#-*-coding:utf-8-*- #=============================================================================== # 目录对比工具(包含子目录 ),并列出 # 1、A比B多了哪些文件 # 2、B比A多了哪些文件 # 3、二者相同的文件:文件大小相同 VS 文件大小不同 (Size相同文件不打印:与Size不同文件显示未排序) #=============================================================================== import os, time,difflib AFILES = [] #EE BFILES = [] #SVN COMMON = [] #EE & SVN def getPrettyTime(state): return time.strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(state.st_mtime)) # def getpathsize(dir): #获取文件大小的函数,未用上,仅供学习.故注释掉 # size=0 # for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): # #root:目录:str 如: C:\CopySVN\SystemObject\TopoProcedure\Built-in\ # #dirs:目录名称:列表: 如 ['Parsers'] # #files:名称:列表: 如 ['011D0961FB42416AA49D5E82945DE7E9.og',...] # #file:目录:str, 如 011D0961FB42416AA49D5E82945DE7E9.og # for file in files: # path = os.path.join(root,file) # size = os.path.getsize(path) # return size def dirCompare(apath,bpath): afiles = [] bfiles = [] for root, dirs , files in os.walk(apath): for f in files: afiles.append(root + "\\" + f) for root, dirs , files in os.walk(bpath): for f in files: bfiles.append(root + "\\" + f) #sizeB = os.path.getsize(root + "\\" + f) 此处定义的size无法在commonfiles进行比较. (A,B在各自的循环里面) # 去掉afiles中文件名的apath (拿A,B相同的路径\文件名,做成集合,去找交集) apathlen = len(apath) aafiles = [] for f in afiles: aafiles.append(f[apathlen:]) # 去掉bfiles中文件名的bpath bpathlen = len(bpath) bbfiles = [] for f in bfiles: bbfiles.append(f[bpathlen:]) afiles = aafiles bfiles = bbfiles setA = set(afiles) setB = set(bfiles) #print('%$%'+str(len(setA))) #print('%%'+str(len(setB))) commonfiles = setA & setB # 处理共有文件 #print ("===============File with different size in '", apath, "' and '", bpath, "'===============") #将结果输出到本地 #with open(os.getcwd()+'diff.txt','w') as di: #di.write("===============File with different size in '", apath, "' and '", bpath, "'===============") for f in sorted(commonfiles): sA=os.path.getsize(apath + "\\" + f) sB=os.path.getsize(bpath + "\\" + f) if sA==sB: #共有文件的大小比较 #pass #print (f + "\t\t" + getPrettyTime(os.stat(apath + "\\" + f)) + "\t\t" + getPrettyTime(os.stat(bpath + "\\" + f))) #以下代码是处理大小一致,但是内容可能不一致的情况 #print("in sa=sb") #print(os.getcwd()) saf=[] sbf=[] sAfile=open(apath + "\\" + f) iter_f=iter(sAfile) for line in iter_f: saf.append(line) sAfile.close() sBfile=open(bpath + "\\" + f) iter_fb=iter(sBfile) for line in iter_fb: sbf.append(line) sBfile.close() saf1=sorted(saf) sbf1=sorted(sbf) if(len(saf1)!=len(sbf1)): with open(os.getcwd()+'\\comment_diff.txt','a') as fp: print(os.getcwd()) fp.write(apath + "\\" + f+" lines size not equal "+bpath + "\\" + f+'\n') else: for i in range(len(saf1)): #print("into pre") if(saf1[i]!=sbf1[i]): print('into commont') with open(os.getcwd()+'\\comment_diff.txt','a') as fp1: fp1.write(apath + "\\" + f+" content not equal "+bpath + "\\" + f+'\n') break else: with open (os.getcwd()+'\\diff.txt','a') as di: di.write("File Name=%s EEresource file size:%d != SVN file size:%d" %(f,sA,sB)+'\n') #print ("File Name=%s EEresource file size:%d != SVN file size:%d" %(f,sA,sB)) # 处理仅出现在一个目录中的文件 onlyFiles = setA ^ setB aonlyFiles = [] bonlyFiles = [] for of in onlyFiles: if of in afiles: aonlyFiles.append(of) elif of in bfiles: bonlyFiles.append(of) #print ("###################### EE resource ONLY ###########################") #print ("#only files in ", apath) for of in sorted(aonlyFiles): with open (os.getcwd()+'\\EEonly.txt','a') as ee: ee.write(of+'\n') #print (of) #print ("*"*20+"SVN ONLY+"+"*"*20) #print ("#only files in ", bpath) for of in sorted(bonlyFiles): with open (os.getcwd()+'\\svnonly.txt','a') as svn: svn.write(of+'\n') #print (of) if __name__ == '__main__': FolderEE = 'D:\\search\\bb\\ObjectGroup - Copy\\ObjectGroup\\Built-in' FolderSVN = 'D:\\search\\bb\\ObjectGroup\\ObjectGroup\\Built-in' dirCompare(FolderEE, FolderSVN) print("done!")