


最后,我想这样做而不必在基类的每个派生类型中进行硬编码。 (诚​​然,这将是最简单的解决方案,但这不是重点)



public abstract class BaseClass
    //Default properties here
    int x, y, z, ...;

    //Custom made class to hold custom properties
    protected Attributes Properties;

    public BaseClass createNewInstance()
        return createNewInstanceStep1();

    //Each derived class implements their own version of this,
    //to handle copying any custom members contained in Properties.
    protected abstract BaseClass createNewInstanceStep2();

    protected BaseClass createNewInstanceStep1()
        BaseClass newInstance = new BaseClass(); // <- Doesn't work because class is abstract

        //Copy default properties
        newInstance.x = x;
        newInstance.y = y;
        newInstance.z = z;

        //Call the new instance's step 2 method, and return the result.
        return newInstance.createNewInstanceStep2();

此代码的问题是BaseClass newKeyFrame = new BaseClass();线。由于该类是抽象类,因此无法创建它的实例。





您可以将createNewInstanceStep1设为通用。我还已经将Step2修改为void类型(我希望它可以修改当前实例,因此无论如何,返回值始终是return this;),因为否则,这实际上对我想使用的方式没有意义在这里。如果像这样更改它没有意义,那么我仅使该方法通用的整个方法将行不通。

现在createNewInstance使用反射来调用return createNewInstanceStep1<this.GetType()>();的等效项。

public BaseClass createNewInstance()
    var method = typeof(BaseClass).GetMethod("createNewInstanceStep1", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).MakeGenericMethod(this.GetType());
    var value = method.Invoke(this, null);
    return (BaseClass)value;

//Each derived class implements their own version of this,
//to handle copying any custom members contained in Properties.
protected abstract void createNewInstanceStep2();

protected T createNewInstanceStep1<T>() where T : BaseClass, new()
    T newInstance = new T(); // works!

    //Copy default properties
    newInstance.x = x;
    newInstance.y = y;
    newInstance.z = z;

    //Call the new instance's step 2 method, and return the result.
    return newInstance;

如果这行不通,则另一种方法是self-referential generic type。最好避免这种情况,因为这会造成困惑,并且总体上不是一个好的设计。
public sealed class SubClass : BaseClass<SubClass>
    protected override SubClass createNewInstanceStep2()
        Console.WriteLine("In step 2");
        return this;
public abstract class BaseClass<T> where T : BaseClass<T>, new()
    public T createNewInstance()
        return createNewInstanceStep1();

    //Each derived class implements their own version of this,
    //to handle copying any custom members contained in Properties.
    protected abstract T createNewInstanceStep2();

    protected T createNewInstanceStep1()
        T newInstance = new T();

关于c# - 通过基类创建派生类的实例,而无需进行硬编码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19692348/

10-12 22:32