
(1, null)
,(2, 5)
,(3, null)
,(4, null)
,(5, 2)
,(6, 1)

(1, 5) -- i.e. first nonnull Value if I go from current row and order by OrderNo
,(2, 5)
,(3, 2) -- i.e. first nonnull Value if I go from current row and order by OrderNo
,(4, 2) -- analogous
,(5, 2)
,(6, 1)

;with SourceTable as (
    select *
        from (values
            (1, null)
            ,(2, 5)
            ,(3, null)
            ,(4, null)
            ,(5, 2)
            ,(6, 1)
        ) as T(OrderNo, Value)
       ,first_value(Value) over (
           order by
               case when Value is not null then 0 else 1 end
               , OrderNo
           rows between current row and unbounded following
       ) as X
   from SourceTable
order by OrderNo

如果有人解释第一帧是如何构建的,我将不胜感激。我需要这个用于SQL Server和Postgresql。


如果按case when Value is not null then 0 else 1 end, orderno

 orderno | value | x
       2 |     5 | 5
       5 |     2 | 2
       6 |     1 | 1
       1 |       |
       3 |       |
       4 |       |
(6 rows)

with SourceTable as (
    select *
        from (values
            (1, null)
            ,(2, 5)
            ,(3, null)
            ,(4, null)
            ,(5, 2)
            ,(6, 1)
        ) as T(OrderNo, Value)
select orderno, order_group, max(value) OVER (PARTITION BY order_group) FROM (

    SELECT *,
       count(value) OVER (ORDER BY orderno DESC) as order_group
   from SourceTable
   ) as sub
order by orderno;
 orderno | order_group | max
       1 |           3 |   5
       2 |           3 |   5
       3 |           2 |   2
       4 |           2 |   2
       5 |           2 |   2
       6 |           1 |   1
(6 rows)

关于sql - 窗口函数first_value的异常行为,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58418463/

10-15 19:53