
StoreNo Date    ProductBarCode  ProductQty
    61  2016-02-28  2017961746012   100
    61  2016-02-29  2017961746012   100
    61  2016-03-01  2017961746012   100
    61  2016-03-02  2017961746012   100
    61  2016-03-03  2017960624045   100
    61  2016-03-04  2017961746012   100
    75  2016-03-04  2017960624045   90
    61  2016-03-05  2017961746012   100


    StoreNo     Date         ProductBarCode     SaleQty
        61     2016-02-29    2017961746012          8
        75     2016-03-04    2017960624045          0
        61     2016-03-01    2017961746012          2
        61     2016-03-04    2017961746012         -5


StoreNo  Date      ProductBarCode   ProductQty
    61  2016-02-28  2017961746012   100
    61  2016-02-29  2017961746012   92
    61  2016-03-01  2017961746012   90
    61  2016-03-02  2017961746012   90
    61  2016-03-03  2017960624045   100
    61  2016-03-04  2017961746012   95
    75  2016-03-04  2017960624045   90
    61  2016-03-05  2017961746012   93

我想通过计算带时间戳的(INVENTORY + ALL ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS COMING IN) - ALL SOLD PRODUCTS来确定实际数字。库存是每月一次。所以我加入了日历表并显示日期和值。
如果我是subtract from i.qty - s.qty,如果我再次检查第二天的库存,它将仅在当天的销售中减去。


select  i.storeno,i.datee,i.productbarcode,
isnull(i.productqty-(select sum(saleqty) as runningsum from #salestable t where t.date<=i.datee and t.storeno=i.storeno),i.productqty) as tproductqty
  from #inventory i
left join
 #salestable s
 on s.storeno=i.storeno
 and s.productbarcode=i.productbarcode
 and s.date=i.datee


storeno  datee     productbarcode   productqty
61      2016-02-28  2017961746012   100
61      2016-02-29  2017961746012   92
61      2016-03-01  2017961746012   90
61      2016-03-02  2017961746012   90
61      2016-03-03  2017960624045   90
61      2016-03-04  2017961746012   95
75      2016-03-04  2017960624045   90
61      2016-03-05  2017961746012   95

关于mysql - 如何使用带时间戳的MySQL减去库存和销售,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38992328/

10-13 00:49