我有一个Twitter机器人,可以响应包含主题标签的推文。我一直在使用twt = api.search(q='param')
来发布推文,并且一直运行良好,但是此后我切换到了myStreamListener = MyStreamListener()twt = tweepy.Stream(auth = api.auth, listener=myStreamListener())
myStreamListener = MyStreamListener()
twt = tweepy.Stream(auth = api.auth, listener=myStreamListener())
twt.filter(track=['#www'], async=True)
#list of specific strings we want to omit from responses
badWords = ['xxx','yyy' ]
#list of specific strings I want to check for in tweets and reply to
genericparam = ['@zzz']
def does_contain_words(tweet, wordsToCheck):
for word in wordsToCheck:
if word in tweet:
return True
return False
for currentTweet in twt:
#if the tweet contains a good word and doesn't contain a bad word
if does_contain_words(currentTweet.text, genericparam) and not does_contain_words(currentTweet.text, badWords):
#reply to tweet
screen = currentTweet.user.screen_name
message = "@%s this is a reply" % (screen)
currentTweet = api.update_status(message, currentTweet.id)