
连接并发送NICK和USER信息后,我需要加入一个 channel 。如果我立即进行JOIN操作,则什么也不会发生-大概是因为太早了。我必须延迟它,但是我不知道我需要等待哪个命令才能知道可以继续执行。



:irc.fish.net 001 FishBot:欢迎


所以我的两个基本问题是:您发送了一个JOIN作为响应,我在哪里可以找到上述IRC代码对应的内容? RFC文档没用!




如果大多数IRC服务器无法连接到您,它将放弃它,而我已经忘记了它的确切副作用(已经有一段时间了),但是您要查找的下一条消息是MOTD_START/MOTD/MOTD_END和ERR_NOMOTD。只有当您收到当天消息的结尾或处理了ERR_NOMOTD(没有消息)后,您才可以使用JOIN加入 channel 。


^(?:[:@]([^\\s]+) )?([^\\s]+)(?: ((?:[^:\\s][^\\s]* ?)*))?(?: ?:(.*))?$

IRC RFC列出了所有可能的代码及其含义。我不确定您为什么认为他们没有用。您正在引用哪些?



  • 如果已为服务器指定了密码,请将其发送给PASS mypassword
  • 发送USER命令。
  • 进入协商昵称阶段
  • 等待ERR_NOMOTDEND_OFMOTD。在其中之一出现之前,您没有“正式联系”。

  • 协商昵称阶段:

  • 发出NICK命令
  • 如果收到ERR_NICKINUSE响应,请再次发出。如果您没有其他昵称可使用,则可以进行紧急救助或提示用户输入另一个昵称。

  • 需要考虑的其他事项:
  • 寻找我们的PING命令。空闲时,服务器将发送此消息。将其作为高优先级处理,并使用服务器提供给您的数据返回PONG。否则,将确保您断开连接,并且在测试IRC客户端时,这可能会给后端带来痛苦。

