data-async="" data-duration="40" d="   M101.02,123.207c-0.773,2.5-3.587,4.23-6.286,3.867L6.766,115.27c-2.699-0.363-4.26-2.682-3.488-5.182l2.91-9.417   c0.771-2.499,3.585-4.23,6.285-3.87l87.967,11.809c2.699,0.361,4.261,2.682,3.49,5.18L101.02,123.207z"/>  <line data-async="" data-duration="40" x1="103.377" y1="128.225" x2="154.768" y2="155.32"/>  <line data-async="" data-duration="40" x1="109.852" y1="112.684" x2="155.035" y2="136.906"/>  <path data-async="" data-duration="40" d="   M9.096,120.207l47.932,21.994c0,0,98.06,12.414,97.74,13.119c-0.318,0.709,5.426-16.205,5.426-16.205l-2.646-96.842   c-1.098-7.587-2.467-11.8-8.559-15.024l-12.635-6.604"/>  <path data-async="" data-duration="40" d="   M161.586,38.135l30.717,16.085c0,0,5.295,2.323,4.543,6.504l-3.215,10.527c-0.648,2.621-2.939,4.988-8.229,2.798l-9.154-4.701   l-11.834,56.441"/>  <path data-duration="40" d="   M183.148,49.518c0,0,5.295,2.324,4.543,6.506l-3.215,10.526c-0.648,2.622-2.938,4.988-8.229,2.798"/>  <!-- Lens -->  <!-- All item will be drawn line by line, with an exception for the first one, a little delay (attribute `data-delay) to make a break between the drawing of the case and the start of the lens part -->  <path data-delay="20" d="   M87.176,56.143C83.274,68.78,69.043,77.538,55.395,75.706S33.846,62.146,37.75,49.511c3.903-12.637,18.135-21.392,31.783-19.562   C83.181,31.782,91.081,43.51,87.176,56.143z"/>  <path d="   M92.745,56.891c-4.785,15.48-22.219,26.213-38.942,23.969C37.079,78.615,27.4,64.245,32.184,48.763   c4.783-15.48,22.218-26.211,38.94-23.968C87.848,27.041,97.528,41.411,92.745,56.891z"/>  <path d="   M78.99,26.933c16.169,7.426,19.398,10.989,22.026,20.105c1.283,4.449,1.271,9.411-0.3,14.489   c-4.783,15.479-22.217,26.213-38.941,23.969c-8.68-1.165-21.171-7.963-25.613-14.055"/>  <path d="   M42.602,50.162c3.137-10.157,14.573-17.193,25.543-15.722"/>  <!-- Flash -->  <!-- This tag does not have any extra attribute. So it will start when the previous tag is finished. His duration and delay will be the one given in the options. -->  <path d="   M103.789,29.275c-0.568,1.841,0.582,3.549,2.57,3.818l12.807,1.72c1.988,0.266,4.062-1.012,4.633-2.851l1.66-5.38   c0.568-1.843-0.582-3.551-2.57-3.816l-12.807-1.72c-1.988-0.268-4.062,1.01-4.633,2.85L103.789,29.275z"/>  <!-- Output -->  <!-- Same case as Flash -->  <path d="   M11.129,105.791c-0.297,0.965,0.305,1.855,1.346,1.994l81.446,10.932c1.038,0.141,2.123-0.527,2.42-1.49l0,0   c0.298-0.961-0.304-1.855-1.343-1.996l-81.447-10.93C12.51,104.16,11.426,104.828,11.129,105.791L11.129,105.791z"/>  <!-- Design (color lines on the front) -->  <!-- All the lines will start at the same time, because they all have the attribute `data-async` -->  <line data-async="" x1="47.583" y1="101.505" x2="51.561" y2="88.267"/>  <line data-async="" x1="53.391" y1="102.326" x2="57.047" y2="90.125"/>  <line data-async="" x1="59.224" y1="103.068" x2="62.749" y2="91.295"/>  <line data-async="" x1="65.057" y1="103.814" x2="69.015" y2="90.637"/>  <line data-async="" x1="72.87" y1="19.969" x2="75.497" y2="11.082"/>  <line data-async="" x1="78.512" y1="21.325" x2="81.317" y2="11.868"/>  <line data-async="" x1="83.833" y1="23.718" x2="87.16" y2="12.582"/>  <line data-async="" x1="89.145" y1="26.141" x2="92.939" y2="13.498"/> </g></svg>synth.svg代码:[html] view plain copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) --><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg version="1.1" id="Calque_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="378.995px" height="259.5px" viewBox="0 0 378.995 259.5" enable-background="new 0 0 378.995 259.5" xml:space="preserve"><g id="Synth">  <path fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="    M375.5,108.934c1.549,2.693,0.627,5.739-2.059,6.804L72.043,235.257c-2.685,1.064-6.116-0.254-7.665-2.946L5.362,129.69    c-1.548-2.692-0.625-5.737,2.059-6.802L308.818,3.369c2.686-1.065,6.117,0.254,7.666,2.946L375.5,108.934z"/>  <path fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="    M376.246,111.47l-2.068,18.344c0,0-0.621,5.361-4.932,7.726L69.601,256.365c-2.685,1.064-6.116-0.254-7.665-2.946L3.693,152.145    c-1.548-2.692-0.878-9.891-0.878-9.891l0.82-7.014"/>    <line fill="none" stroke="#241F20" 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190.406,73.3 194.875,71.512 226.938,118.169 227.061,127.476     "/>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        220,120.948 187.314,75.778 195.305,72.579 226.938,118.169      "/>        <line fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="219.775" y1="123.329" x2="218.922" y2="127.942"/>    </g>    <g>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        239.656,122.518 207.469,66.553 211.936,64.763 216.402,62.975 248.467,109.631 248.59,118.939       "/>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        241.529,112.411 208.844,67.241 216.834,64.042 248.467,109.631      "/>        <line fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="241.305" y1="114.792" x2="240.449" y2="119.405"/>    </g>    <g>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        282.713,105.443 250.525,49.478 254.992,47.688 259.459,45.9 291.523,92.558 291.646,101.864      "/>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        284.584,95.337 251.902,50.168 259.891,46.968 291.523,92.558       "/>        <line fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="284.361" y1="97.718" x2="283.508" y2="102.33"/>    </g>    <g>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        304.24,96.906 272.055,40.941 276.52,39.151 280.988,37.363 313.053,84.02 313.174,93.328     "/>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        306.113,86.8 273.43,41.631 281.42,38.431 313.053,84.02     "/>        <line fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="305.891" y1="89.181" x2="305.035" y2="93.794"/>    </g>    <g>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        325.768,88.369 293.582,32.404 298.049,30.614 302.518,28.825 334.58,75.482 334.703,84.791      "/>        <polygon fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="        327.641,78.262 294.957,33.093 302.947,29.894 334.58,75.482     "/>        <line fill="none" stroke="#241F20" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="327.418" y1="80.644" x2="326.562" y2="85.257"/>    </g>  </g></g></svg>(vivus.min.js)CDN引用地址:代码:[html] view plain copy/** * vivus - JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG * @version v0.4.0 * @link * @license MIT */'use strict';(function (window, document) { 'use strict';/** * Pathformer * Beta version * * Take any SVG version 1.1 and transform * child elements to 'path' elements * * This code is purely forked from * *//** * Class constructor * * @param {DOM|String} element Dom element of the SVG or id of it */function Pathformer(element) { // Test params if (typeof element === 'undefined') {  throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter is required'); } // Set the element if (element.constructor === String) {  element = document.getElementById(element);  if (!element) {   throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter is not related to an existing ID');  } } if (element.constructor instanceof window.SVGElement || /^svg$/i.test(element.nodeName)) {  this.el = element; } else {  throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter must be a string or a SVGelement'); } // Start this.scan(element);}/** * List of tags which can be transformed * to path elements * * @type {Array} */Pathformer.prototype.TYPES = ['line', 'ellipse', 'circle', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'rect'];/** * List of attribute names which contain * data. This array list them to check if * they contain bad values, like percentage. * * @type {Array} */Pathformer.prototype.ATTR_WATCH = ['cx', 'cy', 'points', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'y', 'y1', 'y2'];/** * Finds the elements compatible for transform * and apply the liked method * * @param {object} options Object from the constructor */Pathformer.prototype.scan = function (svg) { var fn, element, pathData, pathDom,   elements = svg.querySelectorAll(this.TYPES.join(',')); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {  element = elements[i];  fn = this[element.tagName.toLowerCase() + 