1.Array Var Nginx Module  ArrayVarNginxModule
location /foo { array_split ',' $arg_files to=$array; # use the set_quote_sql_str directive in the ngx_set_misc # module to map to each element in the array $array: array_map_op set_quote_sql_str $array; array_map "name = $array_it" $array; array_join ' or ' $array to=$sql_condition; # well, we could feed it to ngx_drizzle to talk to MySQL, for example ;) echo "select * from files where $sql_condition"; }

location /private/
{ auth_request /auth; ... }
location = /auth
proxy_pass ...
proxy_set_header X-Original-Uri $request_uri;
... }

ngx_coolkit is collection of small and useful nginx add-ons.


  override_method off | [methods] source (context: http, server, location)
  Override HTTP method.

  default: none


  Decoded password from "Authorization" header (Basic HTTP Authentication).

  Name of the matched location block.

http {
    server {
        location / {
            override_method  $arg_method;

Pass request with changed HTTP method (based on "?method=XXX") to the backend.

http {
    upstream database {
        postgres_server dbname=test
                               user=monty password=some_pass;

    server {
        location = /auth {

            set_quote_sql_str  $user $remote_user;
            set_quote_sql_str  $pass $remote_passwd;

            postgres_pass      database;
            postgres_query     "SELECT login FROM users WHERE login=$user AND pass=$pass";
            postgres_rewrite   no_rows 403;
            postgres_output    none;

        location / {
            auth_request       /auth;
            root               /files;

Restrict access to local files by authenticating against SQL database.

Required modules (other than ngx_coolkit):
- ngx_http_auth_request_module,
- ngx_postgres (PostgreSQL) or ngx_drizzle (MySQL, Drizzle, SQLite),
- ngx_set_misc.

4.Drizzle Nginx Module

Yichun Zhang , 26 Aug 2011 (created 21 Jun 2011)


This is an nginx upstream module that talks to MySQL and/or Drizzle database servers by libdrizzle.

This ngx_drizzle module is not enabled by default. You should specify the --with-http_drizzle_module optiotn while configuring OpenResty.

The libdrizzle C library is no longer bundled by OpenResty. You need to download the drizzle server tarball from https://launchpad.net/drizzle.

When you get the drizzle7 release tarball, you can install libdrizzle-1.0 like this:

tar xzvf drizzle7-VERSION.tar.gz
cd drizzle7-VERSION/
./configure --without-server
make libdrizzle-1.0
make install-libdrizzle-1.0

where VERSION is the drizzle7 release version number like 2011.06.20.

Please ensure that you have the python command point to a python2 interpreter. It's known that on recent Arch Linux distribution, python is linked to python3 by default, and while running make libdrizzle-1.0 will yield the following error:

File "config/pandora-plugin", line 185
    print "Dependency loop detected with %s" % plugin['name']
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
make: *** [.plugin.scan] Error 1

You can fix this by pointing python temporarily to python2.

When you install the libdrizzle-1.0 library to a custom path prefix, you can specify the libdrizzle prefix to OpenResty like this:

cd /path/to/ngx_openresty-VERSION/
./configure --with-libdrizzle=/path/to/drizzle --with-http_drizzle_module


 drizzle_connect_timeout 1s;
 drizzle_send_query_timeout 2s;
 drizzle_recv_cols_timeout 1s;
 drizzle_recv_rows_timeout 1s;

 location /query {
     drizzle_query 'select sleep(10)';
     drizzle_pass my_backend;
     rds_json on;

     more_set_headers -s 504 'X-Mysql-Tid: $drizzle_thread_id';

 location /kill {
     drizzle_query "kill query $arg_tid";
     drizzle_pass my_backend;
     rds_json on;

 location /main {
     content_by_lua '
         local res = ngx.location.capture("/query")
         if res.status ~= ngx.HTTP_OK then
             local tid = res.header["X-Mysql-Tid"]
             if tid and tid ~= "" then
                 ngx.location.capture("/kill", { args = {tid = tid} })
             return ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
12-16 10:49