
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture

# Define simple gaussian
def gauss_function(x, amp, x0, sigma):
    return amp * np.exp(-(x - x0) ** 2. / (2. * sigma ** 2.))

# Generate sample from three gaussian distributions
samples = np.random.normal(-0.5, 0.2, 2000)
samples = np.append(samples, np.random.normal(-0.1, 0.07, 5000))
samples = np.append(samples, np.random.normal(0.2, 0.13, 10000))

# Fit GMM
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=3, covariance_type="full", tol=0.001)
gmm = gmm.fit(X=np.expand_dims(samples, 1))

# Evaluate GMM
gmm_x = np.linspace(-2, 1.5, 5000)
gmm_y = np.exp(gmm.score_samples(gmm_x.reshape(-1, 1)))

# Construct function manually as sum of gaussians
gmm_y_sum = np.full_like(gmm_x, fill_value=0, dtype=np.float32)
for m, c, w in zip(gmm.means_.ravel(), gmm.covariances_.ravel(),
    gmm_y_sum += gauss_function(x=gmm_x, amp=w, x0=m, sigma=np.sqrt(c))

# Normalize so that integral is 1
gmm_y_sum /= np.trapz(gmm_y_sum, gmm_x)

# Make regular histogram
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=[8, 5])
ax.hist(samples, bins=50, normed=True, alpha=0.5, color="#0070FF")
ax.plot(gmm_x, gmm_y, color="crimson", lw=4, label="GMM")
ax.plot(gmm_x, gmm_y_sum, color="black", lw=4, label="Gauss_sum")

# Annotate diagram
ax.set_ylabel("Probability density")
ax.set_xlabel("Arbitrary units")

# Draw legend

python - 理解高斯混合模型-LMLPHP
在这里,我首先生成一个由高斯构造的样本分布,然后将高斯混合模型与这些数据相匹配。接下来,我要计算一些给定输入的概率。很方便,SciKit实现提供了这样做的score_samples方法。现在我正在努力理解这些结果。我一直认为,我可以从GMM拟合中提取高斯人的参数,通过求和,然后将积分正规化为1,构造出非常相同的分布。但是,如图中所示,从score_samples方法中提取的样本与原始数据(蓝色柱状图)完全匹配(红线),而手动构造的分布(黑线)则不匹配。我想知道我的想法哪里出错了,为什么我不能通过总结GMM fit给出的高斯人来构建分布!?!非常感谢您的意见!



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture

# Define simple gaussian
def gauss_function(x, amp, x0, sigma):
    return amp * np.exp(-(x - x0) ** 2. / (2. * sigma ** 2.))

# Generate sample from three gaussian distributions
samples = np.random.normal(-0.5, 0.2, 2000)
samples = np.append(samples, np.random.normal(-0.1, 0.07, 5000))
samples = np.append(samples, np.random.normal(0.2, 0.13, 10000))

# Fit GMM
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=3, covariance_type="full", tol=0.001)
gmm = gmm.fit(X=np.expand_dims(samples, 1))

# Evaluate GMM
gmm_x = np.linspace(-2, 1.5, 5000)
gmm_y = np.exp(gmm.score_samples(gmm_x.reshape(-1, 1)))

# Construct function manually as sum of gaussians
gmm_y_sum = np.full_like(gmm_x, fill_value=0, dtype=np.float32)
for m, c, w in zip(gmm.means_.ravel(), gmm.covariances_.ravel(), gmm.weights_.ravel()):
    gauss = gauss_function(x=gmm_x, amp=1, x0=m, sigma=np.sqrt(c))
    gmm_y_sum += gauss / np.trapz(gauss, gmm_x) * w

# Make regular histogram
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=[8, 5])
ax.hist(samples, bins=50, normed=True, alpha=0.5, color="#0070FF")
ax.plot(gmm_x, gmm_y, color="crimson", lw=4, label="GMM")
ax.plot(gmm_x, gmm_y_sum, color="black", lw=4, label="Gauss_sum", linestyle="dashed")

# Annotate diagram
ax.set_ylabel("Probability density")
ax.set_xlabel("Arbitrary units")

# Make legend


python - 理解高斯混合模型-LMLPHP

关于python - 理解高斯混合模型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41631161/

10-12 23:24