==8063==命令:./main stock.dat coins.dat
==8063==at 0x4C2E1C7:strcpy(在/usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so中)
==8063==by 0x401046:设置节点(in/home/joshua/Documents/Assignment 2/main)
==8063==by 0x400E78:main(in/home/joshua/Documents/Assignment 2/main)
==8063==Address 0x0不是stack'd、malloc'd或(最近)free'd
==8063==at 0x4C2E1C7:strcpy(在/usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so中)
==8063==by 0x401046:设置节点(in/home/joshua/Documents/Assignment 2/main)
==8063==by 0x400E78:main(in/home/joshua/Documents/Assignment 2/main)
==8063==ERROR SUMMARY:1个上下文中的1个错误(不显示:0中的0)

    #include "vm_menu.h"
    #include "vm_type.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <malloc.h>
    #define NUMARGS 3
    void addNodeBottom(struct stock_item *val, struct stock_item *head);
    struct stock_item* setupNode(char* line);
    char* openFile(char fileName[]);
    int main(int argc, char * argv[])
        struct vm vm;
        struct menu_item menu_items[NUM_MENU_ITEMS];

        /* The UNUSED() function is designed to prevent warnings while your
         * code is only partially complete. Delete these 4 function calls once
         * you are using the data structures declared above in your own code */
        //creates a the first element for the stock_items type in the data structure.
        struct stock_item *root;
        struct stock_item *item;
        item = (struct stock_item *) malloc( sizeof(struct stock_item) );

        /* Now rootNode points to a node struct */
        root = (struct stock_item *) malloc( sizeof(struct stock_item) );

        /* List of things to do in this function: */
        /* check command line arguments */
            printf("insuffcient arguments \n");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        /*open stock file*/
        char* fileName = argv[1];
        FILE *file;
        file = fopen(fileName,"r+");

        /*read file*/
        long lSize;
        char *buffer;
        fseek( file , 0L , SEEK_END);
        lSize = ftell( file);
        rewind( file );
        /* allocate memory for entire content */
        buffer = calloc( 1, lSize+1 );
        if( !buffer ) fclose(file),fputs("memory alloc fails",stderr),exit(1);
        /* copy the file into the buffer */
        if( 1!=fread( buffer , lSize, 1 , file) )
            fclose(file),free(buffer),fputs("entire read fails",stderr),exit(1);
        /*parse the file using | as the delmeter case*/
        //declare all variables used to store the string in.
        int counter = 0;
        const char newLine[2] = "\n";
        char *saveptr;
        char *line;
        int size;

        //parse the id and set it first.
        size = sizeof(strtok(buffer,newLine)); // allocated memory to store the id in.
        line = malloc(size); //allocates the memory

        int active = 0;

        line = strtok_r(buffer,newLine, &saveptr); // copies the first line from the text file into a char array. .

        while (!active){
            if (line == NULL) {
                printf("\n%s", "Reached end of file while parsing.");

            item = setupNode(line);
            line = strtok_r(NULL,newLine, &saveptr);

            addNodeBottom(item, root);
            // free(item);

        return 0;
    char* openFile(char fileName[]){
        FILE *file;

        file = fopen(fileName,"r+");

        /*read file*/
        long lSize;
        char *buffer;

        fseek( file , 0L , SEEK_END);
        lSize = ftell( file);
        rewind( file );

        /* allocate memory for entire content */
        buffer = calloc( 1, lSize+1 );
        if( !buffer ) fclose(file),fputs("memory alloc fails",stderr),exit(1);

        /* copy the file into the buffer */
        if( 1!=fread( buffer , lSize, 1 , file) )
            fclose(file),free(buffer),fputs("entire read fails",stderr),exit(1);
        //printf("%s", buffer);
        //      printf("%s",content);


        return buffer;

    struct stock_item* setupNode(char* line){
        struct stock_item *roots = {NULL};
        roots = (struct stock_item *) malloc( sizeof(struct stock_item)+1 );

        char *ptr;
        char *prices;
        const char del[2] = "|";
        const char delm[2] = ".";
        strcpy(roots->id, strtok_r(line,del,&ptr)); // returns the ID and stores in in the root node.
        strcpy(roots->name, strtok_r(NULL,del,&ptr)); // returns the description and stores it in the root node.
        strcpy(roots->description, strtok_r(NULL,del,&ptr)); // returns the description and stores it in the root node.
        prices = strtok_r(NULL,del,&ptr); // returns a string of the price for vm_item.