  • 奖励乐趣

        // reply ids
        enum Reply
            RplNone             = 0,
            // Initial
            RplWelcome          = 001,                  // :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network <nickname>
            RplYourHost         = 002,                  // :Your host is <server>, running version <ver>
            RplCreated          = 003,                  // :This server was created <datetime>
            RplMyInfo           = 004,                  // <server> <ver> <usermode> <chanmode>
            RplMap              = 005,                  // :map
            RplEndOfMap         = 007,                  // :End of /MAP
            RplMotdStart        = 375,                  // :- server Message of the Day
            RplMotd             = 372,                  // :- <info>
            RplMotdAlt          = 377,                  // :- <info>                                                                        (some)
            RplMotdAlt2         = 378,                  // :- <info>                                                                        (some)
            RplMotdEnd          = 376,                  // :End of /MOTD command.
            RplUModeIs          = 221,                  // <mode>
            // IsOn/UserHost
            RplUserHost         = 302,                  // :userhosts
            RplIsOn             = 303,                  // :nicknames
            // Away
            RplAway             = 301,                  // <nick> :away
            RplUnAway           = 305,                  // :You are no longer marked as being away
            RplNowAway          = 306,                  // :You have been marked as being away
            // WHOIS/WHOWAS
            RplWhoisHelper      = 310,                  // <nick> :looks very helpful                                                       DALNET
            RplWhoIsUser        = 311,                  // <nick> <username> <address> * :<info>
            RplWhoIsServer      = 312,                  // <nick> <server> :<info>
            RplWhoIsOperator    = 313,                  // <nick> :is an IRC Operator
            RplWhoIsIdle        = 317,                  // <nick> <seconds> <signon> :<info>
            RplEndOfWhois       = 318,                  // <request> :End of /WHOIS list.
            RplWhoIsChannels    = 319,                  // <nick> :<channels>
            RplWhoWasUser       = 314,                  // <nick> <username> <address> * :<info>
            RplEndOfWhoWas      = 369,                  // <request> :End of WHOWAS
            RplWhoReply         = 352,                  // <channel> <username> <address> <server> <nick> <flags> :<hops> <info>
            RplEndOfWho         = 315,                  // <request> :End of /WHO list.
            RplUserIPs          = 307,                  // :userips                                                                         UNDERNET
            RplUserIP           = 340,                  // <nick> :<nickname>=+<user>@<IP.address>                                          UNDERNET
            // List
            RplListStart        = 321,                  // Channel :Users Name
            RplList             = 322,                  // <channel> <users> :<topic>
            RplListEnd          = 323,                  // :End of /LIST
            RplLinks            = 364,                  // <server> <hub> :<hops> <info>
            RplEndOfLinks       = 365,                  // <mask> :End of /LINKS list.
            // Post-Channel Join
            RplUniqOpIs         = 325,
            RplChannelModeIs    = 324,                  // <channel> <mode>
            RplChannelUrl       = 328,                  // <channel> :url                                                                   DALNET
            RplChannelCreated   = 329,                  // <channel> <time>
            RplNoTopic          = 331,                  // <channel> :No topic is set.
            RplTopic            = 332,                  // <channel> :<topic>
            RplTopicSetBy       = 333,                  // <channel> <nickname> <time>
            RplNamReply         = 353,                  // = <channel> :<names>
            RplEndOfNames       = 366,                  // <channel> :End of /NAMES list.
            // Invitational
            RplInviting         = 341,                  // <nick> <channel>
            RplSummoning        = 342,
            // Channel Lists
            RplInviteList       = 346,                  // <channel> <invite> <nick> <time>                                                 IRCNET
            RplEndOfInviteList  = 357,                  // <channel> :End of Channel Invite List                                            IRCNET
            RplExceptList       = 348,                  // <channel> <exception> <nick> <time>                                              IRCNET
            RplEndOfExceptList  = 349,                  // <channel> :End of Channel Exception List                                         IRCNET
            RplBanList          = 367,                  // <channel> <ban> <nick> <time>
            RplEndOfBanList     = 368,                  // <channel> :End of Channel Ban List
            // server/misc
            RplVersion          = 351,                  // <version>.<debug> <server> :<info>
            RplInfo             = 371,                  // :<info>
            RplEndOfInfo        = 374,                  // :End of /INFO list.
            RplYoureOper        = 381,                  // :You are now an IRC Operator
            RplRehashing        = 382,                  // <file> :Rehashing
            RplYoureService     = 383,
            RplTime             = 391,                  // <server> :<time>
            RplUsersStart       = 392,
            RplUsers            = 393,
            RplEndOfUsers       = 394,
            RplNoUsers          = 395,
            RplServList         = 234,
            RplServListEnd      = 235,
            RplAdminMe          = 256,                  // :Administrative info about server
            RplAdminLoc1        = 257,                  // :<info>
            RplAdminLoc2        = 258,                  // :<info>
            RplAdminEMail       = 259,                  // :<info>
            RplTryAgain         = 263,                  // :Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
            // tracing
            RplTraceLink        = 200,
            RplTraceConnecting  = 201,
            RplTraceHandshake   = 202,
            RplTraceUnknown     = 203,
            RplTraceOperator    = 204,
            RplTraceUser        = 205,
            RplTraceServer      = 206,
            RplTraceService     = 207,
            RplTraceNewType     = 208,
            RplTraceClass       = 209,
            RplTraceReconnect   = 210,
            RplTraceLog         = 261,
            RplTraceEnd         = 262,
            // stats
            RplStatsLinkInfo    = 211,                  // <connection> <sendq> <sentmsg> <sentbyte> <recdmsg> <recdbyte> :<open>
            RplStatsCommands    = 212,                  // <command> <uses> <bytes>
            RplStatsCLine       = 213,                  // C <address> * <server> <port> <class>
            RplStatsNLine       = 214,                  // N <address> * <server> <port> <class>
            RplStatsILine       = 215,                  // I <ipmask> * <hostmask> <port> <class>
            RplStatsKLine       = 216,                  // k <address> * <username> <details>
            RplStatsPLine       = 217,                  // P <port> <??> <??>
            RplStatsQLine       = 222,                  // <mask> :<comment>
            RplStatsELine       = 223,                  // E <hostmask> * <username> <??> <??>
