oracle视频教程下载Last month Oregon Gov. John Kitzhabercommissioned an independent review to determine what went wrong in this caseand if Oregon should sue Oracle, reports news

We reached out to Oracle for comment andwill update when we hear bck. Oracle declined comment on the story published bythe Oregonian.


Over the past week, Oracle has yankedabout 100 employees off the Cover Oregon project, sources told Budnick. Thatwould leave about 65 people still working on it.

Sources told Budnick that theremaining Oracle employees appear to be working on maintenance, and not onfinishing the site.

After the site missed its Oct. 1 launchdate, Oracle executives promised to infuse the project with its bestprogrammers and agreed to fix the most serious bugs for free. By December,Oracle had bulked up the effort from 40 people to 176, "each of thembilling between $177 and $374 per hour," Budnick reported.

The site was supposed to cost $43 millionand be completed by Feb. 15, 2013. Oracle delivered a website in May, 2013,that wasn't operational.

Oracle has also charged the state morethan $90 million over the last two years, and Cover Oregon has refused to payinvoices since September, Budnick reported.

The state had been enrolling people intohealth care programs by using paper forms. Recently, agents began using apassword-protected beta website and has enrolled more than 700 people that way,Budnick reports.

But the site still doesn't let citizenshop on the web and sign up for health care on their own.

Oracle has been taking heat for months. InDecember, Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley went ontelevision and blasted the company during an interview withNBC's Chuck Todd. Merkley said the site was "in completedysfunction."

It's actually extremely common for huge ITprojects have problems, even in the private market. In 2012, McKinseyreleased a landmark study that found, on average, 66% of largesoftware projects run over budget while being late and not delivering all ofthe promised functionality.

12-05 23:10