


    ob_end_clean(); //    the buffer and never prints or returns anything.
    ob_start(); // it starts buffering
    class PDF extends FPDF
    // Cabecera de página

    function Header()
        // Logo
        // Arial bold 15
        // Movernos a la derecha
        // Título
        $this->Cell(120,10,'Control de Empaques IKOR PUNTARENAS SA',0,1,'C');

        // Salto de línea
        $this->Cell(40,10,'Orden de Trabajo: ',0,0);
        $this->Cell(40, 10, "GORE-5265", 0, 0);
        $this->Cell(13,10,'OC#: ',0,0);
        $this->Cell(40, 10, "OC-123456789", 0, 0);
        $this->Cell(30,10,'Peso: ',0,0);
        $this->Cell(40, 10, "19,45 KG", 0,0 );
        $this->Cell(50,10,'Cantidad de Cajas: ',0,0);
        $this->Cell(30, 10, "1000", 0, 1);

        $this->Cell(20,10,'Lote: ',0,0);
        $this->Cell(40, 10,'123456789', 0, 0);
        $this->Cell(50,10,'Numero de Parte: ',0,0);
        $this->Cell(40, 10, "PARTE-999999", 0, 0);
        $this->Cell(40,10,'Filtros por caja: ',0,0);
        $this->Cell(20, 10, "11", 0,0 );
        $this->Cell(50,10,'Cantidad de Filtros: ',0,0);
        $this->Cell(30, 10, "9999", 0, 1);
        $this->Line(80, 45, 100, 45); // 20mm from each edge
        $this->Line(50, 45, 210-50, 45); // 50mm from each edge


    public function setLote($name){
        $this->name = $name;

    // Pie de página
    function Footer()
        // Posición: a 1,5 cm del final
        // Arial italic 8
        // Número de página
        //$this->Cell(300,10,'7FMIKO-022 REV.02',0,0,'C');
        $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');
        $this->Cell(-15,10,'7FMIKO-022 REV.02',0,0,'C');

    // Creación del objeto de la clase heredada
    $pdf = new PDF('L');
    ob_end_flush(); // It's printed here, because ob_end_flush "prints" what's in
                  // the buffer, rather than returning it
                  //     (unlike the ob_get_* functions)


ob_end_clean(); //    the buffer and never prints or returns anything.
ob_start(); // it starts buffering
class PDF extends FPDF
// Cabecera de página

function Header()
    global $ordenTrabajo;
    // Logo
    // Arial bold 15
    // Movernos a la derecha
    // Título
    $this->Cell(120,10,'Control de Empaques IKOR PUNTARENAS SA',0,1,'C');

    // Salto de línea
    $this->Cell(40,10,'Orden de Trabajo: ',0,0);
    $this->Cell(40, 10, "GORE-5265", 0, 0);
    $this->Cell(13,10,'OC#: ',0,0);
    $this->Cell(40, 10, "OC-123456789", 0, 0);
    $this->Cell(30,10,'Peso: ',0,0);
    $this->Cell(40, 10, "19,45 KG", 0,0 );
    $this->Cell(50,10,'Cantidad de Cajas: ',0,0);
    $this->Cell(30, 10, "1000", 0, 1);

    $this->Cell(20,10,'Lote: ',0,0);
    $this->Cell(40, 10,$ordenTrabajo, 0, 0);
    $this->Cell(50,10,'Numero de Parte: ',0,0);
    $this->Cell(40, 10, "PARTE-999999", 0, 0);
    $this->Cell(40,10,'Filtros por caja: ',0,0);
    $this->Cell(20, 10, "11", 0,0 );
    $this->Cell(50,10,'Cantidad de Filtros: ',0,0);
    $this->Cell(30, 10, "9999", 0, 1);




关于php - header fpdf中的空变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48971285/

10-15 18:19