            RplStatsDLine       = 224,                  // D <ipmask> * <username> <??> <??>
            RplStatsLLine       = 241,                  // L <address> * <server> <??> <??>
            RplStatsuLine       = 242,                  // :Server Up <num> days, <time>
            RplStatsoLine       = 243,                  // o <mask> <password> <user> <??> <class>
            RplStatsHLine       = 244,                  // H <address> * <server> <??> <??>
            RplStatsGLine       = 247,                  // G <address> <timestamp> :<reason>
            RplStatsULine       = 248,                  // U <host> * <??> <??> <??>
            RplStatsZLine       = 249,                  // :info
            RplStatsYLine       = 218,                  // Y <class> <ping> <freq> <maxconnect> <sendq>
            RplEndOfStats       = 219,                  // <char> :End of /STATS report
            RplStatsUptime      = 242,
            // GLINE
            RplGLineList        = 280,                  // <address> <timestamp> <reason>                                                   UNDERNET
            RplEndOfGLineList   = 281,                  // :End of G-line List                                                              UNDERNET
            // Silence
            RplSilenceList      = 271,                  // <nick> <mask>                                                                    UNDERNET/DALNET
            RplEndOfSilenceList = 272,                  // <nick> :End of Silence List                                                      UNDERNET/DALNET
            // LUser
            RplLUserClient      = 251,                  // :There are <user> users and <invis> invisible on <serv> servers
            RplLUserOp          = 252,                  // <num> :operator(s) online
            RplLUserUnknown     = 253,                  // <num> :unknown connection(s)
            RplLUserChannels    = 254,                  // <num> :channels formed
            RplLUserMe          = 255,                  // :I have <user> clients and <serv> servers
            RplLUserLocalUser   = 265,                  // :Current local users: <curr> Max: <max>
            RplLUserGlobalUser  = 266,                  // :Current global users: <curr> Max: <max>
            // Errors
            ErrNoSuchNick       = 401,                  // <nickname> :No such nick
            ErrNoSuchServer     = 402,                  // <server> :No such server
            ErrNoSuchChannel    = 403,                  // <channel> :No such channel
            ErrCannotSendToChan = 404,                  // <channel> :Cannot send to channel
            ErrTooManyChannels  = 405,                  // <channel> :You have joined too many channels
            ErrWasNoSuchNick    = 406,                  // <nickname> :There was no such nickname
            ErrTooManyTargets   = 407,                  // <target> :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered
            ErrNoColors         = 408,                  // <nickname> #<channel> :You cannot use colors on this channel. Not sent: <text>   DALNET
            ErrNoOrigin         = 409,                  // :No origin specified
            ErrNoRecipient      = 411,                  // :No recipient given (<command>)
            ErrNoTextToSend     = 412,                  // :No text to send
            ErrNoTopLevel       = 413,                  // <mask> :No toplevel domain specified
            ErrWildTopLevel     = 414,                  // <mask> :Wildcard in toplevel Domain
            ErrBadMask          = 415,
            ErrTooMuchInfo      = 416,                  // <command> :Too many lines in the output, restrict your query                     UNDERNET
            ErrUnknownCommand   = 421,                  // <command> :Unknown command
            ErrNoMotd           = 422,                  // :MOTD File is missing
            ErrNoAdminInfo      = 423,                  // <server> :No administrative info available
            ErrFileError        = 424,
            ErrNoNicknameGiven  = 431,                  // :No nickname given
            ErrErroneusNickname = 432,                  // <nickname> :Erroneus Nickname
            ErrNickNameInUse    = 433,                  // <nickname> :Nickname is already in use.
            ErrNickCollision    = 436,                  // <nickname> :Nickname collision KILL
            ErrUnAvailResource  = 437,                  // <channel> :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
            ErrNickTooFast      = 438,                  // <nick> :Nick change too fast. Please wait <sec> seconds.                         (most)
            ErrTargetTooFast    = 439,                  // <target> :Target change too fast. Please wait <sec> seconds.                     DALNET/UNDERNET
            ErrUserNotInChannel = 441,                  // <nickname> <channel> :They aren't on that channel
            ErrNotOnChannel     = 442,                  // <channel> :You're not on that channel
            ErrUserOnChannel    = 443,                  // <nickname> <channel> :is already on channel
            ErrNoLogin          = 444,
            ErrSummonDisabled   = 445,                  // :SUMMON has been disabled
            ErrUsersDisabled    = 446,                  // :USERS has been disabled
            ErrNotRegistered    = 451,                  // <command> :Register first.
            ErrNeedMoreParams   = 461,                  // <command> :Not enough parameters
            ErrAlreadyRegistered= 462,                  // :You may not reregister
            ErrNoPermForHost    = 463,
            ErrPasswdMistmatch  = 464,
            ErrYoureBannedCreep = 465,
            ErrYouWillBeBanned  = 466,
            ErrKeySet           = 467,                  // <channel> :Channel key already set
            ErrServerCanChange  = 468,                  // <channel> :Only servers can change that mode                                     DALNET
            ErrChannelIsFull    = 471,                  // <channel> :Cannot join channel (+l)
            ErrUnknownMode      = 472,                  // <char> :is unknown mode char to me
            ErrInviteOnlyChan   = 473,                  // <channel> :Cannot join channel (+i)
            ErrBannedFromChan   = 474,                  // <channel> :Cannot join channel (+b)
            ErrBadChannelKey    = 475,                  // <channel> :Cannot join channel (+k)
            ErrBadChanMask      = 476,
            ErrNickNotRegistered= 477,                  // <channel> :You need a registered nick to join that channel.                      DALNET
            ErrBanListFull      = 478,                  // <channel> <ban> :Channel ban/ignore list is full
            ErrNoPrivileges     = 481,                  // :Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator
            ErrChanOPrivsNeeded = 482,                  // <channel> :You're not channel operator
            ErrCantKillServer   = 483,                  // :You cant kill a server!
            ErrRestricted       = 484,                  // <nick> <channel> :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service                      UNDERNET
            ErrUniqOPrivsNeeded = 485,                  // <channel> :Cannot join channel (reason)
            ErrNoOperHost       = 491,                  // :No O-lines for your host
            ErrUModeUnknownFlag = 501,                  // :Unknown MODE flag
            ErrUsersDontMatch   = 502,                  // :Cant change mode for other users
            ErrSilenceListFull  = 511                   // <mask> :Your silence list is full                                                UNDERNET/DALNET
        };  // eo enum Reply

    关于c# - 试图编写一个IRC客户端,但努力寻找有关代码和连接协议(protocol)的良好资源,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8490084/

    10-13 02:23