我正在尝试在任意结构的连续数组(我们称其为DataItem)的连续数组之上创建轻量级的,它将处理诸如文件IO,在屏幕/ GUI上呈现(如excel表),搜索和通过difernet属性等进行排序

但是我想让自己的class Table和用户定义的struct / class DataItem彼此完全独立于
(即,两者都可以在彼此不了解头文件.h的情况下进行编译)。我认为不能像 template<class T> class Table{ std::vectro<T> data;};那样,因为那样用户就必须实现DataItem::toString(int icolumn)这样的功能,而我不想将此约束放在DataItem结构上。



#include "Table.h"
#include "GUI.h"
#include "Vec3d.h"

// example of user defined DataItem struct
struct TestStruct{
    int    inum = 115;
    double dnum = 11.1154546;
    double fvoid= 0.0;
    float  fnum = 11.115;
    Vec3d  dvec = (Vec3d){ 1.1545, 2.166, 3.1545};

int main(){

    // ==== Initialize test data
    Table* tab1 = new Table();
    tab1->n      =  120;
    TestStruct* tab_data = new TestStruct[tab1->n];
    for(int i=0; i<tab1->n; i++){
       tab_data[i].inum = i;
       tab_data[i].fnum = i*0.1;
       tab_data[i].dnum = i*0.01;

    // ==== Bind selected properties/members of TestStruct as columns int the table
    tab1->bind(tab_data, sizeof(*tab_data) );
    // This is actually quite complicated =>
    // I would be happy if it could be automatized by some template magic ;-)
    tab1->addColum( &(tab_data->inum), 1, DataType::Int    );
    tab1->addColum( &(tab_data->fnum), 1, DataType::Float  );
    tab1->addColum( &(tab_data->dnum), 1, DataType::Double );
    tab1->addColum( &(tab_data->dvec), 3, DataType::Double );

    // ==== Visualize the table Table in GUI
    gui.addPanel( new TableView( tab1, "tab1", 150.0, 250.0,  0, 0, 5, 3 ) );


enum class DataType{ Bool, Int, Float, Double, String };

struct Atribute{
    int      offset;  // offset of data member from address of struct instance [bytes]
    int      nsub;    // number of sub units. e.g. 3 for Vec3
    DataType type;    // type for conversion
    Atribute() = default;
    Atribute(int offset_,int nsub_,DataType type_):offset(offset_),nsub(nsub_),type(type_){};

class Table{ public:
    int n;              // number of items/lines in table
    int   itemsize = 0; // number of bytes per item
    char* data     = 0; // pointer to data buffer with structs; type is erased to make it generic

    std::unordered_map<std::string,int> name2column;
    std::vector       <Atribute>        columns;

    void bind(void* data_, int itemsize_){

    int addColum(void* ptr, int nsub, DataType type){
        // determine offset of address of given data-member with respect to address of enclosing struct
        int offset = ((char*)ptr)-((char*)data);
        columns.push_back( Atribute( offset, nsub, type ) );
        return columns.size()-1;

    char* toStr(int i, int j, char* s){
        const Atribute& kind = columns[j];
        void* off = data+itemsize*i+kind.offset; // address of j-th member of i-th instance in data array
        // I don't like this switch,
        // but still it seems simpler and more efficient that alternative solutions using
        // templates/lambda function or function pointers
            case DataType::Bool   :{ bool*   arr=(bool  *)off; for(int i=0; i<kind.nsub; i++){ s+=sprintf(s,"%c ",  arr[i]?'T':'F' ); }} break;
            case DataType::Int    :{ int*    arr=(int   *)off; for(int i=0; i<kind.nsub; i++){ s+=sprintf(s,"%i ",  arr[i] ); }} break;
            case DataType::Float  :{ float*  arr=(float *)off; for(int i=0; i<kind.nsub; i++){ s+=sprintf(s,"%g ",  arr[i] ); }} break;
            case DataType::Double :{ double* arr=(double*)off; for(int i=0; i<kind.nsub; i++){ s+=sprintf(s,"%g ",  arr[i] ); }} break;
            case DataType::String :{ char*   arr=(char  *)off; for(int i=0; i<kind.nsub; i++){ s+=sprintf(s,"%s ",  arr[i] ); }} break;
        return s;

    // .... Ommited most of TableView GUI ....

    void TableView::render(){
        Draw  ::setRGB( textColor );
        char stmp[1024];
        for(int i=i0; i<imax;i++){
            int ch0 = 0;
            for(int j=j0; j<jmax;j++){
                int nch = table->toStr(i,j,stmp)-stmp; // HERE!!! I call Table::toStr()
                Draw2D::drawText( stmp, nch, {xmin+ch0*fontSizeDef, ymax-(i-i0+1)*fontSizeDef*2}, 0.0,  GUI_fontTex, fontSizeDef );




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <array>

template <typename T>
struct TableTraits;

template <typename T>
class Table
  void setData( const std::vector<T>& value )
    data = value;

  std::string toString( size_t row, size_t column )
    return TableTraits<T>::toString( data[ row ], column );

  void print()
    for ( size_t row = 0; row < data.size(); row++ )
      for ( size_t column = 0; column < TableTraits<T>::columns; column++ )
        std::cout << toString( row, column ) << ", ";
      std::cout << "\n";
  std::vector<T> data;

struct TestStruct
  int    inum = 115;
  double dnum = 11.1154546;
  double fvoid = 0.0;
  float  fnum = 11.115f;
  std::array<double, 3> dvec = { 1.1545, 2.166, 3.1545 };

template <typename T>
std::string stringConvert( const T& value )
  return std::to_string( value );

template <typename T, size_t N>
std::string stringConvert( const std::array<T, N>& value )
  std::string result;
  for ( auto& v : value )
    result += stringConvert( v ) + "; ";
  return result;

template <>
struct TableTraits<TestStruct>
  static const size_t columns = 5;

  static std::string toString( const TestStruct& row, size_t column )
    switch ( column )
    case 0:
      return stringConvert( row.inum );
    case 1:
      return stringConvert( row.dnum );
    case 2:
      return stringConvert( row.fvoid );
    case 3:
      return stringConvert( row.fnum );
    case 4:
      return stringConvert( row.dvec );
      throw std::invalid_argument( "column out of range" );

int main()
  std::vector<TestStruct> data( 10 );
  Table<TestStruct> table;
  table.setData( data );



template <typename T, typename Traits = TableTraits<T>>
class Table
  std::string toString( size_t row, size_t column )
    return Traits::toString( data[ row ], column );

07-24 09:52