'ToPath'];  pathData = fn(this.parseAttr(element.attributes));  pathDom = this.pathMaker(element, pathData);  element.parentNode.replaceChild(pathDom, element); }};/** * Read `line` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Line element to transform * @return {object}       Data for a `path` element */Pathformer.prototype.lineToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {},   x1 = element.x1 || 0,   y1 = element.y1 || 0,   x2 = element.x2 || 0,   y2 = element.y2 || 0; newElement.d = 'M' + x1 + ',' + y1 + 'L' + x2 + ',' + y2; return newElement;};/** * Read `rect` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * The radius-border is not taken in charge yet. * (your help is more than welcomed) * * @param {DOMelement} element Rect element to transform * @return {object}       Data for a `path` element */Pathformer.prototype.rectToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {},   x   = parseFloat(element.x)   || 0,   y   = parseFloat(element.y)   || 0,   width = parseFloat(element.width) || 0,   height = parseFloat(element.height) || 0; newElement.d = 'M' + x + ' ' + y + ' '; newElement.d += 'L' + (x + width) + ' ' + y + ' '; newElement.d += 'L' + (x + width) + ' ' + (y + height) + ' '; newElement.d += 'L' + x + ' ' + (y + height) + ' Z'; return newElement;};/** * Read `polyline` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Polyline element to transform * @return {object}       Data for a `path` element */Pathformer.prototype.polylineToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {},   points = element.points.trim().split(' '),   i, path; // Reformatting if points are defined without commas if (element.points.indexOf(',') === -1) {  var formattedPoints = [];  for (i = 0; i < points.length; i+=2) {   formattedPoints.push(points[i] + ',' + points[i+1]);  }  points = formattedPoints; } // Generate the path.d value path = 'M' + points[0]; for(i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {  if (points[i].indexOf(',') !== -1) {   path += 'L' + points[i];  } } newElement.d = path; return newElement;};/** * Read `polygon` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * This method rely on polylineToPath, because the * logic is similar. The path created is just closed, * so it needs an 'Z' at the end. * * @param {DOMelement} element Polygon element to transform * @return {object}       Data for a `path` element */Pathformer.prototype.polygonToPath = function (element) { var newElement = Pathformer.prototype.polylineToPath(element); newElement.d += 'Z'; return newElement;};/** * Read `ellipse` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element ellipse element to transform * @return {object}       Data for a `path` element */Pathformer.prototype.ellipseToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {},   rx = parseFloat(element.rx) || 0,   ry = parseFloat(element.ry) || 0,   cx = parseFloat( || 0,   cy = parseFloat( || 0,   startX = cx - rx,   startY = cy,   endX = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat(rx),   endY = cy; newElement.d = 'M' + startX + ',' + startY +         'A' + rx + ',' + ry + ' 0,1,1 ' + endX + ',' + endY +         'A' + rx + ',' + ry + ' 0,1,1 ' + startX + ',' + endY; return newElement;};/** * Read `circle` element to extract and transform * data, to make it ready for a `path` object. * * @param {DOMelement} element Circle element to transform * @return {object}       Data for a `path` element */Pathformer.prototype.circleToPath = function (element) { var newElement = {},   r = parseFloat(element.r) || 0,   cx = parseFloat( || 0,   cy = parseFloat( || 0,   startX = cx - r,   startY = cy,   endX = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat(r),   endY = cy; newElement.d = 'M' + startX + ',' + startY +         'A' + r + ',' + r + ' 0,1,1 ' + endX + ',' + endY +         'A' + r + ',' + r + ' 0,1,1 ' + startX + ',' + endY; return newElement;};/** * Create `path` elements form original element * and prepared objects * * @param {DOMelement} element Original element to transform * @param {object} pathData   Path data (from `toPath` methods) * @return {DOMelement}     