




请仔细阅读Data NormalizationGeneral Indexing概念和Foreign Key约束,以保持数据完整性和参照完整性。这会带你去。
以下内容将使您在修补过程中有一个良好的开端。 Joins

create table student
(   studentId int auto_increment primary key,
    fullName varchar(100) not null
    -- etc

create table dept
(   deptId int auto_increment primary key,
    deptName varchar(100) not null -- Economics
    -- etc

create table course
(   courseId int auto_increment primary key,
    deptId int not null,
    courseName varchar(100) not null,
    -- etc
    CONSTRAINT fk_crs_dept FOREIGN KEY (deptId) REFERENCES dept(deptId)

create table SCJunction
(   -- Student/Course Junction table (a.k.a Student is taking the course)
    -- also holds the attendance and grade
    id int auto_increment primary key,
    studentId int not null,
    courseId int not null,
    term int not null, -- term (I am using 100 in below examples for this term)
    attendance int not null, -- whatever you want, 100=always there, 0=he must have been partying,
    grade int not null, -- just an idea
    -- See (Note Composite Index) at bottom concerning next two lines.
    unique key(studentId,courseId,term), -- no duplicates allowed for the combo (note student can re-take it next term)
    key (courseId,studentId),
    CONSTRAINT fk_sc_student FOREIGN KEY (studentId) REFERENCES student(studentId),
    CONSTRAINT fk_sc_courses FOREIGN KEY (courseId) REFERENCES course(courseId)
insert student(fullName) values ('Henry Carthage'),('Kim Billings'),('Shy Guy'); -- id's 1,2,3
insert student(fullName) values ('Shy Guy');

insert dept(deptName) values ('History'),('Math'),('English'); -- id's 1,2,3

insert course(deptId,courseName) values (1,'Early Roman Empire'),(1,'Italian Nation States'); -- id's 1 and 2 (History dept)
insert course(deptId,courseName) values (2,'Calculus 1'),(2,'Linear Algebra A'); -- id's 3 and 4 (Math dept)
insert course(deptId,courseName) values (3,'World of Chaucer'); -- id 5 (English dept)

-- show why FK constraints are important based on data at the moment
insert course(deptId,courseName) values (66,'Fly Fishing 101'); -- will generate error 1452. That dept 66 does not exist
-- That error is a good error to have. Better than faulty data

-- Have Kim (studentId=2) enrolled in a few courses
insert SCJunction(studentId,courseId,term,attendance,grade) values (2,1,100,-1,-1); -- Early Roman Empire, term 100 (made up), unknown attendance/grade
insert SCJunction(studentId,courseId,term,attendance,grade) values (2,4,100,-1,-1); -- Linear Algebra A
insert SCJunction(studentId,courseId,term,attendance,grade) values (2,5,100,-1,-1); -- World of Chaucer

-- Have Shy Guy (studentId=3) enrolled in one course only. He is shy
insert SCJunction(studentId,courseId,term,attendance,grade) values (3,5,100,-1,-1); -- Early Roman Empire, term 100 (made up), unknow attendance/grade
-- note if you run that line again, the Error 1062 Duplicate entry happens. Can't take same course more than once per term
select c.courseId,c.courseName,d.deptId,d.deptName
from course c
join dept d
on c.deptId=d.deptId
order by d.deptName,c.courseName -- note the order
| courseId | courseName            | deptId | deptName |
|        5 | World of Chaucer      |      3 | English  |
|        1 | Early Roman Empire    |      1 | History  |
|        2 | Italian Nation States |      1 | History  |
|        3 | Calculus 1            |      2 | Math     |
|        4 | Linear Algebra A      |      2 | Math     |
(知道courseId = 5)
select s.StudentId,s.FullName
from SCJunction j
join student s
on j.studentId=s.studentId
where j.courseId=5 and j.term=100
| StudentId | FullName     |
|         2 | Kim Billings |
|         3 | Shy Guy      |
金比林斯(King Billings)参加了这个学期的类(class)?
select s.StudentId,s.FullName,c.courseId,c.courseName
from SCJunction j
join student s
on j.studentId=s.studentId
join course c
on j.courseId=c.courseId
where s.studentId=2 and j.term=100
order by c.courseId DESC -- descending, just for the fun of it
| StudentId | FullName     | courseId | courseName         |
|         2 | Kim Billings |        5 | World of Chaucer   |
|         2 | Kim Billings |        4 | Linear Algebra A   |
|         2 | Kim Billings |        1 | Early Roman Empire |
delete from SCJunction
where studentId=2 and courseId=4 and term=100
| StudentId | FullName     | courseId | courseName         |
|         2 | Kim Billings |        5 | World of Chaucer   |
|         2 | Kim Billings |        1 | Early Roman Empire |
至于唯一 key #1,它旁边的注释表明不重复(意味着垃圾数据),这是不言自明的。例如,该表中不能存在两次学生1类(class)1术语1。
对于仅在studentId 之后进行的查询,则使用首先列出studentId的键(left-most)。在只在courseId 之后进行的查询中,仅使用最左边的键。在studentId和courseId之后的查询中,数据库引擎可以决定要使用哪个组合键。
当我说“go after”时,是指courseIdon clause条件。
如果不让这两个复合键(其中的第1列和第2列翻转),那么在查询中未对where clause索引的列进行索引的查询中,您将不会受益于键的使用,并且需要进行慢速的表扫描以返回数据。
  • 基于最左端或两者(studentId和courseId列)的快速数据检索
  • 基于studentId,courseId和term值强制对该表中的数据进行非重复

  • 外卖

    10-05 18:16