        int dol = atoi(strtok(prices,delm));
        int cent = atoi(strtok(NULL,delm));
        roots->price.dollars = dol;
        roots->price.cents = cent;
        int quantity = atoi(strtok_r(NULL,del,&ptr)); // returns how many items are in stock.
        roots->on_hand = quantity;
        return roots;

    void addNodeBottom(struct stock_item *val, struct stock_item *head){

        //create new node
        struct vm_node *newNode = (struct vm_node*)malloc(sizeof(struct vm_node));
        if(newNode == NULL){
            printf("%s", "Unable to allocate memory for new node\n");

        newNode->data= val;
        //  printf("%s",newNode->data->id);
        newNode->next = NULL;  // Change 1

        //check for first insertion
        if(head->next == NULL){
            head->next = newNode->data;

            printf("\nadded at beginning\n");

            //else loop through the list and find the last
            //node, insert next to it
            struct vm_node *current = head;
            while (TRUE) { // Change 2
                if(current->next == NULL)
                    current->next = newNode;
                    printf("\nadded later\n");
                    break; // Change 3
                current = current->next;



I0001 |可乐| 75毫升一罐可乐| 3.50 | 50
I0002 |百事可乐| 375ml罐装百事可乐| 3.00 | 20
I0003 |柠檬芝士蛋糕|美味,1/8大小的芝士蛋糕| 4.00 | 10片
I0004 |火星酒吧|一个美味的50克火星酒吧,您喜欢的方式冷藏。| 3.00 | 20
I0005 |柠檬馅饼|美味的柠檬黄油馅饼,以糕点为基础| 3.75 | 12
    #ifndef VM_TYPE
    #define VM_TYPE

    #define IDLEN 5
    #define NAMELEN 40
    #define DESCLEN 255
    #define NUMDENOMS 8
    #define UNUSED(var) (void)var
    #define COIN_COUNT 20
    #define DEFAULT_ONHAND 20

    /* Type definition for our boolean type */
    typedef enum truefalse
        FALSE, TRUE
    } BOOLEAN;

    /* Each price will have a dollars and a cents component */
    struct price
        unsigned dollars,cents;

    /* The different denominations of coins available */
    enum denomination

    /* Each coin in the coins array will have a denomination (20 cents,
     * 50 cents, etc) and a count - how many of that coin do we have on hand
    struct coin
        enum denomination denom;
        unsigned count;

    /* The data structure that holds the data for each item of stock
    struct stock_item
        char id[IDLEN+1];
        char name[NAMELEN+1];
        char description[DESCLEN+1];
        struct price price;
        unsigned on_hand;
        struct stock_item *next;

    /* The data structure that holds a pointer to the stock_item data and a
     * pointer to the next node in the list
    struct vm_node
        struct stock_item * data;
        struct vm_node * next;

    /* The head of the list - has a pointer to the rest of the list and a
     * stores the length of the list
    struct vm_list
        struct vm_node * head;
        unsigned length;

    /* This is the head of our overall data structure. We have a pointer to
     * the vending machine list as well as an array of coins.
    struct vm
        struct vm_list * item_list;
        struct coin coins[NUMDENOMS];
        char * foodfile;
        char * coinsfile;


I0001 |可乐| 75毫升一罐可乐| 3.50 | 50
I0002 |百事可乐| 375ml罐装百事可乐| 3.00 | 20
I0003 |柠檬芝士蛋糕|美味,1/8大小的芝士蛋糕| 4.00 | 10片
I0004 |火星酒吧|一个美味的50克火星酒吧,您喜欢的方式冷藏。| 3.00 | 20
I0005 |柠檬馅饼|美味的柠檬黄油馅饼,以糕点为基础| 3.75 | 12


错误Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd意味着strcpy的源是一个NULL指针。显然,strtok_r返回的是NULL而不是您所期望的。

07-24 13:09