Path element */Pathformer.prototype.pathMaker = function (element, pathData) { var i, attr, pathTag = document.createElementNS('','path'); for(i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) {  attr = element.attributes[i];  if (this.ATTR_WATCH.indexOf( === -1) {   pathTag.setAttribute(, attr.value);  } } for(i in pathData) {  pathTag.setAttribute(i, pathData[i]); } return pathTag;};/** * Parse attributes of a DOM element to * get an object of attribute => value * * @param {NamedNodeMap} attributes Attributes object from DOM element to parse * @return {object}         Object of attributes */Pathformer.prototype.parseAttr = function (element) { var attr, output = {}; for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {  attr = element[i];  // Check if no data attribute contains '%', or the transformation is impossible  if (this.ATTR_WATCH.indexOf( !== -1 && attr.value.indexOf('%') !== -1) {   throw new Error('Pathformer [parseAttr]: a SVG shape got values in percentage. This cannot be transformed into \'path\' tags. Please use \'viewBox\'.');  }  output[] = attr.value; } return output;}; 'use strict';var requestAnimFrame, cancelAnimFrame, parsePositiveInt;/** * Vivus * Beta version * * Take any SVG and make the animation * to give give the impression of live drawing * * This in more than just inspired from codrops * At that point, it's a pure fork. *//** * Class constructor * option structure *  type: 'delayed'|'sync'|'oneByOne'|'script' (to know if the items must be drawn synchronously or not, default: delayed) *  duration: <int> (in frames) *  start: 'inViewport'|'manual'|'autostart' (start automatically the animation, default: inViewport) *  delay: <int> (delay between the drawing of first and last path) *  dashGap <integer> whitespace extra margin between dashes *  pathTimingFunction <function> timing animation function for each path element of the SVG *  animTimingFunction <function> timing animation function for the complete SVG *  forceRender <boolean> force the browser to re-render all updated path items *  selfDestroy <boolean> removes all extra styling on the SVG, and leaves it as original * * The attribute 'type' is by default on 'delayed'. * - 'delayed' *  all paths are draw at the same time but with a *  little delay between them before start * - 'sync' *  all path are start and finish at the same time * - 'oneByOne' *  only one path is draw at the time *  the end of the first one will trigger the draw *  of the next one * * All these values can be overwritten individually * for each path item in the SVG * The value of frames will always take the advantage of * the duration value. * If you fail somewhere, an error will be thrown. * Good luck. * * @constructor * @this {Vivus} * @param {DOM|String}  element Dom element of the SVG or id of it * @param {Object}    options Options about the animation * @param {Function}   callback Callback for the end of the animation */function Vivus (element, options, callback) { // Setup this.isReady = false; this.setElement(element, options); this.setOptions(options); this.setCallback(callback); if (this.isReady) {  this.init(); }}/** * Timing functions ************************************** * * Default functions to help developers. * It always take a number as parameter (between 0 to 1) then * return a number (between 0 and 1) */Vivus.LINEAR     = function (x) {return x;};Vivus.EASE      = function (x) {return -Math.cos(x * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5;};Vivus.EASE_OUT    = function (x) {return 1 - Math.pow(1-x, 3);};Vivus.EASE_IN     = function (x) {return Math.pow(x, 3);};Vivus.EASE_OUT_BOUNCE = function (x) { var base = -Math.cos(x * (0.5 * Math.PI)) + 1,  rate = Math.pow(base,1.5),  rateR = Math.pow(1 - x, 2),  progress = -Math.abs(Math.cos(rate * (2.5 * Math.PI) )) + 1; return (1- rateR) + (progress * rateR);};/** * Setters ************************************** *//** * Check and set the element in the instance * The method will not return anything, but will throw an * error if the parameter is invalid * * @param {DOM|String}  element SVG Dom element or id of it */Vivus.prototype.setElement = function (element, options) { // Basic check if (typeof element === 'undefined') {  throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "element" parameter is required'); } // Set the element if (element.constructor === String) {  element = document.getElementById(element);  if (!element) {   throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "element" parameter is not related to an existing ID');  } } this.parentEl = element; // Create the object element if the property `file` exists in the options object if (options && options.file) {  var objElm = document.createElement('object');  objElm.setAttribute('type', 'image/svg+xml');  objElm.setAttribute('data', options.file);  objElm.setAttribute('built-by-vivus', 'true');  element.appendChild(objElm);  element = objElm; } switch (element.constructor) { case window.SVGSVGElement: case window.SVGElement:  this.el = element;  this.isReady = true;  break; case window.HTMLObjectElement:  // If we have to wait for it  var onLoad, self;  self = this;  onLoad = function (e) {   if (self.isReady) {    return;   }   self.el = element.contentDocument && element.contentDocument.querySelector('svg');   if (!self.el && e) {    throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: object loaded does not contain any SVG');   }   else if (self.el) {    if (element.getAttribute('built-by-vivus')) {     self.parentEl.insertBefore(self.el, element);     self.parentEl.removeChild(element);     self.el.setAttribute('width', '100%');     self.el.setAttribute('height', '100%');    }    self.isReady = true;    self.init();    return true;   }  };  if (!onLoad()) {   element.addEventListener('load', onLoad);  }  break; default:  throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "element" parameter is not valid (or miss the "file" attribute)'); }};/** * Set up user option to the instance * The method will not return anything, but will throw an * error if the parameter is invalid * * @param {object} options Object from the constructor */Vivus.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { var allowedTypes = ['delayed', 'sync', 'async', 'nsync', 'oneByOne', 'scenario', 'scenario-sync']; var allowedStarts = ['inViewport', 'manual', 'autostart']; // Basic check if (options !== undefined && options.constructor !== Object) {  throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "options" parameter must be an object'); } else {  options = options || {}; } // Set the animation type if (options.type && allowedTypes.indexOf(options.type) === -1) {  throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: ' + options.type + ' is not an existing animation `type`'); } else {  this.type = options.type || allowedTypes[0]; } // Set the start type if (options.start && allowedStarts.indexOf(options.start) === -1) {  throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: ' + options.start + ' is not an existing `start` option'); } else {  this.start = options.start || allowedStarts[0]; } this.isIE     = (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1 || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') !== -1 || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge/') !== -1 ); this.duration   = parsePositiveInt(options.duration, 120); this.delay    = parsePositiveInt(options.delay, null); this.dashGap   = parsePositiveInt(options.dashGap, 1); this.forceRender = options.hasOwnProperty('forceRender') ? !!options.forceRender : this.isIE; this.reverseStack = !!options.reverseStack; this.selfDestroy = !!options.selfDestroy; this.onReady   = options.onReady;     = []; this.frameLength = this.currentFrame = this.delayUnit = this.speed = this.handle = null; this.ignoreInvisible = options.hasOwnProperty('ignoreInvisible') ? !!options.ignoreInvisible : false; this.animTimingFunction = options.animTimingFunction || Vivus.LINEAR; this.pathTimingFunction = options.pathTimingFunction || Vivus.LINEAR; if (this.delay >= this.duration) {  throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: delay must be shorter than duration'); }};/** * Set up callback to the instance * The method will not return enything, but will throw an * error if the parameter is invalid * * @param {Function} callback Callback for the animation end */Vivus.prototype.setCallback = function (callback) { // Basic check if (!!callback && callback.constructor !