我想在图像上应用自定义颜色查找表 ( LUT )。
我查看了 openCV
LUT Api 但我似乎无法正确理解。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
b_max = 230
g_max = 220
r_max = 250
identity = np.arange(256, dtype = np.dtype('uint8'))
b_channel = np.arange(b_max, dtype = np.dtype('uint8'))
b_channel = np.append(b_channel, (256-b_max)*[b_max])
g_channel = np.arange(g_max, dtype = np.dtype('uint8'))
g_channel = np.append(g_channel, (256-g_max)*[g_max])
r_channel = np.arange(r_max, dtype = np.dtype('uint8'))
r_channel = np.append(r_channel, (256-r_max)*[r_max])
if 256 != b_channel.size or 256 != g_channel.size or 256 != r_channel.size:
print "size of arrays don't match!"
lut = np.dstack((identity, identity, b_channel, g_channel, r_channel))
# Load the image
img = cv2.imread('input.jpg',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
dstImage = cv2.LUT(img, lut)
cv2.imwrite('output.jpg', dstImage)
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed ((lutcn == cn || lutcn == 1) && _lut.total() == 256 && _lut.isContinuous() && (depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_8S)) in cv::LUT, file C:\build\master_winpack-bindings-win32-vc14-static\opencv\modules\core\src\convert.cpp, line 5690
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ApplyCLUT.py", line 33, in <module>
dstImage = cv2.LUT(img, lut)
cv2.error: C:\build\master_winpack-bindings-win32-vc14-static\opencv\modules\core\src\convert.cpp:5690: error: (-215) (lutcn == cn || lutcn == 1) && _lut.total() == 256 && _lut.isContinuous() && (depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_8S) in function cv::LUT
lut = np.dstack( (b_channel, g_channel, r_channel) )
下面是构建 LUT 的示例:
identity = np.arange(256, dtype = np.dtype('uint8'))
zeros = np.zeros(256, np.dtype('uint8'))
lut = np.dstack((identity, identity, zeros))
请注意,有更简单直接的方法将红色 channel 归零:
img[:,:,2] = 0
同样调用 LUT 函数应该如下所示:
dstImage = cv2.LUT(img, lut)
将大于 b_max 的蓝色值设置为 b_max:
b_max = 20
img[img[:,:,0] > b_max, 0] = b_max;
关于python - 将 openCV 查找表 (LUT) 应用于图像,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42169247/