
#include <wx/string.h>

class MyClass{
    wxString name;
    wxString get_name(){
        return this->name;




# Import the parts of wxString we want to use.
cdef extern from "wx/string.h":
    cdef cppclass wxString:
        char* ToUTF8()

# Import useful static functions from the class.
cdef extern from "wx/string.h" namespace "wxString":
   wxString FromUTF8(char*)

# Function to convert from Python string to wxString. This can be given either
# a unicode string, or a UTF-8 encoded byte string. Results with other encodings
# are undefined and will probably lead to errors.
cdef inline wxString from_python(python_string):
    # If it is a Python unicode string, encode it to a UTF-8 byte string as this
    # is how we will pass it to wxString.
    if isinstance(python_string, unicode):
        byte_string = python_string.encode('UTF-8')

    # It is already a byte string, and we have no choice but to assume its valid
    # UTF-8 as theres no (sane/efficient) way to detect the encoding.
        byte_string = python_string

    # Turn the byte string (which is still a Python object) into a C-level char*
    # string.
    cdef char* c_string = byte_string

    # Use the static wxString::FromUTF8() function to get us a wxString.
    return FromUTF8(c_string)

# Function to convert a wxString to a UTF-8 encoded Python byte string.
cdef inline object to_python_utf8(wxString wx_string):
    return wx_string.ToUTF8()

# Function to convert a wxString to a Python unicode string.
cdef inline object to_python_unicode(wxString wx_string):
    # Since the wxString.ToUTF8() method returns a const char*, we'd have to try
    # and cast it if we wanted to do it all in here. I've tried this and can't
    # seem to get it to work. But calling the to_python_utf8() function
    # means Cython handles the conversions and it all just works. Plus, since
    # they are defined as inline functions this may well be simplified down when
    # compiled.
    byte_string = to_python_utf8(wx_string)

    # Decode it to a unicode string and we're done.
    return byte_string.decode('UTF-8')

cimport wx.string

wx_string = wx.string.from_python(python_string)
python_string = wx.string.to_python_unicode(wx_string)

08-04 03:31