== Function) {  throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "callback" parameter must be a function'); } this.callback = callback || function () {};};/** * Core ************************************** *//** * Map the svg, path by path. * The method return nothing, it just fill the * `map` array. Each item in this array represent * a path element from the SVG, with informations for * the animation. * * ``` * [ *  { *   el: <DOMobj> the path element *   length: <number> length of the path line *   startAt: <number> time start of the path animation (in frames) *   duration: <number> path animation duration (in frames) *  }, *  ... * ] * ``` * */Vivus.prototype.mapping = function () { var i, paths, path, pAttrs, pathObj, totalLength, lengthMeter, timePoint; timePoint = totalLength = lengthMeter = 0; paths = this.el.querySelectorAll('path'); for (i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {  path = paths[i];  if (this.isInvisible(path)) {   continue;  }  pathObj = {   el: path,   length: Math.ceil(path.getTotalLength())  };  // Test if the path length is correct  if (isNaN(pathObj.length)) {   if (window.console && console.warn) {    console.warn('Vivus [mapping]: cannot retrieve a path element length', path);   }   continue;  }; = pathObj.length + ' ' + (pathObj.length + this.dashGap * 2); = pathObj.length + this.dashGap;  pathObj.length += this.dashGap;  totalLength += pathObj.length;  this.renderPath(i); } totalLength = totalLength === 0 ? 1 : totalLength; this.delay = this.delay === null ? this.duration / 3 : this.delay; this.delayUnit = this.delay / (paths.length > 1 ? paths.length - 1 : 1); // Reverse stack if asked if (this.reverseStack) {; } for (i = 0; i <; i++) {  pathObj =[i];  switch (this.type) {  case 'delayed':   pathObj.startAt = this.delayUnit * i;   pathObj.duration = this.duration - this.delay;   break;  case 'oneByOne':   pathObj.startAt = lengthMeter / totalLength * this.duration;   pathObj.duration = pathObj.length / totalLength * this.duration;   break;  case 'sync':  case 'async':  case 'nsync':   pathObj.startAt = 0;   pathObj.duration = this.duration;   break;  case 'scenario-sync':   path = pathObj.el;   pAttrs = this.parseAttr(path);   pathObj.startAt = timePoint + (parsePositiveInt(pAttrs['data-delay'], this.delayUnit) || 0);   pathObj.duration = parsePositiveInt(pAttrs['data-duration'], this.duration);   timePoint = pAttrs['data-async'] !== undefined ? pathObj.startAt : pathObj.startAt + pathObj.duration;   this.frameLength = Math.max(this.frameLength, (pathObj.startAt + pathObj.duration));   break;  case 'scenario':   path = pathObj.el;   pAttrs = this.parseAttr(path);   pathObj.startAt = parsePositiveInt(pAttrs['data-start'], this.delayUnit) || 0;   pathObj.duration = parsePositiveInt(pAttrs['data-duration'], this.duration);   this.frameLength = Math.max(this.frameLength, (pathObj.startAt + pathObj.duration));   break;  }  lengthMeter += pathObj.length;  this.frameLength = this.frameLength || this.duration; }};/** * Interval method to draw the SVG from current * position of the animation. It update the value of * `currentFrame` and re-trace the SVG. * * It use this.handle to store the requestAnimationFrame * and clear it one the animation is stopped. So this * attribute can be used to know if the animation is * playing. * * Once the animation at the end, this method will * trigger the Vivus callback. * */Vivus.prototype.drawer = function () { var self = this; this.currentFrame += this.speed; if (this.currentFrame <= 0) {  this.stop();  this.reset(); } else if (this.currentFrame >= this.frameLength) {  this.stop();  this.currentFrame = this.frameLength;  this.trace();  if (this.selfDestroy) {   this.destroy();  } } else {  this.trace();  this.handle = requestAnimFrame(function () {   self.drawer();  });  return; } this.callback(this); if (this.instanceCallback) {  this.instanceCallback(this);  