为了帮助我,我一直在研究 Rust 中的一组近似函数。他们使用黎曼和、梯形规则或辛普森规则,根据实现计算函数 f
跨区间 a..b
的离散平均值,并使用固定增量 delta
pub fn riemann_avg<F>(a: f64, b: f64, delta: f64, f: F) -> f64
F: Fn(f64) -> f64
let n = ((b - a) / delta) as usize;
.map(|i| (i as f64) * delta)
.sum::<f64>() / (n as f64)
pub fn trapezoidal_avg<F>(a: f64, b: f64, delta: f64, f: F) -> f64
F: Fn(f64) -> f64
let n = ((b - a) / delta) as usize;
.map(|i| (i as f64) * delta)
.map(|xs| xs[0] + xs[1])
.sum::<f64>() / (2.0 * (n as f64))
pub fn simpson_avg<F>(a: f64, b: f64, delta: f64, f: F) -> f64
F: Fn(f64) -> f64
let n = ((b - a) / delta) as usize;
.map(|i| (i as f64) * delta)
.map(|xs| xs[0] + 4.0 * xs[1] + xs[2])
.sum::<f64>() / (6.0 * (n as f64))
接近于零时,我测试了每种方法的误差收敛,使用了几个函数 x.atan()
、 x.powi(4)
、 x
,积分范围从 0.0 到 1.0。delta riemann_err trap_err simpson_err
(smaller is better)
0.1000000000 0.0396869230 0.0763276780 0.1136616747
0.0100000000 0.0039311575 0.0078330229 0.0117430951
0.0010000000 0.0003927407 0.0007851897 0.0011777219
0.0001000000 0.0000392703 0.0000785377 0.0001178060
0.0000100000 0.0000073928 0.0000113197 0.0000152467
0.0000010000 0.0000003927 0.0000007854 0.0000011781
0.0000001000 0.0000000393 0.0000000785 0.0000001178
0.1000000000 0.0466700000 0.0794750000 0.1081733333
0.0100000000 0.0049666670 0.0097696470 0.0145089140
0.0010000000 0.0004996667 0.0009976697 0.0014950090
0.0001000000 0.0000499967 0.0000999767 0.0001499500
0.0000100000 0.0000129997 0.0000179993 0.0000229989
0.0000010000 0.0000005000 0.0000010000 0.0000015000
0.0000001000 0.0000000500 0.0000001000 0.0000001500
0.1000000000 0.0500000000 0.0950000000 0.1400000000
0.0100000000 0.0050000000 0.0099500000 0.0149000000
0.0010000000 0.0005000000 0.0009995000 0.0014990000
0.0001000000 0.0000500000 0.0000999950 0.0001499900
0.0000100000 0.0000100000 0.0000149999 0.0000199999
0.0000010000 0.0000005000 0.0000010000 0.0000015000
0.0000001000 0.0000000500 0.0000001000 0.0000001500
正如 Shepmaster 指出的那样,您需要仔细查看您的迭代器走了多远。riemann_avg
需要迭代 x
中的所有 a ..= b
,然后使用两点之间的平均值(将 n+1
元素的总和除以 n
也是错误的)! (所以基本上 sum [ f(a+0.5*delta), f(a+1.5*delta), ..., f(b-delta/2) ]
在很多层面上都是错误的。根据 wikipedia: Composite Simpson's rule,您不能使用所有 3 元组窗口,只能每秒使用一次;所以你需要奇数个点,至少 3。
还使用了我的 https://stackoverflow.com/a/47869373/1478356 中的 FloatIterator
extern crate itertools;
use itertools::Itertools;
/// produces: [ linear_interpol(start, end, i/steps) | i <- 0..steps ]
/// linear_interpol(a, b, p) = (1 - p) * a + p * b
pub struct FloatIterator {
current: u64,
current_back: u64,
steps: u64,
start: f64,
end: f64,
impl FloatIterator {
/// results in `steps` items
pub fn new(start: f64, end: f64, steps: u64) -> Self {
FloatIterator {
current: 0,
current_back: steps,
steps: steps,
start: start,
end: end,
/// results in `length` items. To use the same delta as `new` increment
/// `length` by 1.
