To change the scale of an element, CSS has the transform property, along with its scale() function.

The following code example doubles the size of all the paragraph elements on the page:

p {
  transform: scale(2);


Increase the size of the element with the id of ball2 to 1.5 times its original size.


 1 <style>
 2   .ball {
 3     width: 40px;
 4     height: 40px;
 5     margin: 50 auto;
 6     position: fixed;
 7     background: linear-gradient(
 8       35deg,
 9       #ccffff,
10       #ffcccc
11     );
12     border-radius: 50%;
13   }
14   #ball1 {
15     left: 20%;
16   }
17   #ball2 {
18     left: 65%;
19 <!-- 仅在此处填空既可,无需写全部代码-->
20     transform: scale(1.5);
21   }
22 </style>
24 <div class="ball" id= "ball1"></div>
25 <div class="ball" id= "ball2"></div>


01-14 03:17