this.instanceCallback = null; }};/** * Draw the SVG at the current instant from the * `currentFrame` value. Here is where most of the magic is. * The trick is to use the `strokeDashoffset` style property. * * For optimisation reasons, a new property called `progress` * is added in each item of `map`. This one contain the current * progress of the path element. Only if the new value is different * the new value will be applied to the DOM element. This * method save a lot of resources to re-render the SVG. And could * be improved if the animation couldn't be played forward. * */Vivus.prototype.trace = function () { var i, progress, path, currentFrame; currentFrame = this.animTimingFunction(this.currentFrame / this.frameLength) * this.frameLength; for (i = 0; i <; i++) {  path =[i];  progress = (currentFrame - path.startAt) / path.duration;  progress = this.pathTimingFunction(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, progress)));  if (path.progress !== progress) {   path.progress = progress; = Math.floor(path.length * (1 - progress));   this.renderPath(i);  } }};/** * Method forcing the browser to re-render a path element * from it's index in the map. Depending on the `forceRender` * value. * The trick is to replace the path element by it's clone. * This practice is not recommended because it's asking more * ressources, too much DOM manupulation.. * but it's the only way to let the magic happen on IE. * By default, this fallback is only applied on IE. * * @param {Number} index Path index */Vivus.prototype.renderPath = function (index) { if (this.forceRender && &&[index]) {  var pathObj =[index],    newPath = pathObj.el.cloneNode(true);  pathObj.el.parentNode.replaceChild(newPath, pathObj.el);  pathObj.el = newPath; }};/** * When the SVG object is loaded and ready, * this method will continue the initialisation. * * This this mainly due to the case of passing an * object tag in the constructor. It will wait * the end of the loading to initialise. * */Vivus.prototype.init = function () { // Set object variables this.frameLength = 0; this.currentFrame = 0; = []; // Start new Pathformer(this.el); this.mapping(); this.starter(); if (this.onReady) {  this.onReady(this); }};/** * Trigger to start of the animation. * Depending on the `start` value, a different script * will be applied. * * If the `start` value is not valid, an error will be thrown. * Even if technically, this is impossible. * */Vivus.prototype.starter = function () { switch (this.start) { case 'manual':  return; case 'autostart':;  break; case 'inViewport':  var self = this,  listener = function () {   if (self.isInViewport(self.parentEl, 1)) {;    window.removeEventListener('scroll', listener);   }  };  window.addEventListener('scroll', listener);  listener();  break; }};/** * Controls ************************************** *//** * Get the current status of the animation between * three different states: 'start', 'progress', 'end'. * @return {string} Instance status */Vivus.prototype.getStatus = function () { return this.currentFrame === 0 ? 'start' : this.currentFrame === this.frameLength ? 'end' : 'progress';};/** * Reset the instance to the initial state : undraw * Be careful, it just reset the animation, if you're * playing the animation, this won't stop it. But just * make it start from start. * */Vivus.prototype.reset = function () { return this.setFrameProgress(0);};/** * Set the instance to the final state : drawn * Be careful, it just set the animation, if you're * playing the animation on rewind, this won't stop it. * But just make it start from the end. * */Vivus.prototype.finish = function () { return this.setFrameProgress(1);};/** * Set the level of progress of the drawing. * * @param {number} progress Level of progress to set */Vivus.prototype.setFrameProgress = function (progress) { progress = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, progress)); this.currentFrame = Math.round(this.frameLength * progress); this.trace(); return this;};/** * Play the animation at the desired speed. * Speed must be a valid number (no zero). * By default, the speed value is 1. * But a negative value is accepted to go forward. * * And works with float too. * But don't forget we are in JavaScript, se be nice * with him and give him a 1/2^x value. * * @param {number} speed Animation speed [optional] */ = function (speed, callback) { this.instanceCallback = null; if (speed && typeof speed === 'function') {  this.instanceCallback = speed; // first parameter is actually the callback function  speed = null; } else if (speed && typeof speed !