pub fn new_with_end(start: f64, end: f64, length: u64) -> Self {
FloatIterator {
current: 0,
current_back: length,
steps: length - 1,
start: start,
end: end,
/// calculates number of steps from (end - start) / step
pub fn new_with_step(start: f64, end: f64, step: f64) -> Self {
let steps = ((end - start) / step).abs().round() as u64;
Self::new(start, end, steps)
pub fn length(&self) -> u64 {
self.current_back - self.current
fn at(&self, pos: u64) -> f64 {
let f_pos = pos as f64 / self.steps as f64;
(1. - f_pos) * self.start + f_pos * self.end
/// panics (in debug) when len doesn't fit in usize
fn usize_len(&self) -> usize {
let l = self.length();
debug_assert!(l <= ::std::usize::MAX as u64);
l as usize
impl Iterator for FloatIterator {
type Item = f64;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.current >= self.current_back {
return None;
let result = self.at(self.current);
self.current += 1;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let l = self.usize_len();
(l, Some(l))
fn count(self) -> usize {
impl DoubleEndedIterator for FloatIterator {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.current >= self.current_back {
return None;
self.current_back -= 1;
let result = self.at(self.current_back);
impl ExactSizeIterator for FloatIterator {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn riemann_avg<F>(a: f64, b: f64, delta: f64, f: F) -> f64
F: Fn(f64) -> f64,
let n = ((b - a) / delta) as usize;
let n = n.max(1);
// start with:
// [a, a+delta, ..., b-delta, b]
// then for all neighbors (x, y) sum up f((x+y)/2)
FloatIterator::new_with_end(a, b, n as u64 + 1)
.map(|(a, b)| 0.5 * (a + b))
.sum::<f64>() / (n as f64)
pub fn trapezoidal_avg<F>(a: f64, b: f64, delta: f64, f: F) -> f64
F: Fn(f64) -> f64,
let n = ((b - a) / delta) as usize;
let n = n.max(1);
// start with:
// [a, a+delta, ..., b-delta, b]
// then for all neighbors (x, y) sum up f((x+y)/2)
FloatIterator::new_with_end(a, b, n as u64 + 1)
.map(|(a, b)| a + b)
.sum::<f64>() / (2.0 * (n as f64))
pub fn simpson_avg<F>(a: f64, b: f64, delta: f64, f: F) -> f64
F: Fn(f64) -> f64,
let n = ((b - a) / delta) as usize;
let n = n.max(2); // need at least 3 points in the iterator
let n = n + (n % 2); // need odd number of points in iterator
FloatIterator::new_with_end(a, b, n as u64 + 1)
.map(|(a, m, b)| a + 4.0 * m + b)
.sum::<f64>() / (3.0 * (n as f64))
fn compare<F, G>(a: f64, b: f64, f: F, g: G)
F: Fn(f64) -> f64,
G: Fn(f64) -> f64,
let correct = g(b) - g(a);
println!("Expected result: {:0.10}", correct);
"{:13} {:13} {:13} {:13}",
"delta", "riemann_err", "trapez_err", "simpson_err"
for d in 0..8 {
let delta = 10.0f64.powi(-d);
let r = riemann_avg(a, b, delta, &f);
let t = trapezoidal_avg(a, b, delta, &f);
let s = simpson_avg(a, b, delta, &f);
"{:+0.10} {:+0.10} {:+0.10} {:+0.10}",
correct - r,
correct - t,
correct - s,
fn main() {
let start = 0.;
let end = 1.;
println!("f(x) = atan(x)");
|x| x.atan(),
|x| x * x.atan() - 0.5 * (1. + x * x).ln(),
println!("f(x) = x^4");
compare(start, end, |x| x.powi(4), |x| 0.2 * x.powi(5));
println!("f(x) = x");
compare(start, end, |x| x, |x| 0.5 * x * x);
f(x) = atan(x)
Expected result: 0.4388245731
delta riemann_err trapez_err simpson_err
+1.0000000000 -0.0248230359 +0.0461254914 -0.0011735268
+0.1000000000 -0.0002086380 +0.0004170148 -0.0000014072
+0.0100000000 -0.0000020834 +0.0000041667 -0.0000000001
+0.0010000000 -0.0000000208 +0.0000000417 -0.0000000000
+0.0001000000 -0.0000000002 +0.0000000004 +0.0000000000
+0.0000100000 -0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 -0.0000000000
+0.0000010000 -0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 -0.0000000000
+0.0000001000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 -0.0000000000
f(x) = x^4
Expected result: 0.2000000000
delta riemann_err trapez_err simpson_err
+1.0000000000 +0.1375000000 -0.3000000000 -0.0083333333
+0.1000000000 +0.0016637500 -0.0033300000 -0.0000133333
+0.0100000000 +0.0000166664 -0.0000333330 -0.0000000013
+0.0010000000 +0.0000001667 -0.0000003333 -0.0000000000
+0.0001000000 +0.0000000017 -0.0000000033 +0.0000000000
+0.0000100000 +0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000
+0.0000010000 +0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000
+0.0000001000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000
f(x) = x
Expected result: 0.5000000000
delta riemann_err trapez_err simpson_err
+1.0000000000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000
+0.1000000000 -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000
+0.0100000000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000
+0.0010000000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000
+0.0001000000 -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 +0.0000000000
+0.0000100000 -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 +0.0000000000
+0.0000010000 -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 +0.0000000000
+0.0000001000 +0.0000000000 +0.0000000000 -0.0000000000
关于math - 黎曼和比高阶多项式逼近收敛得更快,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48798401/