== 'number') {  throw new Error('Vivus [play]: invalid speed'); } // if the first parameter wasn't the callback, check if the seconds was if (callback && typeof(callback) === 'function' && !this.instanceCallback) {  this.instanceCallback = callback; } this.speed = speed || 1; if (!this.handle) {  this.drawer(); } return this;};/** * Stop the current animation, if on progress. * Should not trigger any error. * */Vivus.prototype.stop = function () { if (this.handle) {  cancelAnimFrame(this.handle);  this.handle = null; } return this;};/** * Destroy the instance. * Remove all bad styling attributes on all * path tags * */Vivus.prototype.destroy = function () { this.stop(); var i, path; for (i = 0; i <; i++) {  path =[i]; = null; = null;  this.renderPath(i); }};/** * Utils methods * include methods from Codrops ************************************** *//** * Method to best guess if a path should added into * the animation or not. * * 1. Use the `data-vivus-ignore` attribute if set * 2. Check if the instance must ignore invisible paths * 3. Check if the path is visible * * For now the visibility checking is unstable. * It will be used for a beta phase. * * Other improvments are planned. Like detecting * is the path got a stroke or a valid opacity. */Vivus.prototype.isInvisible = function (el) { var rect,  ignoreAttr = el.getAttribute('data-ignore'); if (ignoreAttr !== null) {  return ignoreAttr !== 'false'; } if (this.ignoreInvisible) {  rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();  return !rect.width && !rect.height; } else {  return false; }};/** * Parse attributes of a DOM element to * get an object of {attributeName => attributeValue} * * @param {object} element DOM element to parse * @return {object}     Object of attributes */Vivus.prototype.parseAttr = function (element) { var attr, output = {}; if (element && element.attributes) {  for (var i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) {   attr = element.attributes[i];   output[] = attr.value;  } } return output;};/** * Reply if an element is in the page viewport * * @param {object} el Element to observe * @param {number} h Percentage of height * @return {boolean} */Vivus.prototype.isInViewport = function (el, h) { var scrolled  = this.scrollY(),  viewed    = scrolled + this.getViewportH(),  elBCR    = el.getBoundingClientRect(),  elHeight   = elBCR.height,  elTop    = scrolled +,  elBottom   = elTop + elHeight; // if 0, the element is considered in the viewport as soon as it enters. // if 1, the element is considered in the viewport only when it's fully inside // value in percentage (1 >= h >= 0) h = h || 0; return (elTop + elHeight * h) <= viewed && (elBottom) >= scrolled;};/** * Alias for document element * * @type {DOMelement} */Vivus.prototype.docElem = window.document.documentElement;/** * Get the viewport height in pixels * * @return {integer} Viewport height */Vivus.prototype.getViewportH = function () { var client = this.docElem.clientHeight,  inner = window.innerHeight; if (client < inner) {  return inner; } else {  return client; }};/** * Get the page Y offset * * @return {integer} Page Y offset */Vivus.prototype.scrollY = function () { return window.pageYOffset || this.docElem.scrollTop;};/** * Alias for `requestAnimationFrame` or * `setTimeout` function for deprecated browsers. * */requestAnimFrame = (function () { return (  window.requestAnimationFrame    ||  window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||  window.mozRequestAnimationFrame  ||  window.oRequestAnimationFrame   ||  window.msRequestAnimationFrame   ||  function(/* function */ callback){   return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 /
01-29 14:05